Page 87 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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&1. ,ntrick'. Duy 3166", &1. 'ulrick's Duy .lI•• Ul' TIDS IS THE LAST IS- GOl ISSUE NEXT OF THE SUE OF THE GOLD BUG THE GOLD BUG WILL BE BEFORE SPRING VACA- MADE BY THE NEWLY TION. ELECTED STAFF. Vol. 4, No. 22 Mar. 17, 1927 Varsity Debaters Win Unan- "Esther" Pleases Large Audience Western Md, Has Highest imous Decision Over ['town Scorers in Third Corps Area BucknellGets 2-1 Vote Here. ALUMNI HALL IS PACKED FOR PRESENTATION Seventeen Co-eds Initiated Reed, Baker, and Simms Re- OF STIRRING BIBLICAL DRAMA. ceive Medals in R. O. W. M. Team Goes to Into 1. G, C, Last Week T. C. RiflE Meet, Washington Saturday. Play is Climax of Artistic .Achievementa by the Department of Speech This Year. Mystic Tower Club is Forced LOCAL TEAM QUALIFIES FOR FINALS On Monaay evening, Minch 14, lhe W.estern Maryland debaters defeated To Break an Age-old Western Maryland College's R. O. Last night, Ellaabetht own by a 3-0 decision en the iu AlulUni Hall, Wednesday, Murch Hi, ~CCII,Elaie Held, were very intereat.lng Tradition. 'r. C. rille tenm hilS quufifled for the the College Players ehru-acters. Koesh, the Et hioplau question: Resolved thnt the Volstead presented tho most play o.f nattounl iutereolleglatr- team champion- Act should be emended to permit the till' season, "Esther", eharuung slave girl, played most nppenlingly by ,T. G. C. summoned and initiated eev ship ntutehes by virtue of their show- before une ef the manufacture find sale 'Of ligJlt wines lar{fcst and most appreciative audien Eli7.abeth Bemiller, added greafly to ent eeu new members last week within ing in Lhe recent Corps Area ecmpett- and beer. 'fhe Elizabethtown team the lnnunr and delightfulness Qf the the customary two duy period. extend- tlon. Western )ial'yland's loam flu- wns ecurpcsed Qf Allan Keller, Sam- ees that has ,WeT n t teuded a production play. Joy Rei umuth 11.11Meeshu Zabeel, ing from Wednesday, Mnreh 9 to Pri- ished second, runner-up to the winning this uel Wenger, nnd Eli Engle; those reo of churehe-8 kind here. Bavern l of the was a moat attentive old SCTI'unt. ilay, Mnrch 11. Durillg this Inifiaj.lnu, shooters from Penn State College, bnt. diepeneed \\testminster at presenting ,"velltern MllrylulJd were with their regular \\'eduesday evening The spontanccua plnying of the cbil- the second and final of thu year, aix- harl the three highest individuai aeorea II. K. Jol'llson, Gilmore Lippy, and lire,], Norman "tard, Virginia Rcifanid- teen Jlutior girls (constitutiug the sec in theentircaren. Carroll Royer. "restern Maryland up- service in ordl'r that their cnngrcga cr, Miriam Shroyer, Mabeline Bt'rtholf~ oml third of the ebss) !lnil olle Senior Thom:l3 -Reed, '28,' George S. Baker held the u<'gativ6. tiOliS might h\ll'e lhe privilege of see· and Richnrd -Schaeffer, !lnU ihe grace· girl, wore admitted. '27, an(l J. Rnmrnett Simlllil '29 car· ing so worthwhile i\lul thoroughly (,II, ful ,lallee of the rose maidens, Miue8 ried off the hOl\ors for being the three The Judges were W. L.SeubrDok, At· tertainillgaplayaslllis. Sho~kle'y, '\'illinger. 'Schlinke, Shrein· A verdict from t.he "po\vcrs !-hat t.ornt",v tit Law, und Pnstor of Trinity Esther, the first Biblicnl drama evcr er, Johnston, and HuH increased the be"caused the breaking of ~n nge·old highest indil'idllal riflemen in the Third church at 8m:1I11l'00(1, Mttrylnndj Miss given Ilt \Vestern :llar~'lalld , wns most natural beanty of the drllms. tradition in regHrd to Ihe Lime of the Corps Area, alld cach man bas reeeived Il- handsQme medal which wns present· CrQust", COllch of Dtlbnte, l'rallklin Rucc{'ssfully presented under the cap· The Story of the Play "('lins." fUlloMlint,l.!ly nfter d'inuer ea by the U. S. Army Headqnarters of High Srhool, Reisterstawll, Mllrl'lanu; nlJh' direction {Jf i\1iss Smitll. The lIordeeai is a IH}ble eaptive Jew on 'Verlnes,Jay night, mystified Juniors, [his sector, for Ih(!ir proflciiilney. Ill1d Prof. A. J. Bean, P(llytechllie In· 10\'clinc"'-Sof the story, the splendor of living iu the Persian (!it)' of Shushan. "'hn had not been expecting sueh earl~' stitutl.', Baitimariil, Mnryland. dcvel{Jpmenh, wen' totd 10 go tll tlwir Seven in National thc setting, nll(l ~he ability of tho ac' lIe j~ loved by ~1l lind dll'ells witl, his Lieutenant E. U. O. Waters, D, O. tOr!! fllr distinetin cila.raeterizfttion slnv" ),leeshll Zabeel aad hi~ adopted rooms. Almost lit once the pClldrutiJlg Nineteen !,eams entered the eompeti· . £., nete( ehairmu.n. combined to makc "Esth,')r" 1.l1.lutaud· dalll!'hter, Esther. llcgai comcs to bim smell of io!lQfornlfilled the halIs,and liol! slaged in Ihe Third Corps Arefl Lests. aud 1111 eompleteu their The Bucknell Wins 2-1 Decision ing. The oxquisite music played by all,1 inform.s him that lhe King i1; the expectant onndidatcs heard the s(>\'~n highest scoriug tel1ms on the liat :>'1iss Gilligan with the violin and Mis!! ahout to choose a ,,,Hi) from am-ong the fir~t of thnt s!,~oession of lond triple The debaiE' b",tween Bucknell Uni. Rorer nt the r,kmo !HIded to the har· I1luiap,us of the kingdom lind tIlUt Es knocks that meant 'lllllking satisfactiell beeame eligible for the country·wide ,'ersit)' and West('rn Mnryland held in mony of the entire play nnd Illndo ther lJ1l.a been ~elected to present her· for S(lIllC l!l,d disl!ppointments for oth· comp"litiQII. Besidcs Penn !State aad Smith lIall on 'Vednesdlly, March 9; "Esther" rven moro real. self for the contest. Murdecui thinks \Vest-eru Maryland, the Tlllrn Corps l'('.sulted ill a. 2·1 decision for the Il<.>g' Esther, tIle eourageous, beAutiful thn.t if Esther be chosen Queen she Next morni,,!;:, a little \van lind lau· qualifiers were Carnegie Tech, Virginill ative on the question; Should Ihe 18th .Te,'ish ntaidcl], wa!! ellllcte(} chnrming. IlllLy help ber people, who are the cap guid, thc ChOS<:>1l~oventecu turned out Military Inslitute, Lehigh, Drexel, amI Amendment be nboliahed. Western Iy by Velmn Richmond. Ezra ROlIen· Uves of Iile King. forbreakfllst Ilrrayed in red, and wear· Virginin Polytechuic Institnte. JJarylal\d uphelll the affirmative, Buck stock as )1Qrdeoai. Esther's uncle, was The Rjug, in disgnise, has saved t.lle ing 8pedaoles of the I'illtage of '15 Tbe Universit.y of :Mnryland tea.m, _ nell the negative. The deb/!ters .for his be~t. lung AJLasuenJ~, Paw life of Esther, ,'l.n,l~he ehr.rishcs a hi!('h well dawn 011 their nOFes. 'l'hrir faces la.ndiug in oighth positioll, wna. just out· BucKneU were C. Clayton Hall, R. lIell' .at Lambertson, maj· rcgnrd for tile unknowll h{lro and there· I!'u"e of!' a cheerful lUBLrefrom the g-l'n· iji(]e 'the ~ord, the lallb'llid Jakosha, tells hcr tQ entor the ~ontcsl, and Es· The ordor of the dll.", F'riu:1Y wns In the ThirJ COrpB eompetition for Philip Daughterly, Head of History -Maude Brown, the Illusical Kazma, lher llcstit[(tes between ,fve and duty. much Lhe same, except that white dres· the second or junior gro"p the only Department of BultiUlore Polyteelmie R08tt.1ie Smith, aud the :)Tl'oguut Zu· (Centinued en Pagc 2) SCII with the black letters .f. G. C. ]Wd POl{ ASSOCfATE .EDlTOR8 nnnatural talmneas whillh pr~~edes a m1'u from ,V('],~l"r and 1rving liter1HY group of eommunity players in that Yote.l"orThree ARTHUR C"P.{'TT. storm, !\ sheeled ghQst gliuell swiftly socilltil'~ will compete-Gilmore Lipp~', city. :Miss Elderdicl', who obt~ined this down the alairs '"111hack ilgain, thOlins E:nu Rosenstock, J. Palll Lambertson, position through the Playgr(]und Hee- ! elunk~d horribly, lind 11 stentori~n !111dCarroll Royer. reation A.ssodation of A.meri~n, worked RUT'H FRENCII EARL UP!'Y voiee c'lllod ont--" ROlleIda Fowlr.r Spmmunity Plnyers of Greater MARGAIiET _)fARTIGX01'n --------,--1 swers to sufficient Ijuestions, she W;lS C(lllege. Palm Bt'ach is a non·eommereial organ· --------+--11 NATE WEiNSTOCK. dragged in :.!mid hoarse yells <;If antiei· ,Vill:lrd Lee Hawkins, Western _!l:huy· ization promoted by tha Depllrtment of I p'ltion and the slapping and clattering lund's representative lust year, won Public Recreation of West Pslm Beach. ELfZABETli DAVIS of mnn.v l)llddles. 1¥11.1t went on 0.£. first place in the statll Mntest-. Tho aim of the group is to develop eom· HAHN ter that, only the prjvileged know. munity spirit and la.y the fouudntion -=""-OR-=Cl"'R"'C="=-W.CCTC:ro=,,=-, -'-':-'AC:"=-AGLE=n:--11 \VTT~LTAM On Ssturday morninF', sevonteen new IS TAKEN rro/ wARD for a permanent Civic Theatre whsre Vote _].~or Oue members of J. G. C.. ~a~jsfied their fur· PRESIDENT HOSPITAL playll of high merit may be presented. MARVIN STERLIKG iasity by baving a look at the" tower" In addition to pro.dudng plaYIi whif.b EDW1N WAR],'HJJ.,D in broad dayllght. The great enmt have b~n sueees~ful elsewhere, the "NOTE -Murk a eross (X) III was over for another yeRT. h;
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