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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. arming proportlcue. The "flapper age" OOhlE rx .A.l,\'1) SEE 'I'HE WONDER RUN TO :-: :-: gave it new impetus. It became the etc- FUL SELECTION OF MITTEN'S gun of the younger generation and was SPRING AND SUMMER OLOTHING for Ofl1eial newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Wednesday dudng gradnaUy adopted by all classes, all Hot Bread, Rolls and Cakes. the acatlemie year by the studentll of Western Maryland College, Westminster, ages, nnd all rnees. The man BtLyS, "I Sam Cohen Specials for Parties. Maryland. Entered as eeccad-elaea matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. don't ea re if I do," and steps around Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. the corner to drown hia ' sorrows. And PHONE 249·R for the woman-she docsn't care for Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr IInythiug us long as she has her way. WHEN UANAGING STAFF '.rhe "I don't eare" habit cuts one The Newest and Best Clothing DOWN Editor-in-Chief. .. J. Paul Lambertson, '28 off entirely from the world. Interests. and Furnishings. TOWN Managing Editor .. .. Hubert K. Johneou, '28 become self-centered, ideas are stifted, Goods lor Young Men. individual, Asst. Managing· Editor. ...... W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 ideals own are mind, degraded. achieves The supremacy. He in 10 Per cent off to College Stuilents STOP A'f his Business Manager ... .. Earl B. Lippy, '29 is sueprjor to the masses,-the cpiruon When ex- Marvin B. Sterling, '30 of the people is of no importunee to PRESIDENT TAFT "Pop" Shipley's Circulation Manager .. ... W. Edwin warfield, '29 him. He prngressess down this easy wanted a good Light Lunches and Soft Drinks . .{ROY L. Robertson, '29 path to a Hill of his own making . PHOTOGRAPH Asst. Circulation Managers. Realizatlcn finally dawns when .it is he sent for H. V. Scott, '30 loolnte. AT THE FORKS Art Editor .. .. "Pete" Gomsak, '30 Sereck S. Wilson REPOR1'ORIAL STAFF Dr. A. J. Morrell "JOHN" News Editors ]ntl'r-(!]:ollrgiatr E vel' ready Dorothy r.. GilLigml, '28 \Y. K. Barnes, '28 NrUlll CHIROPRACTOR V ery courteous attention Errorless Associate Editors 110 E. Main St. Phone 175. Right style Ruth French. '28 Alvin Albright. '28 In memory of David Brooks, Revolu· Hair cutting E\'clyn E. Pusey, '28 OSCIll'L.. Men-is. '29 FOR QUICK SERVICE Also his son Elizabeth ]1. Davis, '28 "Jnp" weisbeck, 30 tionary Wllr soldier, and in the War l';Iieha of Call At Razors honed Brooks, a major-general Tonics REPOR.TERS ISI2, 11, descendant, Mrs. Elcrence The Quality Shoe Shop 11. Gertrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C. 'Woodward, '28 Brooks Ateu, lms given to Yale Univer- The Only Barber and Bobber at Dorotbv Mellott, '28 Curvin 1\I. Seitz, '29 sitl' $2:5,000 "for promotion of Anglo J. D. KATZ the Forks Katherine F. Johnson, '28 Roy C, Chambers, '29 Americun understanding." ~lsie 1\1.Held, '28 George E. Salter. '29 The income of the fund will be used Margaret Martigucni, '29 Preston W. Grant, '30 for Jlurehll~e of books, pamphlets and Babylon & Lippy Company Attention W.M.Students lIlilry A. Wahl, '29 Wilmer V. Bdl, '30 ether material for Yale librnry whieh Catherine E. R-e!lcl.'30 W. G. Eaton. '30 fins a beat-lug upon relations between -c-for those who don't know we Virginia O. l\Tenill, '·30 William H. Brown, '30 Ameriea and Great Britain from 1750 FLORSHEI!\I SHOES are in our new location for to ]S1I1. '.rhese dates were chosen in or· Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, der to give 1) bnckground of the war STETSON HATS Repair and Tailoring Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. forindependcnce:md to inelude the see- ond wur wit.h the mother eountry.' Fiuest Grade of Work. International Made-to-Measure WESTMINSTER TAILOR t___.~HE_D_~W_T-S~AF_:-:P_~AK_:--,1 I ID4r~pot1t!J4t I United The referendum foreign eollege policy vote which the is Suits Call C. & P. Tel. 225 Street Auto Service Main 86 E. on States being fostered by the Western New Englnnil Student Conference wag takcn Westminster Hardware Co. T. W. MATHER & SONS ThoHks to the mony helpful sugges· EDUCATION on J'll:ncll 31 nt Amhfrst eollege in oue tions of our eompetellt predecessors, tlHl What is the real value of a eoJlege ofthcpolitiealscicnceelnsses. Jobbers and Dealers in Westminster's Leading Store publishing of til is "issue of the Gold educatiOll' Do you walk out en the nug was not an arduons t:ls"k. It was some JUlie ilny, before the ad· General Hard-w;:are was for really a plellsure. \Ve are not deluded, miring ond ha\'C your education HERMAN'S ARMY SHOES bitration howev~r, by this inilinJ asped of the handed til you on a sheet of pare1m,cntt disputes. game. The renlizlltion that. we shall not Do ~'ou hnng this porchment in the Heating and Plumbing Systems The Authorized Shoes for the the question ulw(l),s have others upon whom we ean most eonspitllOIlS place 'in the house pro\'ed Ou the poliey disarm~lllent the Coolidge proposal up W.M.C. was depend has already dawn<;:d upon us; and from then on lind fQrevetmbre, for an extrusion of the Washington Installed but we beliove that, once we have mas·· point to yom "edueation" with prilleT 19~2 ml.l'al agr(len:!>nt to cruisers and R. O. T. C. tered the lrieks of the trade, WIl are not 1f yon do, you Lave not even the rudi- smaller ships and tIle calling of 1l three- (Estimates l<'ul'nished) apt to fall an easy prey to journalistic meuts of edue.ation. Education does power couference for tbia purpose with lI'eariness. 1I0t consist of memorizing great quanti· England nnd J:lpan. PROSPERITY METHOD THE We ex·ten-il OUI !heartiest eongratula· !.iee of useless hets or "feeding the YO\lf spring cloth cleaned now tions to \.he retiring stal!. Western prof a. line" in order to get a high Save 25 to 50% Westminster Savings Bank )taryl:md is justly proud of the remark· lIlork. )lorks in themselves· are noth· 'fhe Wesleyan negatil'o debll.ting team able progress wilich this paper has made iug. Their only value is the impression defcaied Willianl on March 26 at Lll.dies' Spring Coats and one· CAPITAL ........ $50,000.00 under their industrious :md enpable the~' make! back home. "Education is ':'li;tldletowll, Ct. 'Phe qucstion was, piece D)'(;Sse9 chemically cleaned SURPLUS "EARNED" ... 250,000.00 management. In life's larger fields of the assimilntion of useful knowleilge. "Rc$oll'e!1: that this Rouse approves and pressed. 1.25 endesl'or, we wish tilem continnell sue· It starte(11)efore you entered f;choul, its tbe of the Coolidge Administra- Gcnt·s' -Suits eleu.ued and pressed $1.00 :r. Thomas Babylon, President eess. begillliing was iu the cradle, it is in tion ill The winning team Gent!! tlop conI..!! cloeaned alld Milton P. Myers, Vice President proeess II0W :'nQ will continue through· based their arguments on the faet that pressed. 1.00 H. ouj- your life. the Coolidge policy in regard to Niear- Sweuters elealle<1 . .. ..... $1.00 Jacob Handley, Treasurer 1t is nol always lhe "1\" student 24 Hour Service MORE IDEAS ABOUT SUICIDE Ilgua is not consistent with the Ameri- SECURITY SAVINGS SERVICE who 111f1kv~ fhe most of himself in life. of govcrllmeut by the people "ABE" 'rhe fellow who "steps out" at eollege, AlJBERT TOZZI, We fWllkly c{lllfe!\ll lhat we sec no ':'lionroe doetrine. Represeut~tive of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK substantinl rl!llson for the reeeut wave aees somethiug of lhe world and at lhe The vote of the Iludience which U. W. MILLER, Cleaner and DyeJ'. OF WESTMINSTER of studellt Buici<1cs. "Tcll~e :lnd irreg· ~ame time does a little st.udying will counled os one vote wlth Uloae of t.ha probubly go further in life than tile "Herb" Elliott, Special Representative ', 1\fal'yland. ular !il'illg lwllits" IIrc e"idcnU,I' not a j11dges was 17 to 7 ill ftlYor of the Will- bookworm who thorougldy acquires the Levine Hall dir~el NlIlse; fOr aucb eoudilions were texthook nwterial but does not have a ning tenm. Capital .. .$125,000 proballly just nllout. oa tense and irreg· Surplus and Profits. .$150,000 practical knowledge. ular II yea!' ngo .~g they !He !Ililn~', and The fir~t stV{! toward.s education is WANTED AT ONCE. Jncob J. Weaver, Jr., eo]lnge students :jnst as snsceptible lhen the a~kllOwledgcmellt of your sllortcolll- All llll'CStigOtiOIi of fraternity TUsh· A $15,000,000 international sales or- Chairman of Board. to the "germs of self-destruction" as ing' at Clark university has eonvineed iugs and the realization of the enor can L. K. WOlJdward, President. noll'. By the Slime lille of reaaoning, mous lllllSS of ne~~ssary nwterilll to be t1IllillltJ,oritics that the present syatem ganization uae ouc man at Wcstllrn mental tnrmoil should not produce mnny gained. of rushing fre~ll111en, with its consmnp 1I[aryl~nd College to act as Company George R. Gehr, more sniddal deaths noll" th~!I it did in lion of time, is;n pnrt responsible for representative iu siguing up students Vice-President, Cashier. the disproportionate numllrr of fresh· lhe immedillle past. Hence this suicide mOil of tIllS SUCCESS fflillires. TIeeanse faet the and teachers for summH vaeation wal'C seems illlpli~llble to ne in that we eollege hilS authorized u commit- "The Country's Best" sce no rntional cause for it. But such ",Yhat is gueeess' Is it the umnssiHg work. Excellent pay, vnluable exper· tee to consider the fruternity situation. u.eonclusion does not prel'ellt usfrOI1l of a hugo fortune, gaining an import- iellce and chance for future atlvance- Wm. F. Myers' Sons entertaining a theory about the lll::tt.le_r. ont plaee in the world, becoming prom· ment to man who e~n qualify. Guaran- ",Jight not these suceessive ~llieides lie inent s0c1<11Iyf T ilo not think so. Sne- The immediate estoblishment of a PORK PACKERS a tr:l.gie version or the old game, "FoJ- c~s, is merely happiness. :rn poverly or cause ill "wari itsCllllses and cure," is tee. Prefer man with some previous iu rich('s. iu sickJles~ or iu health, the AND luw the LC'uder1" urged as one of t1lf! needed additions sales experience. 'VrHe at once to hllflP.Y mli.lI is the sueeellSful one. The to tho curriculum of Wesle.\·au univer· SAUSAGE MANUFACTURERS tramp at t1le door, if he is happy mu~' sitl" The plirpose of the 11'Rr course, it. Ohl>1!. C. MoPherson, 303 Star Build- he Ill'Jrc successful than the home ownrT is st:lted, would he 1.0 give a back ing, 'Washington, D. C. and appoint· Retail Groceries Phone 360 JESTERS MANAGERS PRAlSED ot whose door he is begging. Those ground of facts in order that the edu- who 8e:1r(']J for happiness are usually cuted llIau would he cap:lblc of recogniz· ment will be auanged. The signal SUCN'SS of tlH~ reteut rew;ul1erl by sncccss, success mentally ing the vurious factors making for eon- Eastern Shore tour flf the Jest~rs was and materially. Tllis !lan not be said flict and could tUkesteps to eliminate ilue in no SHIali degree to the effort~ of those who search for success. Sue· them. Development of a proper atti- Griffin's cess is n will'-o tlle \\"i.~p. It is alwuYll of the of :'lillnager Lewis K. Wooilword and tude toward war 011 the part ed· just IIhcad. Obstaeles .conquered arc Goodie Shop !.iis two assis.tnnts, George Hutting and ueaterl men is seen aaessential, if Amer· HOW:lrd Koontz. only the stepping stones toward higher ir.a. is to be kept from plnnging into goals. In the end, suceess is still just nnotbereonflid. These men made it f~r ,he ahead and just beyond reach. Happi SODA, CANDY, and TOBACCO pla~'ers iu tile e
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