Page 84 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Four The Gold Bug, W.tem MaryIa.nd College, W.tniimter, Md, Class, Club, and Society Doings MARCH WINDS Alumni When Marcil ecmee in like a lamb they say: SHAKESPEARE BULLETIN BOARD Y. W. C. A. The lion at once gete cross, EDITED BY HELEN WHEELER AND MARGARET MAR'rIGNONI .A..nd to show that he has not abandoned IN LIBRARY rue Y. W. C. A. held intereafing dis- his sway Any newa items concerning W, M. :M,·s. T. H. Lewis, '71, is now visiting cussions at their meting on l(1st Wed· Begins to mutter and toss. Tho Shakespeare Clnb has eatabllalred Alwnni will be gra.tefUlly received. her dunghter in Orlando, Fla. a bulletin board in the library on 1I'1oillh nesday night. The groups were eon' Then over the hills eomea tho rollieking wi ll be posted eltppings aut! programs ductcd by Margaret Kylo and Mary w-ind, Mr. Nantes, formerly a prep student Mr. Ray L. 'I'homae, of the class of Catuenue of interest to memuers of the elub and \V(l.rfield. A.t tho close of the The pathway befuee it sweeps clean, at W. M. 0., visited here on the 19t1l l!lOO, has ben condueting e, series of all admirers of Shakespeare. At pres' time allotted- for dieeuaaion, reports Aud when the girls struggle to reach just to see hia old friends. He is eon- tours to Europc and through the United were made by both ef the groups. cut there is Oil the board a group of It a class neetcd the Oil Co. in New States. His hOUlCis in Rock.hifl, Sontil pictures of jewels and «cceeeo-ies worn is hoped that more interest ill the or- Reveals things not meant to be seen. York. Carolina. these by will be aroused ganiaatiou by fUl110uaShakespcarean ectcre. In meetings. _~ _ the neur future some (lIt! and e-ery \"1)..1- WORDS OF WISE MEN uable programs will be posted. The purpose of the rceognized this institution would you DELTA PI ALPHA Collego is to make you free," Dr. Alex- venture upon a companionate marriage Individuals indeed may deceive and told his proteges DELTA SIGMA KAPPA Professor Benllingltof "'IIS tho speak be deeclvcdj but 1\0 one has ever de- ander Meiklejohn the work of the in yourself!" outlining further cr at the last Delta Pi Alpha meeting. eeived an m(m, nor have all men ever Ilnl- More than half of the vOtCTSvetoed Delta Sigma. Kappa entartatued lit a as his text, Matthew 5:13, lie deceived anyone. -c-Pllny the Youngor. versity of Wise()U9in'~ experimental the idea, but on the second question Plonuing 'l'hcntcr party onl'hursday af· drew son'" "Ol"Y interesting an ....logics Our ancestors are very good kind of school. With the. skeleton outfine of nbnu t the same number answered in t crnocn, March 15. The guests were ee aud made pruet.lcal oPlllieatiolis of this folks; are the last people Greek civifization completed, the gaps Ihe affirmative. Rndc'liffu students but corted up the gang-plank nlld into tIle te/lching of Christ. l!'ollowillg his ad· should choose have a ae 1 are now being filled in. At presellt tlle \\"€re more consisteut. Fully eigllty per fry" room, whieh was dceol"ll.ted witll dress, the Illeeti~lg was thrown open to (jilltintallce with. -Sheridan. eaollomic standpoint is boing investi· Nmt \·ot.od agnillst eompauionate mur· bill·boards and posters to represent a a ge'l\'tlll disauasioll. The Professor gated. To prevent speeifie knowJedge riage, :ll1d eighty·five per aaut against t)Tpieal "showboat." "The Great Out· aided materially ill clearing up some Life is 11. jest, and all thi.ngl;lShow it_ from overbalaneillg tho surve.y, varions giving the plan a trial. ,loors," !l. tilri!lhlg melodrama, wa~ pre' points of dou!J~ held by various mem· I thought 80 onoe, but no\\' I know it. jloiutsofviawwillboconsidel"ea. When -The Now Student. sented in characteristie "showuoat" bers. --Gay. t.hllout1ineis stndentsprob· fashion. During allt! nfter the per· flbly will be free spend their time fQrm:lllCe, tiLe crew sold "ari01ls kinds To di$rl!gard whnt the world thinks atudyi.llgBueh of Greek aiviliza- After il1viting suah eelobritiosos of "eats" to the a\ldiell~e. '!'HE FRENCH CLUB of U8 is not ouly arrogant but utterly tion a8 intcre6ts particularly. '1'11;B Bhameless. -Oieoro. part of tl.l' program is expected to lleywood Broun and George Jean Nath· '1'ho Ftcl1ch Olu\.l met ill M~Danicl !'.omplete the first experimcntll.l year. an to sprak their minds OIl the colleges, IJal! plLrlor Wel\ne~{lay evening, l\Iara\i Thll.t only is a disgraee to a lIIau W. W. OLUB The DaUy News of New York Uu..iver- the til nty-first, at SeVell o'clock. After whieh ho lias deserved to suffer. -The New Student. sity turns on its glle~ts alHl is forced to The IV. W. Club entertailled at II. St. the usual business meeting, tho chair· -Phaedrus. tIl\' conelusion tlJat they spoke "hal!:- Patricl<'s Day lltnty Saturd, ..y man f01" 'the evening presented the $nb· It havo been the seientine Bpi,. bnked lliatribes." Marcil tile SO\'eutcentil, in the jed for the four i..mprOlllplu sl)eeehes. ALL FOR HOOVER it prompted Han'atd students to The h.ost will not eoneede that "col- room. There was a big Irish policeman ]'hese llllks were followed by a Yiolin ,"ote deeisively agaiust the dosirability lege to di.rect t1le gu('st.a to tllQ proper placc. Bolo by Dorothy Gilligan. Dr. F. Bon Herbert 11oo\'er ~ontiJlucs as the of aompanionate marriage, "nd t.hen to or that "it's al! .l!.lINSTER 52 able Ilpcakcrs and we should obhiu "itNI 10 scnd de[egll.!es \0 the 1lI0
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