Page 3 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three iSPORTS\ Terrors To Meet W. and J. i SPORTS \ Terrors to Open Season with Strong W. M. C. Boolers List Of Freshmen Students Washington and Jefferson Eleven 10 Meel F. & M. Stoffle, A. B. Wcrntz,L. W. Suttle, A. B. Wheeler, D. E. Western Marrlnnd opens its gridiron Western )1IHyland's sceccr Ienru will Allnutt, M. D. Hunt, E. III. T()dd, D. E. R. Whltmore,L. V. season Saturday when the Terrors meet FOOTBALL SOHEDULE open their founh IJIlIIson Baturdnv, Oc- Babylon, E. C. Jones, F. S. Tnll, C. E. Winder, E. B. tha strong ·Washington and Jefferson tober 8, bj- playiHg Franklin and Mar- Bankard, R. I. Kolg, M. eleven at ·Washington, Pa. Terror Schedule shall at Lancaster. Barnhart, M. S. Kelbaugh, R.. A. Men Birely, E. J. Krech, C. C. This is the first time that Western Eight more from last year te team will October 1 Marj-lnnd nas ever met the Presidents form a nucleus of the teaui this year. Blauvelt, M. Leidy, K. Attwood, F. R. Houck, L. H. Washinglon and Jefferson at a. w. C. M. en the gridiron, and thll team that the Washington, 1'a. These rnen are: Beauchamp, Funk, Hol Brittingham, P. H. Leister, E. B. Bankert, Knox, W. 'I'err ors play this Saturdny will uu- land, Willis, Tom Rec.d, Hart, Smith, Bundick, V. A. Lockard, N. S. Bare, S. L. KohoUI, doubtedly be tha stroageat one that they October 8 and Howard. Of ureae, four are on the Cain, B. Y. Lutz, St. E. Bates, P. Lawrenee, H. L. have encountered in the history of foot- Schuylkill at Reading line, one at half-back, two at full back Dallahan, A. H. Lynch, S. C. Benson, W. B. Lindenburg, A. S. ball. October 15 and one at goal. Chenoweth, M. A. Mullineaux, A. A. Bonner, H. E. Longridge, K. C. Coach Harlow-a outlook this year is Dickinson .. at Carlisle. Practiee began last Wednesday but Clough, A. E. Myer.!!, H. R. Boring, W. G. Lyons, K. W. anything but a bright one. The in this week the squad will begin regular Cockburn, C, W. Myers, Mary Elinor Boroski, W. MacLca, T. R. atalfnticn of the nne-year rule prevent October 22 work-outs. All men who play sceeer Cclfison, E. O. Mnrphy, M. B. Brown, E. E. Mann, J. R. ing the uae of several prolllising fresh- Albright. .. ... at Home are urged to come out. nud try for peel- Cutler, J. Nook, E . Marmer, R. D. Mill.!!, J. S. men, in eonjunct ien with the exception- .)ctober29 tions. Seven gllmes have been 9Ilhedul Douglas, M. 1. Ott, E. V. Callahan, B. H. ally small number of eligible candidates Awn)' ed, three of which will be played at Downing, 1L C. Patterson, M. P. Crosby, D. S. Ncubert, W.F. who reported for the varsit.y hall pre· Gett.ysburg home. Eckard, H. F. Perrie, A. S. Day, J. W. Newcomer, .T. C. aeuted an unexpected handicap for thc November 5 Two new opponents, Lafayette nnd Fogle, M. J. Pickett, E. M. Day, J. K. Pennewell, N. A. E. J. ecaching liftaff to overcome. LoY(JIII . at Baltimore Uni\'usit,v of Delawnr e, will be mct at Frings, A. D. Raum, M. A. Edwards, G. R. T . Rebert, R. aev. Gallion, Reid, V. A. M. M. Ekaitis, Reed, November 11 home and away. Hamilton, J. E. Reid, T. E. Evans, J. Reiekeubecker, 'V. Thcre are seven men missing frollllast H. B. Fort Benning. . ... at Baltimore 'l'he aoeeer acheduler-e- Hamm, M. C. Reifsnider, J. B. ::Plater, Rein, W. C. yenr's I'nrsity squad. These men nre: Harry, H. L. .Reineeke, S. D. Fcx, M. H. Rood, J. O. Ray McRobic, wh(J is now assisting N()vember 12 SaturdaJ Oel(Jb~r 8, l'rauklin and )1ar Hobbs, R. R.iggin, V. E. Gi"ler, H. ~ulli\'an, C. O. Diek Harlow with the line; Frank Sil High Point. . .... at Westminster shall, fit Lancaster. G. H. Hobhy, A. C. R'lop, R. A. Gom~ak, P. U!ringcr, lin, Milton Hannold, Henry Janowski, November 24 \Veil. October 19, U. S. Academy lloffman, M. E. Routson, U. A. Griffith, E. Wellinger, K. E Herbert Elliott, David Johns nnd Er· )[ullenburg .. at Allentown at Annapolis. Hogan, R. C. ShriI'Cr,).I. E. GroslI'ith, 'V. J. Wilker,W. ne$ Landino. With the loss of },Ie Holland, A. F. Smith, V. I. Gue, I. Willis,W. N. Robie through ineligibility, and Roaeh Sat. P,. Odober 20, Lafayette, at Eastnn, Horner, H. A. Stanley, L. A Hilines, E. H. 'VoollI'Y, D. through injuries sustai.ned Iluring serim· mage; and with only three men a"ail- Freshman Sobedule Fri. NOI'ember 11, Lafayette, at home. able f(Jr the two guard positions the October 1 Sat. N(J\'(!mber 1[1, Franklin and 1hlr- GrCi!n and Gold mentor is in a dilemma. )_It. S. Joseph's at Baltimore shall at home. (Continued from Column 1) l:laven~, wh() plnyed regularly at een- This lack of reserve line material is ier last year, is eonlesling with LlIlly October 8 There are three men contesting for perhaps the most difficult situation to Sot. December 3, Uni.-. of Delaware, at to see who will be the snopper-baek dur Guilford .. .... at Home tackle position~ :lDd three men for ol'ereome. No enach feels at ease un Newark. ing the ensuing seaaon. gll~rds. On the taeklell, We.instook, less he hmr materilil to replne,e vacancies October 15 Sot. Dcec.mher 10, Uni". of Delnwarc al O'Lear, aud Downer ar," fighting it out, brought about by injuries whkh tern· Maryland Fresh. . .at College Park home. while nt the guard posts Van Buren, Fin8 Fr(lShmalt Jl(lteri-at ]lorarily keep his regnlar men out of the )faeh.1mer, and Weisbeek are the eon Therc are about thirty candidates whe lineuj). October 22 tenders. have repnrted for the freshmsn team, Ph'e men are fighting it out for the Na,,), Plebes .. at Annapolis Thefl~ i~ more spirited eompetition but non~ of tIlese men will be available bueking positi()n~. Thes.e men are Cap· B008T THE TEAM! for the wing positi()ns than nn)' of the this season. :UOst. of ihese men are t, ':-
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