Page 90 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Four' The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminlter, Md, l\lUluui NrlUa Edited by DOROTHY GILLIGAN The Sha kospearn Club held its mono ·W. 'V. takes pleasure in nncunning Miss Leota Kolb spent the week- Any news iteID,ll coneerning W. M. Mrs. Akira :\luraokll" formerly 'Miss thly meet ing in 'Mc'Dnrrial Hull parlor that the following girls were pledged end at the home of her parents, Alumni will be gratefully receteed, Turi 'I'ukctnurn, '24, auncuneed the on the evening of },[:neh ninth. Miss Tuesrlay night, March the fifteenth. MillS Mary Bevard spent the week- birth of a daughter, Fumi·ko Muraoka, ], 'nute 'Vl1rrl'n read an exeeptlonally Miss Fl{)rence Viole, }.[iss Dorothy end et bor home, Sykesville, Maryland. in Decl.'mbN, 19:26, Mrs. 'Muraoka's ri~1l1l1 puper entitled '. Bhnkespeare, Hobbs, Mil:lllCatherine Read, Miss Lu- .\liS!! Florence Messick, '26, is teach- address is: The Man." Miss warren eovered cille Prcakey, and Miss Mary Kathee- Mie Bcaetda Todd hns gone to her ing Ereneh and English in the high elo l'nkemura Company, most completely and entertainingly the ine Streett. home at Ballabury, Maryland to eeeev- school at Upper Fuirmeunt, Maryland, Ichome,Otamaehi, boyhood, sehooling, work, cud family er from her illness. Yokohama, Jspan. life of the great writer. Miss Eliza- W. W. EN'l'E:B.TAINS Box 238. beth Norman s:lng "Who Is Sylvia,,, Among those who were in Baltim{)re Mr. S. Hilton Orrick, '04, who The merti.llg adjourned after refresh' W, W. entertained Delta, Sigma aver the week-end were,-Misses Emily peeaebed in Baker Chapel last Sunday Among the alumni seen on the Rin menta hnd been served. Jonea, Gladys MileB, Eva Lynch, Mil· evening, is the nasistant pastor at St. Kappa ut 11 novel theatre party Wed· the pnat wetlk end were: "Miss Irma The etub is plnnniug Il big ectebra- nesday afternoon, March tbe nin~h, at dred Carnes, and Vuginia Reynolds. Puulta Chureh, Baltimore, Maryland. Lawyer, '~6; 'Miss Jessie Finkbine, tion f.or the dny of Shakespeare's .birth tour ntelcek. The Missatl Mary Lee Senior Hall was the setting for '26; Misli '1.bry Warfield, '25; Miss and death, April twenty·third. The em· Darby ami 1\[lIrgaret Vorhis. cleverly Miss Dorothy Elderdiee, '11, who haa Eulah Johnson, '25; Miss Margaret good feed and a joyous time tire student body is invited to attend acted a comie dialogue entitled .. A anothsr night. "Taps" were sounded been engaged in drlUllatie work in F10r Bowers, '26; 'Mls!t Ruth Lendorking, Friday this meeting. Pair of Lnnatics." After the program, at 10:15 lind the "gang" oolleeted in idn, for tll!; past two years, returned '26; :\fiss Eli?lIbeth Li~ear, '26; Miss dellciou~ refreshments were served 1n rl)Om 13, then the "fun began.' I to her home on College Rill, Monday, Lorlette Taylor, '26, and!l}fr, S. Hilton the elub room. March 14. An acconnt ot her wnk in Orrick, '04. y, M. C. A. NOTES Let us remind you that five memo Florida is given elsewhere in this pa bers of tne eo·ed bnsketbalJ team per. Dr, Wilfred M. Copenhaver, '21, pro· On Mar!!h 9, the weekly meeting of OLASS NEWS played their last gams for Western fessor of nnatomy at Strong Memorial Ihe Y. M. C. A. Wag condueted by W. Maryland last Satnrday These five Huspital and University of Roehcster, A. Roberts. The devotioIlal ~ervice The "Sophs" from the "tbird Seniors and two more of their elnss· Rey, Smith Hilton Orrick, of tho l~ft New York City, March 2, on the was led by R. C. Chambers after which fiCHlr" Jill got together So.turda:r night mntw hav6 been nctive on tbe basket· Class of 190~, who is assistant Reetor steam(-r President Harding for Europe. Rev. Gibbs led in prayer. Dr. Bon· nnel prepared a marvel{)us beehteak ballaquad for 66yeral seasons, of ~t, Paul's Churcll, Bultim{lre, ~poke Dr, COpeuhll\"er will be engnged in notte delivered the message of the ev· llinnt.'.r. The mellu ~onsist~i! ~f stenk, in Baker Chapel, SUnday evening, seicniifie researrJI work at Sta:z:ione ening Oll the topia, "Some Point.'! .of white potatoes, sweet potatoes, rolls, Mar~h 13. This WIIS the eighth of !.he Zoological Laboratory, Naples, Italy, series of alumni addresses that have the Catholic Religion Misnnderst(Jod olivell, pic'kles, jam, peas, potato ehip!!, WHE:B.E IS 1'1''1 been delivered in Baker Chapel this aad alBO nt the ZoologIcal Institute, by the Pr(Jtestants." He br1lught ont snIad, mints, peanuts, ice cream, and year. Freiburg, Germany. the facts that tho Pope did not nse four kinds IIf eake, Long before the nev. Orrick emphasized the import· The- steamer arrived at Che:bonrg, temporal power over the various coun' end of the meal the girls had to get (1) tries; that in marriage it was up hI the up nnd rUll aronnd the table. Every· W.bere is it-that t~ing called anee of spiritnaJUy in man's life. Fr::tnee, :tbout tho tenth of this month. From Cherbourg, Dr, plnns pnrtiea to decide whether they were one, for once, was full enough to be "Jovef" to tr~\"CI by railroad to Naples, !tnly, fitted to live t1lgcthor 1I.nd if they were contented until the next morning. Baoks say it"1! everywhero; Miss Lillian BlIKI;'f, '~6, who teache~ via Pnria, Lousanne, Milan, Bologne, not they were not oOllsidered married; But search as I might history and Fr('uch at the Glen BUrnie nnd Rome, He also ('xpc~ts tCl visit that the Virgin was not considered an Througbout day and night High School, has just returued from an Yenicc, Vienna, Berlin, and London be- idol to worship bnt that she was tbere y. W. O. A. NOTES I can't trace itc10wn to its lair, absence of two weeks because of the fore l>e returns to hi!! home in West· to intercede for man Finally he stat· The progrsm of March een de~th of her grandmother. :Miss Anne minster, Mnrylnnd, in September. ed that all churches should unite and ninth (2) Lauder, a Senior nt the college, aubsti· praotiee the following, "Christ is our tered aronnd the thenle of Paul'~ tilted fer :Miss Baker dnring hCr ab shepherd, snd we should gather in one famous words: "But now abideth Is it love that makes om fair boys Re"~rend Charles Edwnrcl Dryden, fold, receive ono food, and be nnder .faith, hope, love, tbese three; !lnd the (}i"e forth such dire noise~ at night, Miss TJlewellyn Otto, '26, who teach· ex· '91, who has spent the lust two one church." greatest Kyle of thelle is 101'6." Miss Mar· And disturb mnirlens' sleep es chemistry at the Glen Burnie High months on a }.foditerr/mean tour, will -110 deep' rel!d a selection garet -"Vith their bass notes entitled The "Y" bat some interesting top· "Faith," nnd Mias Brown read one on (May the heavens pity their pligbtl) Sehooi, and :Miss Baker are couching Ii retnrn to his home in Glen Bnrnie, Md., ics for diaeussion in the meetings of "Rope." Mi~s Dorllthy Robbs snng play to be given by the S~nior elasl!' in Tnes-dlly, Mareh 22. the nea.r future. "His Love ie Far Better Than Gold." (3) the near i'utnre. ?lIr.Dryden hasjuat I"isitedGibrn1tar, }o[isaVelma lHehmnnd read thebenuti· Is it love that makes rising young Africa, Tunic, C:arthag.e, Spain, Alex· andria. Constantino JcruMJem, Syrin, SCIENCE CLUB fnl love chapter from Corinthians 1. anthers The item published in 111st week's pie, n~d Paris. In a recent letter Mr. The freshman quartet, composed -of the Ona uny wdte of women with scorn, Gold Bug stating that Mr. Gerald Rich· Dryden sairl he hnd seen the solid gold The program of the last meeting: of Mi&3oS Bell, Staley, N<:>rdivall, and And the next write of lov6 ter, '26, nnd Mr. Addison Stewsrt, '26, coffin of King Tutankhaml'n 6n(1 the the Seience dub on Mnreh 10, was pre :Strawbridge, sang some seleetions. The As II gif't from above' were worldng together in New York millions of wealth buried with him,- lI('utell by lhree members of the clnh meeting closed Wit]l a violin solo by Is it here that this thing, lon~, is bornl was ineorreet, 'nir. Ballard Ward, '26, aside frnm sevoral mUlllmies over 5,000 itseli'. An interesting aurl instructh'e :.\rias Dorothy Gilligan, is working and keeping bonse with 'Mr. ~'ears old. Other interesting observa mathematical program of nbout an Several of the girls werc heard to (') Stewart. fi{)ns mentioned were thst, for the first Ihonr's (lUraUOll \\"'IlS given. Mi'8s allIl{lunec that they enjoyed this meet IB; love tnut makes young eollege )'1r. Gerald Richter is teaching math· time in seven years, it SIIOwl'cLin Jelu 13l00111ljuistgave the hist(Jry of our ing more than auy tbat has heeu held wl.Iitel-ll ematics and scieuce in the Hnntingtown &1lem this winter, aud that five feet of Arabie nnmerals; l\Lr. DeHoff {Onter· for a long time, That should be nn Put Otelr anus 'round the girls with High Sehl>Ol, Hnntingtown, }of"ryJ~nd, SlIO\\"pre"ented the scheduled trip to tajned with mnthenHltical curiositiea, incentive to\VlI,rds ,better programs snehe:lre, Besides his work as teaeher, ~r. Rieh· Damallcull. lind Mr, lIarshmen with matllematianl ('aeh week, As they remonl, n platter ter is heulty advisor for the high ~ch{lol lIfr, Dryrlen is pastor of th~ ~letho· pm:zles, Or ether such mutter papl'r, whi<:n is making Sl}lendid prog· (list Protestnnt Church in Glen Burnie, Or put dowil some clean silver ware' rps~ under his direction. M!lr~·lllnd, At the next meeting of the Scienee MANAGING COMMITTEE OF Club, Wedaesday, Marah 23, Dr. 'V. C. (') Stone, Health officer of Carroll county! JES1tERS VISITS THE EASTERN 1s it love thnt mnkes young Romeos Westminsler Stationery Store Fresh Fruit Strawberry and Fruit Salad SHORE will give a lecture on "Immunity." SUNDAES Risk the wrath of wntchful eyed BILLY DITMAN, Prop. The Seienee Club will exhibit flve In order to conclude urral1gem~nh deana' Kodaks Films Novelties A re 'Deliclou~ reela of movies Thursday aftern{lon a.t for a tonr of the Eastern Shore during And pllU fiery glances -AT- 4:30 at tne Star Thenler. the Spring Vaeation, the mannging All in true romances, Monthy and Weekly PeriqdicaiJ BONSACK'S Mmmittee of the Jesters visited that Though the act's fraught with dangcr, The World 0:1'Paper"-2 reels portioll {)f :\[uryland Oll .Friday, :\iarch it seems. The rum shows the epoell·makiug ad· til< e\['venlh This COlllmittee was com· Wehler & King vanec5 in the Hrt of writing, printing posed of Dean El\8ton, Ad\'\S{)T; L. K. (6) GRADUATE PHA'R-MACIS'rs EAT-A-PLATE-A-OAV nnd paper m:llting. !t cxplnills how the ",'oodwnr,], Business Mannger; G. F, Is it love that !1l/lkes lUen deny The Rexall Store Ancients cocordcd their thougllts in Hutting nnd H. E. Koontz) Assistant The cxisteul'-e of nlly such bunk, stone, how the Egyptians mnde Ilaprus Business 1I1:tnagllr~. And pass coldly by "\Yestminster, Md. ~EUM~Nl and the Chinl'Se firllt ma,]1l paper, anc1 TIll' trip. whi~h totnll{Od U>ree·hun· With nose ill the sky, how it is made loday in the iargt"Mtpap. ,lr~il·tI\'Ollly·fi'·(' luiles, was made in the As if girls were nothing but junk' er mill in the world. II tells how Gn J)ean's "Moon," These men were ICE CREAM tenburg produeed the first book ever grently ple!lse.1 I\'ith the su~eess of the' (7) Smith & Reifsnider printed (th6 Gntenbnrg Bible), an.} !!';p; two tOWll~which \\"~re not on the Task YOll,al'e nll th61lc thinga lovef ~TH( CllUoMWJTllTltE"ORE1SHTAST!~ shows, in cont-rllst, the modern prl,ffiS sehedlile at all were added, and definite If not, where is it helieved ~ and the part it plays in the life of to' ~rr~ngements wcre made at other pine· To rcside on this globe' dsy. The pieture eontaina II wealth es. Other towns blld been sc.hednled Can its fair home be probed' LUMBER AND OOAL of informntionbeautifully preseuted. by mail. All "info" will be kindly reeei\'ed. On leal"iug Westminster nt six·tliirty ., The Story of a. Storage Battery" Frida\' morning, tho eommlttee drove WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Zile-Neuman Co. 2 ,.." nronn'd the head of the Chesapeake WIIEN "l'his film shows t.he complete manu· BaY.!lurl visited Beillir, Havre rle Graee, Phones-22i and 297 fMtnre lin,] in~JPeeti(Jnof storage bat· N{lrthC'ust, Elkton, Denton, and Cam· DOWN Westminster, Md. teries. It outlines some of tbe nume.:r· bridge. They returned by the CI~ibor!1C TOWN (Jus lL'3C!! of this type of battery. An l,'erry to Annnpolis. animated drawing ahows how the IIpeei. S'fOP A1' fie gra.,'Hy IIf the eleotrillyte ill II bat· PROSPERITY METHOD tery goes up and dowo as a bnH('ry is "Pop" Shipley's IF YOU LIKE DELICIOtTS ('barged ani! d~ac.harged. The film also l'repare fpr Spring Vacation Now shows how the electrolyte is added til It's ensi!.'r to &I.\'e your ~lotlll?'s than Light Lunches and Soft Drinks a. new battery and the proper care of repla~e them. Proaperty methods will AT THE FORKS J>elp~·ou keep them in use. II battery. Gents' :Suits cleaned Rlld pressed $1.00 Candy, Sodas and Sundaes "Animal"-l reel Gents' Suih stesmed aud prBl!sed .35 Nature prote..-ts many of the weak1!4lt Top and Overll"onb eleaoed end 1.00 D. S. GEHR af ita croo.tures by giving it the power pressed to adopt the coloringg of its surround· I,nrlie~' Spring Gcmts and one STOP AT THE ings, Worms and Crabs sre shown ill piece DrI'~3"'S chemically cleaned Wholesale and Retail Hardware, this teel dealing with protective mimi· and preESetl ." Building Materials, Cutlery. cry, as well liS tne Walking Stick, Cnt· All Work Called For and Delivered. Ammunition, Paints, Oilsl erpiller, Tond~, Lizards, Butterflies, the AIiBERT "ABE" TOZZI) Koontz Confectionery Walking Leaf. An intimate study of R"pr*entutive of Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Pmring Msntig is nlso shown. 11. W. MILLE&, Cleaner and Dyel". Iron and Steel Products. Ned show April 7th-"The Land 'Of (Established 1868) MAL~, OPPOSITE BOND ST. Cotton," "The Story of Asbestos," •'Herb" Elliott, Special Representative pd I'King Apple's Enemies." LevineHaU Westminster, Md.
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