Page 96 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 96
Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. A POEM IN PROSE Belt & Belt . RUN TO :-: :-: MITTEN'S The sun is shining and ueeey elouda WESTMINSTER'S RELIAllL:J for Offieial newspaper I)f ~stern Maryland College, published on Wednesday during STORE the aeademie year by the students of Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, drift slowly aCl'OSSthe sky. The sky is We.'re.3IllIlU but give ll.'! a e.,a11, Hot Bread, Rolls and Cakes. Maryland. Entered as eeccud-elaae matter at the Westminster POBtoffice, blue, blending in the distance with the OPPl)site the Cannon Specials for Parties. darker blue of the mountain tops, The Subscription Price, $2,00 a Yl:l3r, outdoors is alive, vibrant with life, I PHOJ\'E 249·R a The People's Store \YHEN MANAGING STAFF Across the street is II building, beautiful building, full cf beautiful DOWN Editor-in-Chief ... ., J. Paul Lambertson, '28 girls. T know them, they are students 78 E. Mainet. Managing Editor, . · Hubert K. Johnson, '28 here. I am glad I know them, I love ;SCHOOL SUPPLIES STATIONERY TOWN Asst. Managing Editor, , "',. W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 beautiful girls . STOP A'f Business Manager .. ..... , ... Earl B. Lippy, '29 A bird is just outside m)' window. He Advertieina Manager ... Marvin B. Sterling, '30 is singing to me as if he had ames· HIMLER "Pop" Shipley's Circula.tion Manager .. · W. Edwin Warfield, '29 sage. He is pulsating with life. I love SANDWICHES and FRUITS Light Lunches and Soft Drinks birds. Asst. Circulation Managers. · .{ROY L. Robertson, '29 H. V. Scott, '30 Some girls just passed. They were GROCERIES AT THE FORKS They Art Editor .. ... , .. "Pete" Gomsak, '30 tall and fair j they had flowers. perfume left behind them the frngr:mt of red roses, of hyacinths, of violets. I COME IN AND SEE THE W03JI "JOHN" REPORTORIAL STAFF love Bowers. PUL SBLECTION OF ER· News Editors The shadows lengthen, the sun is set- Ever reedy Dorothv L. Gilligan, '28 W. K. Barnes, '28 tiug over the distsnt mountains. The SPRING AND SUMl'dER CLOTHING Very courteous stars appear one by one. The day is Sam Cohen Errorless attention Associa.te Editors done. Easter hns passed. It is spring . Right style Ruth French, '28 .Alvin .Albright, '28 I love spring. H air cutting Evelyn E, Pusey. '28 Oscar L. Morris, '29 Sharrer, .Gorsuch & Starr Also Elizabeth IT, Davis, '28 "J ap ' weisbeck, 30 '1'he Newest and Best Clothing Razors honed REPORTERS and Furnishings. Tonics xt. Gertrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C. 'Voodward, '28 lJntl'r-Ololll'uiutl' Goods for Young Men. The Only Barber and Bobber a.t Dorothy Mellott, '28 Curvin 1II. Seitz, '29 10 Per f'(mt off to CQl!ege Students the Forks Katherine F. Johnson, '28 Roy C. Chambers, '29 Nl'WS M.· Held, '28 George E. Salter, '29 when ex- Attention W.M.Students l\fnl'gal'et Mnrtlgnont, '29 Preston 'V, Grant, '30 PRESIDENT TAFT Mary A, Walzl, '29 \Vilml?r V. Bell, '30 A torm of questionnllire which wee wanted II. good Catherine E, Rend, '30 W, G, Eaton, '30 recently answered by over one-half of PHOTOGRAPH -for those who don't know we Virginin C. )\ferrill, '30 William B. Brown, '30 the uudergruduate body at Dartmouth he sent for are in OUI' new location for Ooltege, shows that an overwhelming Sereck S. Wilson Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, Worthy opinion; Model management~· Correct news. majority of stU(lellt~ believe in God, Repair and Tailormg were brought up in religious homes and Finest Grade of Work. think that "religion in some form is a Dr. A. J. Morrell necessary element of the life of the in CHIROPRACTOR WESTMINSTER TAILOR ID1rr ~potltg~t di"idual and the community." About 86 E. Main Street IT:B:T~~G::B~TEI I one-third 0:1'those nnawertng the ques 110 B. Main St. Phone 175, can D. & p, Tel, 225 Auto Service tinnnuire b~lieve in innnortnlity, regard Jesus Christ as divine as no other Ulan "We saved the best tiJl last," was ------------' was divine, look to the Bible as being FOR QUICK SERVICE T. W. MATHER & SONS the iufnrmnjion thnt we reeeiyed from FREEDOM IN COLLEGES inspired, and umke it a practice to at- Call AI cur Inter-eollcginte Debating Council. tend religious services. The lllnjority. Westminster's Leading Store And they have. On Friaay n.ight in ot the students also belieye in prayer as The Quality Shoe Shop Alumni lIall, Wllstel'll ?l1larylnnd will When you seleete.d a college Y(lu a me.nns of personal relationship I"ith ]. D. KATZ fMe Boston College, the strongest op- doubtless picked frOlll 11 large list, God. HERMAN'S ARMY SHOES pmuwt of tile setlwn. Fully realizing cboosing thc one that offered the courses the e:llil)le of the opposition which they you wanted. You did not know of all The Authorized Shoes for the must faee, We!'!tern Maryland's repre- the rules and strait-laced authority. Babylon & Lippy Company W.M.C. sentatiVe!! having been maldng intensive Tlmt was all a happy surprise. When the alumni of Ya.le University rlreparati(Jn~, Hcnce a well-e(I1Hi;st~ude- The aveTage student has heen taught gllther in llfllrly_2(!lJl!gcsend their sons baek it must bit School of 'l'heoll)gy, has just been elect- WE HAVE IT tion frol11 nil is Rpring l'ever beeause they have found a libeml arts ed president of Cornell College at Fresh Strawberry Sundae with whipped erellm, Hi eeflts The Rophs f,el it in tile approneh· edncation worth while, M(lnnt Veruon, 111. Sinell his election, ing gellHal examination; the Seniors The a\'ersge mnn without a college the number of Bof>tOllUni,'ersity grad· All SundMS topped with Whipped b<'for<' pas._~illgol'cr the threshold into education is lost iu the ..acinI world. uates now liyillg wIll)are serving as col Dream-No Extra,. Dharge whOlf",:orlife ma~' hold for them. The The poople are more culturellj their lege or uniwrsily presidents is raised to 1\fl)ntitel1o Chor_olate Covered Cherries dorms 11l'(lr eyiden('e of it. Be ~UTe cem'crS!ltion is noove his level. thirly-fi,-e. Iu additiou twelve others 39c Pound lnat you kllllW it when you have it, for In Illy o.pinion II liberal arts educll still livillg arc l!residcnts'cllleritus of C. Donald Eckenrode "w(luld that we eould see ourselves as tion pays only when the social siae is educational institufil)ns in v!l.Tiouspart~ QUALITY and SERVICE at LOWEST dotb tbe f;!eulty." stressed as much as the studies. of the eountrr. PRICES Phone 250
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