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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: m4 r ~ nlI1 111ug :-: MISS DOROTHY ELDERDICE COLLEGE CALENDAR TELLS OF PLAY FRODUC. Ofl1eial newspaper of 'i'hatern Maryland College, published on Wadneaday during TION IN WEST FLORIA THURSDAY, MARCH 17- the atademic year by tbe students. of Western Maryland Colle-ge, Westminster, Scienc e Club M-ovies 4:15 P. M. Maryland. Entered 8.1 seecad-eteee matter at the Westminster Poatoffice. (Oontlnued frum Page 1) }Ject-ingof In tee-Club Committee. Sub&Cr1ptionzrrce, $2.00 a Year. THE AIM OF THE SPOTLIGHT those dealing with Florida history and FRIDAY, 'MARCH 18- MANAGING STAFF Did y-ou ever Mink a, Bromo-Selt aer folk·lore. ThE' erganlzntlon is based El~ctiol1 of Gold Bug Staff for Editor·in·Chief. ............ ' .. George S. Baker, '27 or wateu how one was made I First a upon tile workshop gnild or labcrntury HI27·:?S-8:35 A. M. Managing Editor .. ... Carroll A. Royer, '27 spoonful of white powder is put into mea, whiell tmpuee the uo-eperntive SATURDAY, )L~OH 19- Asst.- Managing Editor. ... W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 a glass. Then about a half a glassful work of all members on ading, ecstume Varsity Dcbate-c-Amcricnu U. at Business Manager .. ... Arthur B. Cecil, '28 of water with a dash of ammonia is design, and making of scenery and, Washington. 8:00 P.lI!. poured over it properties, stage lighting, publicity and The mixture foams up Asst. Business Managers. Will. E. Hahn, '28 and fills the glass. The bromide clears business management.!" lfo;'j"DAY, MAROIl 21- ..... { Alvin Albright, '28 the hend lind aids thought, tbe ammon Under Miss Elderdiee ta direction the Literary Societtes-c-Women, 6:30 Circulation Manager .. .. W. Edwin Warfield, '29 ia adds a little verve, and th-e water following plays, besides numerous OUIl P. M. Meu, 1:30 P. M. Asst. Circulation Managers H. V. Scott, '30 gin)s it body and makes it papntnble. act plays, were produced: "'_llcet the TUESDAY, MARcn :!2- and I cannot olaim that the -Spotlight is Wife," "The Goose IIallgs High," .. { Roy L. Robertson, '29 Intercollegiate Preliminary Ooe- the test in Oratory, Smith liall--8:00 Art Editor .. . . ..... " Pete" Gomsak, '30 n pnuaeea, but it i8 intended there to be a "Wappin's Wllutf." At present Price P. xr. players are working on "What hromide. In eaeh article is, I Editors of Copy ... ... {:ilL Gertrude Ranck, '28 will, 1l. great deal of buncombe. Glory'" Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 But in ~aeh nrt.iele there is the truth Last September Miss Elderdiee di WEDNESDAY, :MARCil 23- to give it vigor and its explanation and reeled for the Palm Beach Swimming Science Club Meeting-7:30 P. M. REPORTORIAL S1'AFF interpretatlnn to give it verve. If News Editors fnlfil its purpose Club a water enmival which presented FRIDAY, ~lAROH 25- L. K. Woodward, '27 Dlanche Ford, '27 this eolumn does nrdille re{'ognizes h('r aud she is (lho~en Queon In a recent editorial we tried to ac· ~'ellr trll11IlCenelany attempts made in thnse of the inquisition. You wl!o was extremely heavy, for in IHlddtionto to tbe delight of Koosb. count for the wave of student suicides the past, and may the new staff enjoy hcr regular work with the players, her The third act of the pln.I' takes place in thill country by pointing to the tense a banner _vear in journalietie achieve· judge affaif$ ont of yonr jurisdiction help WfiS in constant demand by the nine l'earS nfter lhe ser.oncl act. The little know of tho troubles you inflict and irregulat· living habits of college meuts at Western Maryland. b;;' 'your light llearted snap judgment. churchcs, clubs, und various similar or Tung' neglectl:l his wile and tbrough student.s. George S. Baker gnuizations ill theelt}'. the wicke,} influence of Humnn, one of Professor PaulI. O\'crdorf, of Jex· Editor·in·Chief "I worked h!ll'd from nine o'clock in his princes, issues a decree tlmt all the sey Shore, Perrna., writes, "I do not lIntl'r-C!!ollegiate the morning nutil midnigllt most of the . JCWIiin bis kingdom are to be slaugh· agree with you as to the eanse of stu· PATRONIZE ALOHA time," 1I1iss EldNrlict' snid. But the teredo ~Iordeeai \'isits Esth~r and in a dent suicides. While ene's physical News eff~cts of Buch strenuoua work was al· great patriotic und dramatic Sllcne np· condition has uftcn much to do with it, ADVERTISERS lC\'inti!d hy the Floridn (·limntr. peal" to her t() save their p.cople hy_ 1 bellllvll that the immeusurably brOlld· "The dimste was so gorgeous that goiug before the King alld pleading ened and unl'estrieted mental horizons The sludent,body is requested to pat· The Dllrtmonth College debating it enabled me to keep up. Ev{'n with for thcm. hleesila, the 01(1 llurse of that open npon entrHuce iuto the (101· ronize the following advertisers in tbe team, npholding the afiinuatil'e of "Re· all thnt terrifie work. T haYe nel'er heen Esther, loves her 011,1warns her that lege, coupled with the inevitable pol!5i' ]927 Aloha. solved: That Great Britain should sick C\'en one day. if 5he IIp(''nr Ul>J'orcthe King without bilities fol' morbid intrl'lSpection oorol. abandon the Stevenson plan for the his invitation, it mny Illean her denth. lary with that in(lreased scope, explains Westminster Candy Kitd'ien. limitation of the output af !llbb(lr," Grave Or:is:is in Florida Now Morne(lai pleads for his people, Meesha more of theae tragedies. Perhaps that Wehler :md King, Drnggists. won tho dt'bnte with Smith College on :Miss Eldertlice n.nd planned to rcmain pleads for Esther to sove herself. Es- is stating it rather "agnelY,but what February 25 by' -vote of the audience in Florida nntil 'May, but sh(.> was ther dccidcs to apJleal to the Kiug and 1 mea.n is that tbe mental constitntion C. Donald Eckenrode. with a ratio of 4 to 1 ill favor of the forced to leave whel\ all of Palm ';if I perish, I perish." She appeJll's of the coilege studeut is sometimes The W. H. Dads Company. I·ictors. went bankrupt. ThG da)' she left three before the King, who receives her alld .simply overwhelmed by this seeond lJHnks failed. Despite tbis critieal state promiaes to ni,l her people. birth. Deprived of the old sustaining The New Idea Clothing and Shoe \'assar College'a bonor 5yatem, ~o of affairs, howe,,!'r, Miss Elderili~.e is The Baker Chnpel choir, 11lIdcr the m;vths, shivering in the' open winds of Store. far as it effects "The Retreat," a optimistic abont the future. diroetion of Miss Dor~t, sang the hymn sci('.nce,' facing new an{l bitter real· Babylon and Lippy. rampus shop where goodies made by "The soil is jnst ns rich, lInd the "Softly Kow the Light of Day" as izaUoD.9 of impoteney and limitntions some of the students nre solei, bas elll· ~limate is just as mnt\'e!OUSjI am sure n prelnde to the druma. Some of the of intellect, often bitter enough, thcy T. W. Mather &, SOilS. lapsi'd. the prese-nt situntion ilt due to IlIck of llIusic:d !lumbers rendered during the drift about helplessly, and founder mis' 1L'\rgaret R. Roy!'r. The sponsns of "The Retrent" all' laith. }'lori(\a lI"ill oomeback e\'cntn· pIll)' were Orj~talt', Liebeatraum, Song erably on the Ilross·currcnts of George R. Grumbine. nOllnced todny thut hencoforth the nlly,Ikuoll'." of ludi,." anrl Priest 'a Mnrch. age." D. S. Gehr wnrM wH\ he displn;reil under a caso, Before tile boom, Wert Palm Beseh .Mr. Wilmer Bell was in charge of the Wlhieh e:o;planation is nearer the to put nil end to the los8 which has WILS a city of 5,000 or li,OOOpopulation; seenery and the lighting. truth" We leave it to you. Times Printing Company. run into found -figures as mUc\1 as $8 during the boom the popnlation rose to Bon~ack's Store. 'a dny. It is !'!Ilid that some persons 75,000_: now there nre 15,000 inbabi short change::! the boxes, others dropped tants of the eit)'. Florida went wild JUNIATA DEBATE CANCELED 8ereek S. Wilsml. pennie.!! instelld of nickele and dimes, during the boom. New !lIillionair~Bset AOKNOWLEDGMENT and SOUleeven went out with the de· I·~ry high ~tandarlls ,of lif'iug uunttllin The eQcd deb:~tc schedulell for to· "Koontz COlifeetio!l!'ry. lcetabli'S withont paying. Ilbl~ hy tho~e more modNlltely situat· morrow, -March 17, with Juniata Col Witb the eompletion of this edition 'Jo~eph L. Mathiaa. cd. But those \'ery milliouaries-those lege hH~ heen clillceled, aaeording to , the "Gold Bug," the present staff 'Grimn Godie Shop. A pl'tltiol1 signed by 650 of Ille 750 who Iml"e not lost all their wt'alth-are tin :llIn(lnneem('nt by the DebHte COUll' ill surrender the eontrolling hand to W'illillllls College students. llsking for no\\' coming to fhe resene of literally ~ "RichnrdSOll Brothers. cil. A llU!t mjnute rcquirenl~nl of Ull the group of Rt\ulents, who will repre· threo times as mnny dllil;V ~haJl(lJ nb· lJenuiless fllll\ilies. l'.li!lSBldcrdiee said excessive gunr:lutee led to this aetion. sent our weakly publicll.tion for the 'Albnugh and BnbylOrl. senses as are now allowed ancl twice Tllnt ~hc admired thl' people of :E'loridn A debate with the e-oeds (If Eliza· .renr 1927·28, and it is most fitting that "F. A. Sharrer nud Son. n9 man;;' Sunday nbs-enses, was present· llIllrl' this year th:m sbe eli;! lastyenr bethtowl1 College ia now being ar' 11word of appreciation be said regard· ed by a student (lommittee at a meet· l)eNIUSethey seem more hnman i They ranged. ing those who so nbly assisted in the ·Janles r. Myera. ing: of flu!oeollege bOllnl of trusteee. Hre all stumling tog~ther lI'ith wonder· management and publication of the "James H. CassolL At pNlsent se\'enteell Hbsenses from ful spirit in this general ~risis. paper this year. Cooperation and loy· dlliJy (lhapc1 are allowed in fI. semester. Arcor(ling to }.liss Elderdke, migra· nlty have been the watcbwords "Atlantic and Pndfk Tbe t'xeeutiv_e eotnmitte", of the boaru tion to tile E"erglades is the only pres· T. W. MATHER & SONS throughout. Splendid support has beel' '~usbR\lm and Jordan. is (,.!I:pectedto take action on the roe· ent Mlration. People who last year giYen by the faculty, by the stuelent· "\Veshllinst!'r Hardware Co. qnest in a few dnys. were immensely welllthy are now in the Westminster's Leading Store body, and by tIle alumui and friends of Evcrgl'ldes pitking beana for $5 a day. the instilntioll. The immediate sue· 'Dulll!l~' Verna:v Company, Blll1imore. With its n!hleti~ news reported by Miss F.ldt'rdice had this snme work of· HERMAN'S ARMY SHOES tellS of the paper, however, bas been C· Adeled sinc!! last issue of Gold Bug) coacbes ana it.s student news written ferl'd to her with U.e promise thnt tbe dne largely to the unanimous lind by deans, profesMrs alld other faenlty story of hl'r expl'rience in Ihia prC!;ent The Authorized Shoes for the wholl"l'r'nrted support of each and ev· mt'mber9, the ":Main Campus," Uni· popular field \\'ou1{1be ayndicated; hut w.u.c. ery U1embor of the staff, llnd probably College diplomall hind"r, rather than versity of :Mnine weekly newspaper, the trip home outweighed this offer. the best paper eyor to be publisbed at help the average man in starting his presented to an astonished ~tudent Miss Eldcruiee said, "1 haven't loat R. o. T. c. W-estcrn Maryland ha~ been compiled hnsinll!lS ('areer, J. F. JlaJlwaehs, Em· body. faith in Florida in spite of this grave nnd organized by the present group. To rlo~'ml'nt Secretary of the Central Y. crisis. I would like to go back again yOIl all the credit be1clllga. l'.f. C. A., of Chicago, said after spend· Two hundre(l of the ~OUJltry's lead· soon." Space forbir1s mentioning eaeh in· illg !«!ven years listening to bopefnl ing ehemists afe to gather at Yale 01' THE ,lividnal who assisted during the year, yonths and the dernlmds of employers. March 28, when the American Insti· Weslminster Savings Bank but the Editor would he lacking in ap' Diploma in the right hand, a ira· tute of Ohe:l\i~ts will hohl Us anllunl JESTER INTINERAlty preciation if hc failed to a(lknowledge, taruity key on lhe watch ehain, nnd 1\ meeting ill the Sterling Chemisrty Lnb· CAPITAL $50,000.00 "'ith thanks, the tluistnnee rendered geueroua portion of p~'sehology, Inn· oratory. Th6 seientifie meeting will Ml\r~h 21-New 1\'indsor SURPLUS "EARNED" 250,000,00 hv Dr. Ward, Miss Miriam Dryden, and gungell and history in the head, are no be held from 2 to 5F. M.llnd thelJTo, March 28-Belair or Baltimore Dr. Stephens. They haH! worked longer the h(l9t stepping stone~ to mod· gram cnlls for a symposium on "ehem· .liareh :la-Berlin faithfuily in t.he interest of tbe Bchool l'rn bu~ill-ess, Mr. Hallw/jehs said. He ist's contraets" which will denl pri· :March 30-Crisfield F. Tbomas Babylon, Fresident er, nnd to them a great deal of credo Hlso sa.l·a that the dislike for college marily \~ith the rights of the (lhemist M_nreh31-Laurel, Del. Milton P. Myers, Vice President '9 due. youlhs is largely due to their expecta· Ilnd the manufn~turer to diseoveries April I-Sa.lisbury .Jacob H. Handley, Tl'easuter Tbe staff ha.a Jabored to avoid the tion of rapid ndvnncement and a large nUlde by the chemist while in the man- April 8-Hampstend ightest J1listakes, but we know they salary too quie.kly. ufacturer's employ. April 19~20, o. 2I-Union Brids-e
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