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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: IDq r ~ It1~ 1B u9 :-: Western PEP MEETING has a real nee Everyone four Team was aud invited Thursday to other watch aiternoon. prac- o'clock at College Maryland the the Both students Oftl.eial newspaper of W)eatern Maryland Collage, published on Wednesday during Football Team-a Team that, with the are IQoking forward eagerly to the fir.sot student hody back of it, gives every game of the season on Oetcber 1 with the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, We8tminater, promise of winning new laurels for the Maryland. Entered as aeeond-elaee matter at the Westminster Postnffice. Washington and Jefferson College at Green and Gold. Sueh walt the opinion Washington, Pa. Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. "RAT RULES" expressed by Coach Harlow in hill talk a.t the "pep" meeting in Smith Hall MANAGING STAFF The traditions of Western Maryland last night. FRESHMEN RULES meetiug Editor·in·Chief ... .. J. Paul Lambertson, '28 College have 31IVa~'s called for hazing, the This year, was and the if ftrst one "pep" judge from of The fallowing rules shall be observed should 'Ma.naging Editor .. . Hubert K. Jchneon, '28 "rat rules" and the like. I am for the euthusiasm shown, the good old by all Freshmen who have not spent a rules?". Asst. Ma.naging Editor. . ... W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 hnziug and the I am shingle" for "rat is as mueh 8. rwestern Maryland spirit is still on the veer at another college. "Fanning 1. Business Manager ... .. Earl B. Lippy, '29 part. of the "hill" as is Baker Chapel. :~:~; as;;i::~er a~~gr~r:a:r:\:~: npperlips Freshmen shall not shave their . Advertising Manager .. . . . . . Marvin B. Sterling, '30 But there are limits which should not acted as cheer leaders, with Miss Doro· 2. Freshmen shall carry matches for Circulation Manager .. . .. W. Edwin Warfield, '29 be exceeded. Hazing earried too far thy Bebcrts as pianist. The enthusiasm the eouveuience of upper etaasmeu . Asst. Circulation Managers. . .{ROYL. Robertson, '29 undoes its purpose and heeomes more Qf everyone reached its ZI'!utll iu the 3. F'itshruoa shall not converse, nor rr, V. Scott, '30 horseplay. Those rules whieh are tradi- burst of applause and cheers that greet- hal'e "dates" with women of the up· the of Art Editor . ... "Pete" Gomsak, '30 tions should be preserved, but those put ed appearance entrance of Coach the Harlow Team and the the per 4. ensscs. sJal1 eomb their hair Frcshmrn on Sports Editor . .... Clarence H. Bennett, '28 on ished . from selfish motives should be abel- platform. straight back frolJl the forehead without Associa.te Sports Editor ... .Maury H. Mcjdains, '29 At the beginning of his talk the Coach parting it. There is a rule on the list that stnteB :>. Freshmen shall go down town for a high REPORTORIAL STAFF that no freshman shan have dates. It paid Freshm3n tribute to when the Sophomore com u]lprrdn~Snlen every night at 9.15 ne- he elasses, and News Editors is uot a traditlou, as it was first made mended their willingness to II'Grk "nd cording to- posted sebedule. Dorothy L. Gilligan, '28 W. K. Barnes, '28 last yCRr. It was tried as an expert- eo-ope-ere in every possible way to help G. Day students of the Preshmeu ment and it failed. It should be. re- the Team. Be satd, however, that more eluss shall carr)' their books in burlap Associate Editors bags HUll shall wear green ribbons nt field, needed with Ruth French, '28 Alvin Albright, '28 \'okCil. Ins! It was to put keep on them the freshmeu eeruer- eo men were excellent on spirit the shown meu by those teastonefGot from tho bubtona cf the same year from eds Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 Oscar L. Morris, '29 their "t rnt who the Elizabeth IT. Davis, '28 "Jap" Weisbeek, 30 ing and all W!iS the put available the men on bC(lause campus till already out, He men mentioned would the scorn fact 10 be i. }'resilluen shnll copy the ahove that quitteu. on men of REPORTERS same aelfish motives. more cheer leaders were needed, too, :1.ud rules the and wall post of the their copy rooms. conspicuously upon M. Gertrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C. Wood"ward, '28 1 say "Prc~erve llazing twd "rat urged those who eould not partieipute It is to be understood that the ahove Dorothy Mellott, '28 Curvin III. Seitz, '29 ruleg" but ll't the :freshmen have (lates. iu the game to use their energy in that Katherine F. JohnstoIl, '28 Roy C. Chambers, '29 It will do them as mueh good as thc direetion. . rules HS well as those posted in the Elsie M. Held, '28 George E. Salter, '29 .<\.rnong other things, Coach Rsrlow co\l('ge htlndbook are now in effect. Margaret 1\iartignoni, '29 Preston W. Grant, '30 regular curriculum. I:f they beat your reminded the studeut body of the po Violation of them will he punished. Ig- Mary A. Walzl, '29 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 limc, why :\(QR-E POWER TO THEM. litenel:fS due I'isiting teams, and the norance of them will excuse no one. Catherine E. Read, '30 W. G. Eaton, '30 At least act the part of a man. Give sportsmanlike attitude to maintain un· By order of Virginia C. Merrill, '30 William H. Brown, '30 them a chnnee." derallciret!Ulst.anees. THE RULES COMMITTEE. WITH THE OTHER COLLEGES SCHOLASTIC BIG THREE UNIVERSITIES WON'T FLOAT MUTUAL ADMIRATION Han'urd, reconciled to ita faded lllsuflldeut enrollment has resulted in R~lettion af faculty members from football glory, is finding new happi- the cancellntion of the proposed round· a,uong th(laIUlllni,a process knoll'n as It is with gladness that we abserve FRESHMEN ness iu its selection as a member of the·world cruise of thl' co·educational "inbreeding" and generally regarded the hanored Presirlent of (Jtlr C<>llege the new schola~ti(l Big Three. Toronto flonting university, the Aurania. The as edllcationnlly unbealthful, finds a lJuingling among us and onee .again at· Last June you were seniers-the fin and Swarthmore Universities shnre in 214 students who had registered for the supporter in ihl' Bracli:ely·Ack of Roan· tending to his official ta
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