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G01 TENNIS SEASON "Y" HAND BOOK PRESS TO OPENS GOES IN MAY Vol. 4, No. 23 April 13, 1927 Jesters Visit Eastern Shore OOLLEGE CALENDAR Aloha is Progressing Rapidly SENIORS INVESTED Large Audience Pleased Professor L. H. Brumbaugh Delivers By "Jap" Weisbeek. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13- Will Go to Press First Week Address by Jesters' Performance Tennis Mateh. Blue Ridg~ \"s. of May. in Westminster Recently Western 1Jarylll1ld, at Western The Seniors were illl"ested with the As in generally known, spring vaea tion began at noon on Friday, Mareh )Iarylalld. :!.30 P. ",1. academic capa and Tuesday 25,and 'the Jesters we-e flO depart from Bilse Ball. moe Ridge ,·S. West- The Aloha is progressing rapidly now morning, April the at eight-thir 'I'he "Jesters" of western ilfaryland Western .Maryland on Monday, the ern Maryland, 3 ... 5 P. M. and will gil. to press about the first week ty. Professor L. H. Brumbaugh deliv· College appeared at the Westminster 28th, for their annual Eastern Shore in 1[ay. Great interest in it is being ered the address to the members of the Opera Rouse on the evenings of April trip. !o.Ja;nly because of insufficicnee of Y. )L and Y. W. C. A., 6.30 P. displayed by everyone, and beeauae the elassof '27. "7 and 8. The program was the same finance "!i"l""emembers of the outfit were If dnte of publleatlcn is so near, the staff The faculty and the Seniors entered as thAt presented at other places ex- detained at the college over the week is working with increased energy. the chapel while the student body &:lng ~eptiug II few modifications to fit the end. They found the hill as quiet ae Sctenee crcu, 7.30 P. 11. Dr. Praetdcally all of the "write-nps" "A )tighty Jo'orlrl'l!!i." A.fter lhe Westminster audience; but this did not the negro section of Atlanta, Georgin Fitzhugh will speak. are ill, and only il few pictures yet re- prayer, the Seniors stood to reeeive the prevent fllJlny people from seeing it for on u Hu Klux Klan Kounntion day, Illliin to be taken. Even the ads, which message of Professor Brumbaugh. He Lhe seeond time here. and the total number of calories eon- Delta Pi Alpha, 9.30 P. 11. eeem the hardest purt to procure, are stated that those who arc $001l to take Pnrf I of lhe program WIlS- opened sumed would by no meane resemble the ]'IONDA Y, APRIL 18- coming in better than at first. up their life work should be prepared by the Glee Olub's presentation of digit!! in a telephone number. Edibles to face the sttuat.icns which will con- Literary S.oci!'ties,-IVomen, (i.30 "The 01(1 ]~ond," by Scott, and "Love were few end far between, and the din- P. M.; Men, (i.45 P. M. PHILO AND WEBSTER ENTER- front them in tho world. Prom stilt is- Sends u Little Gift of Rose5," by iug room was securely locked. ties quoted he pointed out the numerous Openshaw. A vaudeville SKetch by However, )'fonday rolled around, 11$ it TUESDAY, APRIL 19- TAIN problems which muet be solved nntl the "Jap" Weisbeek and "Tony" Wy;'. usually does nt least once a week, and Soeial Clubs, 7.30 P. ::\1. Indian difficnlt.ie8 that must be overcome. He lanski entitled "Pure alld Si!pple" a group of fellows left. for Baltimore I Legend Dramatized urged thnt eaijh Senior go forth to help Eyed up ta its nllll1e. "'l'he Swbrd flf in a Blue Ridge bus. The first pl'eseu WEDNESDA Y, APIUL 20- on ill the solution of the world's problems Ferraee," by Bullnrd, alld "Little t.aUon of the program WIIS made in St. Jest~rs at Union Bridge, 8.00 P. The last e\"ening "the hm" be- lind Ihus benr his share of thehuruen. Brown Buby," by Wilson were suug by Paul's CllUrch, eorller of Linwood and )J. fore spring ,'nention was made merrier 'I'he students sang "Onwnrd Cilris· the (juartet composed of the Messrs. W. Monument streets. 'l'hc opening chorus for the student body by a party gil'cn tian Soldiers" as the Sen.iQrs left thc R. Weagly, C. A. Royer, K B. Lippy, by Philo aud Webster literary soeietie!! chnpel. wns nearl~· eont]lletcd, WheJI som(>{)ne aHd J. fL Nichols. Tho Green and Gold for Browning anil Irdng. The SllOrt announced Condon, the hero of our t1le J('sH'rs' orchestra, made play, bad not as yet put ill his ,'ppear College Talent Broadcasts speech of weleome which was made by First of Series of Sermons a hig wi_th their up·to·the·minute IInce. llumm-grellt. eause for cOllster Mr. W. R. Smith, president of Webster, sy\lcop:rtkm .• 4.s am. (meore l\h. Shri'·er ~:~;:rt:~l I;~:~~:: was followed by a delightful play. The To Class of '27 Delivered and 1fr. Dc HII'·cn sang "Crazy Words ;t~:~:.:,~.::e ~:~r~~~l~' Green and Gold Parrots Make play WIlS II dra.mation of a charming :l.nd Crazy Tllnc," neconlP~ied by the while the other members of T.he enst Hit With Large Audience. Indian legend centered around the In- By Meth. Prot. Pastor Panots . .Mr. Lippy sJlng. fl.3 an e11core fn,ll ..Uy PI-ayed aJl-d fervently hoped. dilln melody, "By Miss the Waters of the to "1IIother of ~Iine," by Burleigh, About fi\"e minutes before the pIny 11innetonka." Blanche Ford and "Po~" Gollls:a.k in a sketc.'ll .g]~'lJwed Mr. Branche Phillips deserve congrstu- started Condon nonch~\antl~· walked 'rhe first of JI ~eries flf sermtlllS to how eas)' it is to put Western Mnryland Western 'Maryland College talent for lntious for tile snccess of the play. Af- into tIle "star's" room. Rapid pU\SH the gradunUlIg class wits delivered Sun- College on top of the world. Hi~ next the first time failed the "mie" both ter the singing of popular tunes and fious were qnclled Rnd peaee reigned da~· evening, April 1.0, by the Rev. sketeh informed the profeasors as to Monday and Friday e"enings of las~ college songs, refreshments were served. anew. Consequently the production ,'I"as week ,,..hrn th<'r were entered in the ),[any of the gu~sts seemed SQrty to Charles ?Ii. Elderdice, pastor of the how others see them. Mr. De HU.l'en more of n. suecess than WIIS expected. programs brondcasted from the- stage leave, but the pllrty concluded at the Met-ho(]ist Protestnnt. Church of Wcst sang "J,'he Girl of My DrCIIIll!," ao Tile members of the church were kind of the New Star Theatre, Westminster, traditional honr of ten (P. M.) minster. companied by '\lr. Weagly at the pinno, enQugh to entertain the aetors. through station Wh""BG. Those who par· ],'fr. Elderdice took as his tc.."lni.~IlS. The Parrob E. consist of G. gested S{ llU'i-ta.ble work th:l.t the i!!notllsuollyasearefullyooservedbe- If SuI1iV:l1I and Carlyle Hildebrand worll them. (Gee whiz-this is R quicker Shriver fInd W. Warfield, saxa· cause it. callnot be nCCllratcly noted. negroes called Sam and Henry phones; G. C. Bamngll.rtner, banjo; J. '''i'' could aJld should do next.. yC'flr. our hiild~lI thoughts conld be seen they \\"~y to tell it-isn't itt) J1.l1UI Wooden, ffllia y"ar's Viee-Pregi· a I!.hort sketch. Sam hnd to make a A. Harp, cornetj C. '1'. DeIfaven, drums, would often be found to .-ary widely :From Crisfield we went to Salisbury, (1en.t gav6 II. hen.riy ward of eneou:rage speeeh bnt needed the care.l'ul prompt· with G. J. Weisbeek at the piano. from Ollr words. Yet this is an iute- the pride of the Eastern Shore. Well, ing of Henry. A ~olo, "GoodbYIl," by The performers seored a signal trio lUenit to the memhCl\\I a.lId wiBhed 010 grnl part of truth., our aetions TO$ti, \\"a$ SUllg hy 11r. WeaglYJ and as things huppened there, too. The Alum officers success in m.a.kiug the "Y" ni A~f;(Ieiation gave us a banqnet at the umph ill their lnoadeasting debut, aa frequently belie our professions. W~ IJn ~ncQrc, "At Dnwn." was ShOWll by the applause of the au huger and strollger thou bef{lre. must watch for truth in deeds as ,,·ell as Iligh sehonl; a dallee wa!'! held nt the clience and the message of the "liston Pllul Lalnhert&QIl, by way of an in- in thoughts lind wOf(ls. The .:resters Players presented a one- Cllfllltrry Rouse Tea Room; Mr. Phiilipe era in." angural address SIlid thatl1he "Y" af· "Trnth has entered inio ollr charac- act eomedy by A. A. Milne called "The presented the D~an with ('nough enndy fords perhnps the only definite field in ters when it has bCMme habihml desire hlHn ill the Bowler Hat.' John lIud for the gronp; it milled, and Tony which men on tho Ihi,]l eall perfOJ"m to say and to do only IllOse things .\Inry, nn elderly married cOllple, longed broke all previous records for a one-mnn works to satisfy the spil'itnnl desires. which true, and to hn"e a distaste for jnst Olle thrilling advCllture which breakfast !It the rcsidence of OSllar DR. WARD'S CONDITION IM- Alth{ l~ ma.u may cultivate his for things whieh are untrue. they eould alwilyB remember. Just Morris. Just another example of the PROVING then a ma.n ill /I bowler hnt wa.lkcd into, ;i'1I:btcll l,is pooketbQ{)k {IT "Veracity, honesty, constnney, genu type of meals we had expected and re their home and witJlout a wON1 sat better callcd the aetillg of his cast "rotten," also "cheerlrss and cold." The opinion of physieilllls is that Dr. opiuion of nil the fell()ws when Ihe said self, to his (\0Il"l""ietio118, to hi!t ideals. and called a rehearsal af Ule second act Benefits of the trip were, the thicken- Ward will be unable to take part in tlll~t the biggest ~nd.ioo.tion of fu.ture What a sorr~· figure Pi lute made ill the for the next day. ing of layers of tissue in the general the coming commencement exercises ex· growth was the "Y's" selccnoll of its hist.ory of the world when he wall not The Glee Club concluded the progrn.m vicinity of midriffs, stage experience, leJl.d·er-s for n.ex·t YC1lJ". by singing the Alma Mater. eept as a spectator. truetohiseonvietions. and a better impression of the Eastern The Gold Bng staff joins the rest of "Truth i5 a mlltter of knowledge, of Sho'men. W. M. DEBATERS TO FINISH WITH t.he studellt body, and the faculty, in experience, lind of eharaetlOr. With REMAIN1NG BOSTON COLLEGE JESTER. ITINERARY wishing Dr. Ward a 8'peedy and eom· truth we can make a goorl slart anrl fRee DR. JOHN H. LATANE, OF JOHN'S plete recovery. Western Maryland'& debaters will life confidently, our Guice being Him April 20-Union Bridge. (Firemen's 'I am the Way, HOPKINS TO SPEAK APRIL 21 meet those of Boston College in Alumni who said, -_-- the Truth, 11all.) andtheI:.ight.' " Hall, :Pridny night, April 22, at P. April 21-Eaat Baltimore Station .M. Dr. John R. Latane, ProfCBllor of W. W. ANNOUNCEMENT M., in the most importnnt debn.te of SCIENCE CLUB E. Church. (Baltimore and Washington American History in John& Ropkins the season. 'l'his debate will be a for- strects.) University, and one of the foremost his Saturday, April 9. W. W. issued into mal two·man affair, the first held at Under thc auspices of the Sciellue torians in the United States, will lec fnl1 membership t.he following pledges: the college for snme time. Beeause of Club, films explaining the mining and April 25-HagerstoWD. (High School Auditorium.) ture on "The Ameriean Poliey in Mex- Catherine Read, Dorothy Hobbs, Mary the large number of eligible men, kel!ll manufacture of asbestos, and the prep· ico and Central Amerie!!" in Smith Catherine Street, Doris Roffman, Sara interest has been evinced in the salee- aration of cotton for the market were April 29-St. John's M. P. Chureh, RaU, on Thursd~y, April 21, at 8 P. Freeman, Gatherine Close, Lucille Pros· tiOll of Western Maryland's represen- shown at the New Star Theatre last Baltimore. (St. Paul and Twenty·sev· M. All are invited. key, and Flor('nee Viele. tatives. Thursdsy afternoon, April 7. enth ~tree!s.)
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