Page 89 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md, Page Three I SPORTS I Terror Riflemen Rank High I SPORTS I 'l'ERROR SHOOTERS RANX HIGH FRESHMEN WIN LAST GAME DUAL WRESTLING MEET A TIE JVNIORS DEFEAT FRESHMEN CO·EDS LOSE FINAL GAME Information from the headquarters The Western U>uyland Freshmen Each Tea.m gceeea EIght Points The Prosh, although playing fast and George Washington's speed and ac- 'Of the Third Corps Area stated that clos-ed their season Tuesday night earnestly, could not out.secrc the Jun. curacy proved too much for the "'\lst· -Western _Marylaud'~ rifle team has March 8, by defeating Westminster ior squad, so the Juniors chalked up ern 1far~'land sextette ill the final game quahfied for the National Intur-Ccl High school hy the eecre of 21-18, The Sophomore and F'reshmeu wrestlers their second victory. Hutchins and of the season. The horne team didn't legiate Team Championship Matehes. Frush lost a game earlier in the season staged an exhibition Wedneeday arter- Brveu, Junior eeutera, were outatand lag, but put forth the same old fight western Maryland ranks second only to the High School cage-e. "Don" noon March 9, under the direction of ing players for the vletora Betty Mit· with the eamc staunch spirit in an ef- to Penn State College. Other teams Seitz started the scoring with a foul the wrestling coach, Al"bert Tozzi. The ehell offered fine opposition as Preah- fort to bri.llg )llaryland victory. qualifying from this corps nre: Car· goal. Smith and Seitz ran the score final score was 8-8. man side center. Smith I1l1dWheeler deserve epeelal re- negie Tech, Virginia Militnry Inst.i- to flve before West aaored. W. "Bot" McOauley and "Tom" Juniors Freshmen cognition for the splendid guurdiug tute, Lehigh, Drexel, and Virginia Brown made a foul shot for the loser. Brown staged a preliminary bout which R.F. Mitchcll which was 11 noticeable feature of the Polytechnic Institute. The score at tho end of the first quar- wne won by the latter on a tinle ad- Young Gunby entire game. Both teams gave ereel· The Terror team has proved itself t er was 5·1. vantage. The first inter-class bout waa Barnes L.F. lent exhibitions of well drilled passing Bupcrior to teams put out by most of Havens and Seitz increased the four between the representatives of the 125 Hutchins c. Pritehard and team work. The final score of the larger enllegea that it hils eompet- mortl points "by two more field goals. erase. Roy Robertson '29 "bested Bryan S. C. nollins the final game was 26·18. ed with. It has been running neck Then B. Brown of the nigh School "Shorty" Brllchl '30 in a well fought Bevard R.G. Streett Wilsoll R.F. Gnmby and neck with Princeton but was final· team made 'Wlestm:ins'tcr's second 'll\atch. Ro.'bertaon's time advantage \Varde L.G. Russell Rayne L.F . Evers ly beaten by six points, scores 1403- point. Havens added u foul. The was two minutes and 5 seconds. Lauder C. Jackson 1397. half-time score was 10·2. lln the 135 pound clnaa Lee Bowers Bubsd.itutea: Fneshmen- Prichard ~OIIenstock a c. Cate The eueeesa of the team can be at- "Jimmy" Stach was snbstituted '30 defeated Panl Howard '29 after for Mitchell, Mitchell for Hollins, Smith R.G. Faunce tributed to the efforts of llauager for Seitz ana immediutely scored a six minutes of very good wrestling'. Score: Juniors, 14j 'Froeh, 10. Wheeler L.G. Hasting;! Thomas B. Reed who led it to victory. field goal, Schwinn made the seere 12· "Speed" 'V'llrren was no mateh for Besides being manager, he is the hard· 3 by a foul shot. C. Brown, next " Admiral" Simms who pinned his Subatitutes: W.:M. C.- Engle, est w:>erounds. DeHavens 19 0 00 '29 defeated "·Speed" Warren by II PRESIDENT TAFT "JOHN" 160·pounil class-Elliott, Penn, won fall in 6 minntes and 30 seconds. Points wanted Il. good E vel' ready from Johns, \Yes"tern ):[ar~'land, judges' Totuls '·6 21 seored 5. PHOTOGRAPH {lecision, thrce ronnch. Helll'yweight class-"Walt" Lolly he sent for Very courteous Errorless attention l'5-pound class-?lleRohie, "estern Westminster High School (18) '3~ wen from '\Vilfrcd Whitcraft '29 Right style Mar~'land, won from Rc.isi:>nsonrg 0-1 FOR THAT FINE BREAK!' AST The Only Barber and Bobber at Refe"cll, Billy Redcap; judges, Fred. Schwinn 19 J.l FLORSHEIM SHOES the Forks \\'ashiugtoll, rena State, fwd Johnny \\'oolry rg 2-2 ~GOTO~ 'Lucas, Penn. STETSON HATS Totals 6·9 18 Margaret's Griffin's Scorc by qnorters: B.A.SKET-BALL, SQUAD FETED Fresltillcn 55 () 5-21 International Made·to·Mea.sure Goodie Shop High School 1 1 3 13~lB RUN TO On ,\V~dnesiilly, March 9, the basket· Referee-Lyol Clark MITTEN'S Suits bldl squad w~s given II. h:lHqnet by fo, SODA, CANDY, and TOBACCO eoach "Burney" Spier aud his wife, at their home on Doyle avenue. After WALfi-OVER SHOES 1I0t Bread, Rolls aud Cakes, Westminster Hardware Co. Chocolnte Sundae with whipped cream the squad hod been mustered together AIJT. STUTI-eJ'\"l'S I{il\;"'D1\' TIIE:lll Specials for Parties. 10 cents and the roll had been taken by the See Our $01.50 and $5,00 Lilla PHONE 249R Jobbers and Retail Deaiel's in }.'resh Strnl\'berry Sunda.e with whipped coach, they were seated uround the tao General Hardware cream, 15 cents l'hero was chicken, Anders' Shoe Store Attention W.M.Students ble upon whic.h a sumpt<>us banquet All Sundaes topped with Whipped had been placed. Cre&m.-No Extra. Charge ehieken, anrl morc chicken, a delicacy Monticello Chocolate Covered Cherries rare to the students at \V, M. C. Ai· Dr. A. J. Morrell -for those who don't know we Heating and Plumbing Systems 39B Pound ter the b:>rannouneea the list of letter Repair and Tailoring (Estimates }'urnislled) PRICES men, namely CUl)t. "Otts" Broll, 110 E. l\faiu St. PllOne 175. "Bob" Ellis, "Mose" .:Muchamer, Finest Grade of Work. "Cap" Weigle and ,IBob" Van Bur- FOR QUICK SERVICE WESTMINSTER TAILOR WANTED AT ONCE. en. The letter men then retired to Call At 86 E. Main Street A $15,000,000 internation~ sales or· e1eet the captain for next year's team. Call C. &; P. 'l'el. 225 Auto Serviee Their ehoice was :Mose Machamer, een. The Quality Shoe Shop ganization can use one man a-t Western ter on this year's team. l D. KATZ AT THE STAR Maryland College te act as Company Captain·elect Machamer then gave THURSDAY and FRIDAY repreS('ntative in signing up students a speech, uking that the same spirit The Fool lind cooperation whieh t~'pified this Telephone 55-R A Spednl Pat be "News and teachers for snmmer vacation year's squad be eontinued next season. CoUledy__'King Zero work. experience. ... IF rr '8 RADJO Excellent pa.y, valuable u:per· Speeches by Capt. "Oth" Broil, CHAS. KROOP WE IIAVE IT "Bob" Ellis, "Cap" Weigle, "Bob" Leading Shoe Repair Shop SATURDAY ienee and chance for fnture advance· Van Buren, "Nate" W",inshH:k, 25 E. Main St. The Fighting Buckaroo ment to man who can qualify. Guaran- "Alcx" O'Lenr, and Sullivan followed: Westminster, Maryland. Comedy and House Without II. Key tee. Prefer man with some previous in rllpid order. Praise and esteem for i\fOXDAY and TUESDAY the coach WlU!the keynote of all the Send your siloes to Charles Bazdleys, the Magnijic1ent sales Write at onee to speeehes, Too much credit cnn not be Kroop by Parcel Posl, they will Oomedy, Bill GrimB Progress Chas. C. MePherson, 303 Star Build· given to eoach "Barney" Spier for be repaired the same day at a ing, -Washington, D. C. a.n.d appomt· C. Donald Eckenrode hi~ nntiring efforts throughout the very low cost, At the organ, Miss Ford and MiS/! Give us a Trial. Diffendal PlC;lt will be arranged, Phone 250
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