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G01 OHANGE IN RULES w. M. O. DEBATES OF MAJOR SPORTS BOSTON COLLEGE PAGE 3 FRIDAY, 8 P. M. Vol. 4, No. 24 April 20, 1927 Dr. John H. Latane Special Shakespeare OOLLEGE OALENDAR Renowned Debators of Boston College to Speak Tomorrow Celebration Saturday WEDNESDAY, APIUL 20- Meet W. M. C. Team Friday Night Y. M. and Y. W. C. A., 6.30 P. 1\[. Jesters ot Union Bridge, in Eire- Authority on u. S. Relations To Enact Letter Scene from men Hall, 8 P. M. French Club will Give with Latin America "Twelfth Night" Delta l'i Alpha, 9.30 P. M. CANCELLATION of WAR THUJi'3DAY, APRIL 21~ Varied Program in DEBT IS TO BE '!'HE Dr. .Tohn Holladay Lateuc, one of A speelnl program celebrating the Jl)!lt~rs at East Baltimore Station, QUESTION the foremost historians in the United anniversary of Shakespeare's birth and l'oI. E. Ohurch, Baltimore and Smith Hall, May 13 Statell, and an authority on the rela- death will be presented by the Shakes- Wnllhington Strceh, Baltimore. Lambertson and Royer tions of this ~ountry with Latin Amer peare Club in ).fcDaniel Hall parlor at Lecture in Smith Hall; Dr. Johu to ica, will deliver n lecture on "The eight o'clock on ."'pril twenty-third. H. Labue, 8 P. M Two Plays, Special Dance, Represent W. M. C. Amertean Foreign Policy in Mexico and },JjSB Ruth Sehlineke and )Jr. Herbert and Songs Being Arranged Central America" in Smith Hall on Nichols will sing solos taken from FRIDAY, APRIL 22~ Attention] A dual duel is to be en- Thursday, April 2], at 8 P. 11.. Dr. Shakespcarean plays. The Letter Seene Intercollegiate Debate, Boston Dol- acted. Opponents are Fulton Debating Latane is at present the professor of from "Twelfth Night" Ivill be enncted lege vs. Western Maryland, Alum Two plays, a special dance, and sev- Society of Boston College and Westl'rn American History lwd the head of the by t he Misses Velma Richmond and lfae ni Hall, 8 P. M. eral souga will be presented in Smith 'Maryland College debeters , time is F'r-i- History Department at John Hopkins "?fills and tbe "Messrs. W. K. Bar nee, Baseball, Western Maryland VB. Hall by membcra of the Freneh Club day, April 22, at 8 P. ],f.; place is University. John Mears, Casper Hart, and B. I. Univcr~ity or Maryland, at College l~ri(lnr night, May the thirteenth, at Alumni Hall j weapons' are brains and Dr. Lntnna was born in Staunton, Barnes, with a. prologue read by Milll! P/l.rk. seven-thirty. The student body, faculty, ploquen~e; question is, "Resolved: That va., April I, 1869. lie was graduated Margnret Williuger. Miss Joy Rein· SATURDAY, APRIL 23~ and friends of tile college who dealre to the United States should eaneel its in- from Baltimore City College, and then ututh will read as n monologue the CM- Tennis Match, Drriversity of Mary· attend, will be welcome. fer-allied wnr debts." The chairman is obtained hia A. B. and his Ph.D. at ket scene from "The Merchant of land Western MarY!.1nd, at The first pIn;.., "L' Anglais tel qu' ProfeS50I"George S. Wills, Head of the 1'8. Johns Hopkins. Since that time he has Venice." A scene from "The. Tragedy Western 1laryland, 2.30 P. M. on le parle," i$ a short ecmedy, which Department of Western Mary- taught history and economics in n num- of King Henry VIl1" will be given by may be easily understood by tboae who College. Two of the judges are ber of famous Iustituttona, among whie.h Messrs. Carroll Royer and Paul Lamb Shakespearean entertainment, .Mc· do not underatnnd Froncl.. Compbea- )Jr. Geo. R. Gellr, Vice President and are: Baltimore City College, San Rafael ertson, with a prologue by Mr. :Martin Daniel Hall Parlor, 8 P. M. tions arlee through the misunderstnud- Cn$hio.'rof tue First National Bank of .M.ilitary Academy, Randolph Maenn, Dlffendal. The costuming (Ind directing :.\fONDAY, APRn.. 26-- iugs betwecn lin angry Englishmau. who Wcstminster; nnd /lfr. Earl Shipley, Ilnd Wasllington ilnd Lee University. In of the scenes has been dQne entirely by Literary Societic8~Women, 6.30 apeaks no ll'rcuch nnd a inter. nttorney·at~law, of Westminster. The 1898 he entered the. History Department thestudellisoftheclub. P. :U.; Men, 6.45 P. M. pre!:er who speaks no Englis.h. Matters third judge ha$ uot Jet heen Sel'ured. at Johns Hopkins. The club extends It cordial invitation Jesters at H.agerstown in Hagers. arc evenaully righted by a man who 1\he rnl('$ of the deba!., pHl,uit eacll Dr. L:ltane WilSthe first Albert Shaw toallthO!!einterestedtoattendthocel- town nigh School Auditorium, 8 speaks both English and French. spenker fift~('n minutes for construeti"e lecturer in AmericlI. He. hill! written ebration. P. M. argument, fwd fi"e minutes for rebuttal. se\'eral books and h~s made a great TUESDAY, APRIL The other play, "L' homlllO qui \Y. M. C. uphold lhe negntil'e side. ill!!ny contributions w ma.gazines. H~ 26-- CpOllS,~une femme mllctte," may need Thls will be the feat.ure debate- of the His· Jesters Play Successfully latest book, which has been highly Baseball, Tank Corps vs. Western more explanation for the sake of those seaSliss (tramut.irs for two yeflrsj :luthor of mation test will be. given, and on Fri· 20, at Union Bridge, under the auspices "'fhe Breastplate of Righteousness." Margaret J. Snader are eoaching the "The Man from the Open Spaees"j dav the studenta will take examinations of the .Alumlll Aasociation of' the high In St.. Paul's dny, a neee~sa.ry part pIny ani! Miss Fnith H. ~nl1ard is di· !Ind has b~en nn intereollegintr debnter in'special snbjeets. Cigh1l rise to impulses Ul~nt, which was held on l!onday ~Jld form warfRre, having appenrnd as a llistory :md Social Science. OBSERVED IN ALUMNI HALL ~;- which result in aehons. If these ac· 'fuesday, April 18 and ]9, at Carlb\'s member of the varsity team at Eliza· }'rench. tions are to be goon, right emotions and Park, Baltimore. "Die.k" reeel\"(\d the bethtown College in ilis freshman yenr, Latin and Greek. LOCAL WOMEN'S CLUB impulscs are esscntial. gold medal ofl'cred for first plaee in the ns (L membcr of the Tn'ing Liternry So· Rome Economics w(!i\('r,wcight cla~s. Ray -:'IIeRouiealso ciety team lnst year. nnd as 11 varsity .Mathematies. In accordance with tbe. plnns of tlle ..\ffection largely iu.fluenees lila. lffixed in the tournament /lnd succeeded debater last .rear Dnd this year. Biology. National Federation of \VOnlan'S Clnbs, When the Script.ures urge "Lay up for in wimling the sill·er medal offert'i.l as Boston C"llege is n foe capabtc 0:1' Chemistry. the Westminster Clnb will celcbrate Na· yourselyes treasnres in Heaven" it is sel'ond prize in the hNlI'~'\\"eight class. testing 1he met.tle of llny debating tcam. Physics. tionnl Mnaic Week, beginning the first beeanse "Where your trna~ure is, there Both mel] trained this lvinter under Their schedule', whicl, include~ tenrms The re~ulh of this examination will of May. A musical program will be will your heart be also." Man's hearl "Diek" H.~rlO1l".Previously, they had from Canada, Australia, England and be used for advisory purposes, and will given in ,Alumni Hall (l.\"ery evening follows his treasure nnd the things he the distinction of winning their bouts twelve st(lteJ! in the Un.ited States, ill no way affect the administration of from Monday, May 2, until Friday, Joves constitute an index of his life. in a match with the Univcrsity of Penn shows thM Clebnting is one of their mao the point system. It will determine the May 6. Since Ole heart is the seat of the sylvsnia. jor sports. relation of the student to further col· On Sunday, May 1, all ministers emotions, impulses, and affections, Western Mnlyland has llild a fairly lege work and the type of work which been asked to !londuet worship entirely whieh play so large a part in life, it is , snc~essful ~ea80n, the two teams' total he may profitably persne through his ill musie. lfonday night, the primary, necessary lhat it be well protected from plate, the darts o.f sin will rebound victories being four ont of eight de· junior and senior years. For the sne· ,grammar, and high schools of Westmin evil. Tbis proteetion is righteousness- from the CIlri~tian 's brcastplate of bates. 'fhe team composed of Royer, cessful stndent, it wiIl have a direct re ster will give a. eoncert consisting of purity of heart and integrity of life. righteouaness. This breastplate will Lippy and Johnson were awnrd..,.d the la.ti{)n to the field in whicb his gradu· both orehestrsl and vocal numbera. It is being right and doing right. The give protection, too, against nnjust au judges' decision for four out of five ate intereds ma.y lie. No student, how· Tuesday evening will be Community criterion of aetion for a. Christian (luaations and misrepresentations. These debates. They debst.ed three times ever, may obtajn his junior rank with· Night, with singing by the Rotarians should be "Is it right.'" If the life are part of th~ eruelties of life and against modification of the Volstead out his record in this examination. ss a special feature. On Wednesday, meets that standard the heart is pro· righteousness is the only safeguard Act, and twice on the repe/l.l of the the program will consist of songs by all t~ted. against them. Others cannot judge us, Eighteenth Amendment. Lambertson, breastplate righteoulmess of The SENIORS IN SPEECH DEPART- the choirs of the town, and t.he college guards the heart from the evil or temp- beclluse the)" cannot understand our at- Rosenstock and Sterling comprised the Thursday is to be Local Talent o~her team which debated twice against choir. However we ean MENT PREPARE PLAYS Night. Soloa, dueta, and quartets by tation within. Here nre found the real titndes and motives. if our consciences cancellation of war debts and once in judge ourselves, and variOlllJ musi(lians of the locality will foes of spiritual We which tear down are elear, we are protected and strollg. fal'or of the repeal of the Eighteenth Senior Speeeh Studcnts have begun constitute the entertainment. On Fri the character. But the consent of the Tennyson makes Sir Galahad say, Amendment. work on the plays to be given during day, the pupils of the private musie will is necessary before temptation can "My strengtb is as the strength of tcn The resnlts of the past schedule are Commencement \Vaek. One of thl'ac is teMhers of \VestminHter will close the rcsnlt in action and righteousneSli Bee.ausa my heart is pure." as follows: the famous Old English eomedy, series of programs with a musical reo guards against this. If the Christian soldier goes out to George Washington UniveT8ity~Vol· "Grammer Gurton's Needle." Several cital. Righteomness nlso gives protection life's battle thns equipped, he will fight stead Act;...-.won,2-1. other shorter plays are being con.aidered, Eve~yone who ;5 interested in music against temptation from witbont. As a gOod fight Rnd finish his course with Elizabethtown College--War Debts- hut at present no definite announcement iseordially invited to attend t.hese ex- the darts of the enemy rebounded harm- glory, proteuted by the righteousness lost, 2·1. ean be made concerning them. ercise~. lessly from the Roman soldiers' bresst· which Christ alone can impart. (Continued on Page 4)
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