Page 5 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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GOt VS: SOCCER SEASON W. M. C. OPENS SATURDAY W M, C. VS. F. & M. SCHUYLKILL OCT. 8 Vol. 5, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND CO.LLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Oct. 5, 1927 Prof. Shroyer Speaks Y. W. C. A. GIVES ONE ACT PLAY COLLEGE CALENDAR PROF. RANCK ADDRESSES TlIE Terrors Lose Battle By --+- C. A. Y. M. at Chapel on "Werk" C. On WedncsdllY night at the Y. W. OCT. 5 TO OaT. E~ Prof. James B. Runck gave a flue Close Margin ToW. & J. meeting, the whom A. delegates Wcstern Mnrj-Innd ecnt to Eagles ).[em OC'l'OBER 5th, ",-EDNESDA¥- tulk to the Y. M. C. A. last Wcdnea- Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. at STUDENTS CAN SERVE last .Juue presented a summa.ry of the 6:30 P. M. day evening, September 28. The sub .CAPTAIN NEAL IN LIMELIGHT convention ill the form of a one act ject of his talk waa "Faith". play. The se.tting was the comfortable OCTOBER 6th, THURSDAY- The professor opened his remarks by l'h~ Western Marsland eleven lost Prcreeeor Bboyer spoke on the theme suite of rccme in the Forest Inn, cc. First meetiug Of Beiencc Club at stating U,nt this is an age of doubt in its opening game of tile season to "Labor" at the Bak('r Chapel service, r-upled by the Misses Kyle, Gilligan, 7:30 P. M" ProfeSBor Benningbof which it is "cry difficnlt to have Wa shiugtou and Jefferson at Washing- Sunday evening, October 2. lInmme, Ra.nek, nud Ely. The time will apeak. strong filith. It i~ especially hard to n ton, Pa., last Saturday, 15 to 6. The "Man has always Lad to work," said was the last night of tIle eouventjon. OCTOBER an., SATURDAY- have an abounding faith in God, be- Imlf elided with the score 6 to 0 ill the apenker. 'tlThe first man was placed The piny opened with a scent' showing Western Maryland vceeua Behuyl- cause from the very nature of the case fa,,·or of the Presidents, but the T'cr- in the Garden of Eden 'to dress it and lour vcrv tired girls in the li"ing room, kill nt Reading, Pa., 2:30 P. M. we cnu not prove that, Goil nxiats. But rors tied the score at tho beginning of to k(>ep iL' Work has uceu, not a one of them generously passing around Freshmen football game--Guil even though we may uot be nble to the third period and held the W. & J. curse, but a blessing. It, relieves the candy, which nlwnys seemed to I)e in ford Club ve. Western l'.faryland demonstrate I,hnt there is a God in eleven until the last quarter when tile monotony of existence." great demand. Settling theuieelvea on Hoffa Field at 2:30 P. M. scientific terms, we need but to henrk. Red and Blaok aggregntion scored Professor t:ihroycr then went on to eumfcrfnbly, they waited for the re- SOll.curgame-Western Maryland I'll to the heart within to know that their second touchdown and kicked 11 spea.kof those who (10 the mannel work t.urn of the fifth member of their par- VS. Prauklin nud Marshall at Lan- He il, and that it is our duty to serve field goal. of the world, "the hewers efWood and t~·, wIlD Boonlimped i,n, rat\Jer footsore efl~ter, Pa. Him. In conclusion the profcs~or urged "\Vasl,-Jeff scored their first toueh· drawers of wtlter." These do tbe dis· from a flfteen mile hike. In the gen- OCTOBER 10th, MONDA\'- the lllcn to ~trnggle and endc1l.\"ornutil down during the first fivo minute~ of agreeaMe t;.:sks and others enjoy the eral hubbnb of cOlll'ersation "'hiel, fol Women's LitertLry Soeieties at they worked themseh'cs throng]1 to an play. Maehamer kieked off to Cook results of their labor. College st.u· lowed, the listencrs diseo\"ere(l that 6:45 P. ~r. inspiring faith in God a11(1in their fel· wIlD run back t.he kick t(l the ,~. & J. dents, in orlrr to justify their exemp· thoy hnd had a delightful week wllieh :\[eu'8 Litrr~lr~' Societies at ;:15 lowmen. 33-yard line. After two unauccessfnl tion from work, must show in included boat rides, swimming, hiking, P. ilL J. Paul Lambertson, President of the att{'mpts to make ground throngl. the what way tl",y can be of service to tennis, and Illost valuable of ail,-a OCTOBER 11th, TUESDAY- ''Y'', spoke briefly eonee:ming the plans Green nnd Gold lintl, Amos threw a the world. }'or the aecolllplishment varied program of leetnres by promi· Social Clubs 7:30 P. M. of thc cabinet for the yenr. In ad· lQng forw3r(1 pnss to Robinson who was of tllis, col!t'ge helps pro~'ida "scU·dis· nent "Y" workers. Some of the most dition to ontside speakers, Here will downed on the Terror's 15-yard line. covery, the !itudr of cooperation, aud interesting of thesc were Dr. Koo, in 1)e fre(]nentdiaeussiousn.ttheW('(lnes· ""mos then broke through the Teft side business man; amI Dr. Thurman, a neg- Ninth Year For R.O. T. C. the finding of tools with whiell te hOJlp Chincse dress; 1fr. Chaffee, a typienl day cvening mcetings. It was also of the linc .for I::l yards, and on the make the world better." suggested that the 'ry" might cooper· next pIa:!, earried the hall over for ~ ro minister. These speakers, aud oth· Unit at Western Maryland .a.te with the Y. W. and administration toehdown . ers, gave the delegates a broader 1'011 to secure J. Stitt ,\Vilson, nationnlly Prom that time up UlltiJ thc last eeption of Christianily. ","hat I Can known leet,urer to studcnts, for several (In~rt('r there was a hattle royal with SUNDAY SCHOOL ORGANIZED REED IS MAJOR Belienl alld Wh~'," "Creali,'e Living," days lU November. the Presidents having slightly the b~t· "Pamily Rl'lations," aud a number of tcr of thc argument. At timcs the Ter The SundQ~' S~l.ool is now fully or The R. 0, T. C. wns rcotganizlJd cor defonse was impregnable. Van ganized and tha w'ork for the year has other topics were stimulating to in· .Monday, October J, ,.,ith ThomRs W. FROSH ON GRIDIRON SATURDAY .Buren broke throngh repeatedly to dh'idnal thinking. begun with finB spirit. The. classes of Everybody ngreed the randle Reed nR major and ·~onllllander of the lm!ak np fake line-bucks, and Clark i.lwt last ~'ellr have i)ef.'l1 rcorganizcd Qud light service "'as the most impressive battalion, Hubert K. Johnson 11Scap· The Western M3ryland Freshman and \~-eill~toek repeatedly frustrated two nCII"ones have been added. The lain and adjutant of the battalion, Ar football team will open Hs schedule WaslhTeff's attempts to gain through teaching faculty I,as also been pllrt ef the whole eOll\'elltion. At that thur B. Cecil all I'.Ilpt.:lilland conunan· Saturday, October B, 011 lloffa Field. {hei.:rterritory. strengtheneq, and quile n. large nUnI' timc rcpresenlntivea from almost eY' der of Comp11nyA •• lames Lusby as The attraction will be "Bill" Feige, ber ~~ !!!!.!l~~$ we!!..o1.II,0.ld stutlcnts ery lJa,·t of the ",,,rld ,,'I're tlrnwn to· ca:p.taill Dod pc\",:",nfli"~ of -COl1l:gau,_-.: "1':"2'~ l\.JH1 n stii:r"'Clllbn I!f th~ 1925 At the Neal Tios"scora the gdherin beginnilig of it "'h,iltN.!I!,r{J t!,at",\"'lflfl'l ha,'c l'I,rollcd. Thc enrollment, how· Hng climax to the progrmn. Itt· B, and J. Paul Lambertson aB 1st. W. JJ. C. football teHm, and hifl Guil· half W. M. kicked off to W. &. J. 000101111 au (n'er, sllDuld be mueh larger, Iwd it play eloscd with expr{'B9iollSof Lienten~ut and leader of the band. ford Athletic Clnb h'am of Baltimore, the first attempted I1lay Kirkman fum· is hoped that still more students will The The R. O. T, C. wa~ organized in "Bill" brought a team ngainst the ·!)iI·d and Wcinstock reeoverlJd the ball. enter the Sunday Sehool this year. regret from the' members ef thc east ]919 when lha War Department auth· Freahmnn t.enm last ~'ea.r nn(] wn~ Neal broke threugh the left Bide of that this was the end instead of the The clusscs have been 80 arrnnged of the eou\"ersation. ori.~ed the establislllneut at this col· beaten 13-0. W. & J.'s line and run 26 ynrds for thRt ones are for freshmeu, lege of a senior unit of the Reserve T\\·ent.y·eight meu IUI\'e heen work· !l touchdown. The Tcrror~ failed to others for sophomores, etc. Dr. Will's Offieers' Training Corps. Captain Har· ing hard for the de",'n plll<'<;9(In th~ lllilke n placement ki~k, and the seore cluss, whieh is IJrimllrily for the Sen- FRESHMEN STUNT NIGHT old D. \\'ool!oy is now eommandant of t flfI Hl Il ~uI f (l r eal' h posit ion .1 I,nttl e has stood even at 6 to 6. iors, will take up the discussion of been staged. When the team tretsollt The terrifio heQt and the fresh reo On rho seeoud freshmen stunt night, present day prohlems, and Professor held last Snturda~' evening, the fresl. 'l'he six weeks of training thia Bum· Oil the field Sabmla.l- aftornoon, the S(lrl-CSthat Kerr kept. rnshing into the Shroyer'a class will study "The Proph men gave the sophs an entertainment. mer a.t Camp Meade, aId., brought to ~tud~nts will be treated to n. good game were having their fAtal effects ets in the Light of Toda~·." 'Mrs. The fiut feature lI'as n representation Western Maryland's unit more hOllora. brnnd of football. llpon the lighter, inexperieneed Terror Stoyer, who has the class for fresh of FreshllHIIl Week at 11. C. and 'rhey were rated thc best company iu Coneh "Barncy" Spier has 3Jl!louneed linemen, who, during the last period, lUen girls, will teaeh the parnbles of 'IV. t,amp. the following probable lineup for Sat· e01llmeneed 1.0 falter. The Presidents Christ, while the International Les· the nrrival of the ::;oph(llnores. ']'he "Tom" Reed, James Lusby and "Char Ilnlny's contest. slarted bnttoring t.he wcnry line for eostnmes for this act were very orig· sons will be nsed in three classcs inal. Then a number of girls taking lie" 8ummers gained tlw right to be L. E.-Butcs "Otlstallt gains, and everyone knew taught by MisB Robinson, Mrs. Sun· the parts of a freshman, a ~opholllore, three of the twelve representatives of L.1'.-Wilker that their seeond touehdown was in, der~, Ilnd 1[r. Bcnninghof. Tho two the Third Corps Area rifle team in L. G.-Groswith evitallle. year teacbers' training course hilS been a tired stud(!nt, a small ehild, a tend.· the national matches at Camp Perry, C.-Gil'ier Onl:v those c.losely auociated with extended to three yellra, Ilnd these er, a prima donna, alld two lo\"ers, reo IIcar Toledo, Ohio. n. G.-Tillm:"lll or Kohnut the team were aware of TerroT tited "Mary lIa(l a Little Lamb" ill a three classes will be taught by Mrs. mallner suited to ('aell eharaeter. Thc A snmmary of the apI>ointments is R. T.-Griffiths mentor's hopeless position. \\'itll prao· Stephens, Mr. Junkins, rmd Dr. St(1)11' us follows: R.. E.-Fox tilJnlly every first string resen'e in the ens, rcspectively. final nnmber eousiste(l of miscellaneous To be )Jajor, e(Jlllmandblg bat· Q.-Lawreucll line-up there wns no hope of st.opping dauces and acrobatic stunts. talion-Thomas W. Reed. II. B.-Ekaitis W. &. J.'s rall~' from that source. The To be Captaius-Hubert K. John· IT. B.-Klop freak weather llad spent the enduro SHAKESPEARE CLUB ELECTS OF· BROWNINGS GIVE VARIED PRO son, Battalion Adjutantj Egbert L. F. B.-Koahillskl llnee of the gold-jersied eleven, aud, FICERS GRAM Quinn, Jr., Battalion Plans and Trlliu' !'Hoe ~tarted. there waS no stopping the ing Omcer; L\rthur B. Cel'il, Commaud· powerful W. &. J. baeks. Browning Literary Society ]lTCsenterl ing Co. Aj James Lu~by, COlllmanding GIRLS' VARSITY BASKETBALL The Preside.llts scored three. more 'l'he Sho.kespcare Clnb held a shorl a varied program at its meeting Mon· Co. B. TEAM HAS REUNION points at the closing minutes of tbe bnsiness llleeting' uud eleclion on Wed· day evening, Oeto\Jer 3. Charlotte To be First Lieutenants-Francis E. game when an intercepted pass put nesday, Scptember ~8. Tl.o officers Wheeler and Betty Davis began the :lI[eredith, 2nd in Commaud Co. Aj AI- Tt was a wonderful reunion for the them in a position to try for a field listed below will SHve until February program with a minstrel song and vinT.Albrig1!t, 2ndinCommalld Co. B. girls of the "1Irsit." baskt'tball team goal. Amos kicked a. placement kick 1928. dance act. A short sketch of the life To be Seeond Lieutenants-Charles wheu 1hor went 011 a hil\e gil'eu fer from the 30·yard line that went President-Dorothy L. Gilligan. of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, for A. SUlllUlers,Commanding 1st Platoou them by Mis~ lIJillard on ).:tondny af· ~tr:tight bet"'{'cn the uprighh. September ternoon, 26. The l'i.kers Vice-President-Elizabeth n. Davis. WhOUlBrowning Soeiety is named, Qnd Co. .!.; Johil A. :Mears, Commandi"g left al fQIlr:..&ehfek for Sunrise Hill, (Continued on P3gC 2-Column 5) 2nd Platoon Co. Ai Cha;]es L. Good· Borne~elell.tionsfrom her "Bonnels from Secretary aud Treasurer-Margare~ hand, COllllllsuding 1st Platoou CO. TI; ldlerl' a fire wng I)uilt and the u51ml :Martignoni. the Portuguese" were then read by Jol,n .N. Ports, Commandiug 2nd PIa· "~ah" were ('njo~'ed. Helen Smith. Ellen Garcelon played WEBSTER PLANS YEAR Executh'e Committee: Wilson K a delightful piano solo. "The Secret toon Co. B. Although the. team miases the sel'en Barncs, Caspar V. Hart, Lcola V. Kolb, of Hearts," a d.ialogue of two girls OL lHcmben who wert· gradnated lagl y('ar. The wcckly meeting of the Webster Elsie M. Held. olden times, was given by :Marga.ret NOTICE it still possesses one of thOJ greatest JJiter3ry Sodety wns hcld )lenda)" cven- :MisB Mil· A library committee was appointed Wilson and Betty Brengle, after whieh t'ssentials-a good coaeh. the girls and ing, October 3, in Webster Hall. The with lard, in working to reeommend books and magazines for Aliee Benn~tt explained the aad fate Slierifiring for them, lms repeatedly lUuml program was dispensed with and tioe club to purchase, with ... view to of "Little A.liee." If ~·ouwant the CoLu BUG thi~ made it possible for Western Mary· the. entire time was devoted to business. establishing a Shakespeare library. Dr. ,",fter the "cats" a number of new Jear, kindly sen(l in your $ubserip· President Johnson aanounero that the Wills urged that members of the dnb girls wero initiated into Browning. tioa imllledi~tel)' in ordcr to reeeive l~nd Collcge to hayc a good girls I)as' fnture programs wonld be arranged to subscribe to the fnnd for rebuilding tbe next~)":_lInil subseri}ltion to kctball team. help tile Sofiety prepare for tbe coming praetice wi.ll begin in a fell" Vnsity the ShakeslJeara Memorinl Theater in L'ircul11tionManager, TITIlGOLDBUG wecks. Tho girls arc dctermined to allllnal Inter·Soeif.'ty Debate, one de- England. Emblazoned scrolls have ALOHA FOR 1928 UNDER WAY Westcru )Jaryland College do their best, and are looking .forward bate being !!Iehednledfor eacb week, been distributed in America for the If all earl~' start augurs well, the Westmiuster,1Iaryland. to this season with great antieipa, starting with n~xt MondaI. :Mr. Lam signatures of sub;!cribers. These scrolls Alohn for HJ28 ~houlll be in a healthy !lOW \)ertson gave all interesting snd e).:plidt will be placed as a permanent reeor(l embryonie eondition. For the first Name tion. talk on Debatiug. The program com- mittee plnns tbnt each member will be in the Shakespea,.e Library, Stratford· time ill years, picturl's were tuken of TRANSPORTATION TO READING on sevcral debates throughout the se· on-A,'on. the Junior, Sophomore, and Fr(!shman Street. mester. Sc.,'eral ncw members were ao· At the nest meeting comedies will clnncs at tIle first part of tl.e eolllJge A rra.ngemCllts are being made for cepted by the Society at this meeting. be studied, with special emphasis on year rather thau during the last per City tile transportation of students t.o the With old und new members nnder the ":Midsummer Night's Dream," New iod of the ~·ear. Pieiures of the dli football gallle betweeu Western Mary· efficient IOJulership of its offieetl! students are eordially invited to atl ferent organizations will be made Stare land ~nd Schuylkill at Reading, Pa. Webster promises to prove the worth of tend. Please see "Bill" Pelton. the 1U0ttO"Ego adhuc yj\,o."
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