Page 94 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Weatm.iDJter, Md. Alumni EDITED BY ELSIE HELD AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI Delta Sigma Kappa takes greet Brcwrring Liternr y Society held 'its ~1ia~ Iaenogje, }':lrs. Hamrick, and pleasure in announcing tlH! pledging of election of officers for the third teem 1[iss Tandy, durlug spring, 1I1i8se8Elizabeth Clough, Ellen Gnrccl- on Mmreh :!1. Elizabeth Bcmfller WI18 had a most enviable trip to Florida. AIly news items concerning W. M. Miss Agnes Atkiuson, of the class of on, Virginia Merrill, Ruth Staley, and elected preaident , Tllelma. Shreiner, Alumni will be gra.tefully received. '24, lJas jU5t married the Rev. Paul Julia Williams of the cluss of 1930. viee-preeident j Gertrude Kelbaugh, Hurris, ntsc of the class of '24, Rc~·. The "Delts" were eutertn.iued 1;0 a secretary, and Marga-ret Kyle, 't.rena- The Misses Edith Kinkead, Dorothy ;"fr. Hcrts has a eharge in Boston, dog roast by Dorothy Johnson and Hooper, I!l.11dMary 'VlIllzl were d6light· Miss ;\liriam Jones, of the class of .\1a8s. Clu'l.rl(lllte Wheeler on March twenty· fully entertniued at the home qf the '.::'5, reeently gave up her position as t>hird. FRENCH CLUB lIir.sC811elen And Chnelctte Wheeler in teacher to marry :\ir. Lee Burdmck. It has been the custom of Delta Sig' Waahington, D. C., dnring spring vaaa The following alumni were on the rna Kappa to uave a weekly tea through- 'rhe regular hi-monthly meetings of tion. Hilf Test week : out the year. Rcceut hostesses have The xnsses Lolitn Sterling, '25; been Misses Mae Mills, Louise Baus, "Le Cerele }'rantais" have been post Reverend Oswald Bryan ("Pop") Adele Owings, '25; Evelyn Beatson, aud Onthertne Grumbine. poned in order that the members may 1Liss Dorothy Roberts spent a very Lnngrnlt, '21, a former W. 11. C. feet- '~5; Emily ",\IIIlUtt, '25: .reeetc Fink· devote their time to rehearsing pleaeant vaention in Hillsboro, with ball star, preached in Baker Chapel reo bine, '26; Virginja Wheeler, '26j "L'homme qui epOU8!1 nne femme 1liss Robertn Rowe and in Berlin with ceutly. He and 11is wife, the former "Tommy" ~laSse)', '26; Eulllh John· TJIll DELTA PI ALPHA ELECTION muefte," and "L'Anglais tel qui'on Ie :'lEss Virgiuia Holland. :Miss Isabelle Moore, '21, are living at son, '25; Mary Wnrfield, '25; Clnra parle." Llltcr in the spring these plays Woodlawn,lIllryland. Reinicke, '25; IrmA Lawyer, '26; The annual electi(m of the Delt.a Pi will br presented in Smith Hall, before "Kitty" Coonau, '26; Ruth Bensou, Alphlls was held last ·Wednesl1ay with the entire college. )Iiss Rozel Bratt and Mills Velma. '26; Lillian Hollins, '24; :'IIrs. Sterling the followiug results: J!;iehmoud spellr n part of their vacation Truitt to Furnish 1945 Quarterback Edwards, '25, !lnil )frs. Relen Stone President, Eugene C. 'iVoodwnrd; Bolt, '25; l\[~ssr9. Chapin Day, '26; \'ice·president, H. Norman Nicl1. talk on the pendieitis. bert K. Johnsou, '28; ellnpl~in, J. clistoms,. a~ld poc.try of the Paul Lambertson, '28j auilitor5, Leon 1UI1i:l1I. },[iss MRrion Cur· :'IIiss Charlotte Wheel~r spent the BUCK CASH 'rRY 0{):MB1Nt.\T10N SAl\"'DWJCH"F..s K. Bunce, '30, and Otis :V. Trice, '30. lUlg sang "Pale Moon." meet- \reek end nt Goucher with 1:1isBMarion 'Dhc 'l'hese lIleu were iustnlleu fit the meet· iug closecl by the lJresidcnt, Dr. North, of WushingtOll, D. C. -AT- iIlg )Jouday, April 11. WtlS LIFE INSUR.ANCE Herb~l"l T. Stepheus. Margaret's WestminSter, Maryla.nd FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS 1'he ·Misses Lillian Maddox, Kathryn PHILO SENIORS ENTERTAIN Braynn, und E8ther Hollins also spent On Tuesday, Mareh 15, the Freshmeu the week end in Bnltimore. Westminster Stationery Store Fresh F ruil Strawberry and Fruit Salad held their first ela."$smeeting for the Monday e\"o(~nillgthe 'Sl'llio-rs euter· SUN DAES purpose of organizatiou. Ths only busi- t:l'iJled the olher Pihilo melllbe'11I at 1\11 BILLY OlTMAN, Prop. Are 'Delicious --Tl~s'taken up was the ele~tion of om "egg-.v·' BlUSte!' pm1.y in lhe "Y" 'rhe Jesters take this opportunity to Kodaks Films Novelties -AT~ rOQlU. 'l'he lll"ogJ";Jm(ll)euecl with Mug eers, and tilos(' who were Ch{\S€llnre ns thAnk 11.188Dorst for her valuable aid Monlhy and Weekly 'Periodical, BONSACK·S follows: the- Senior Philos. Au r,ast".r egg in directing the glee dub, the quartets Pr-eSident, Peter Gomsakj vtiee--'Prosi· foJ\owC'(i toiris, Afl;{ll" much ex" amI the soloists. Miss Snader for her deut, }'rnllees R:llIghley; secret~r~', Vir- dteuJ,eut aud IIenllnbling, aal 0-£ ·the uncellsing all(l eougenial worK with the Wehler & King ginia Merrill; treasurer, Alex O'Lear, ~ggs W\'fe fountl Se\'ernl e-gg r:wes cast of the nud the managers, histori:m, Elizabeth Gloug]!. W~rI' f'hen held, aftcr wllicll refresh· .\fessrs. Butting and GRADUATE PHARMACISTS EAT-A- PLATE-A- DAY ThcEo'officefS will bold their ptlSHiollS ",,,nt-...,., consisting {If chocoln.te El18ter Koontz, for their cooperativl) spirit The Rexall Store for the rcmaindrr of this ye:Jr. egg!!, we're hen·lIel. -Tho pru·ty wu.s vory throughout the trip. The 1llceting lasted about two hours engoynble, ,oCSl:rt!6inHy from an "eggy" Westminster, Md, NEUM~Nl Im{l was the oieasion for rathrr lll'ated l)O)iJl~of view. diseussious nml dissell~ioJls. E\'~ry CORRECTION membrr of th~ cl:l~s, l1Owe\'e1,s.howcd a ICE CREAM Dnw Smith & Reifsnider markedilitcrestinthlsfirstlllcetillg. PHILO ELECTS OFFICERS Through an error made in the last is· sue of the Gold Bug, Mr. '''eldon ~TH! CREAM WITH THE MOAElSH TASTE~ On Uareh ::3, Ph.ilmnathenn Literary SOlI Wtl.S \lot gil'en eredit for the stage y. W. O. A. ELECTION Society hcld the eleetion of offieers for lllalll.gcmcnt of the biblical drama, tile n;ird term of thill year. The om- "Queen Esther." LUMBER AND COAL The Y. 'V. C. A. held i.ts arumal elee· eersthosellwere: tion of offieel\!!n.t the .Iagt meeting" be· President, lI.nel Bratt; ,·iee·presi fore spriug vacatiou. ::llargll.ret Kyle dent, Elizabeth Norman; recording sec· If You AreA WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Zile-Neuman Co. was cleeted Prcsicle1Lti l'Ifllrg.1re't WH- retary, ),Iargaret BarHllUrt; eorreslJOnd scm, Viee·Prering peaoo, /llld ea1m, Ilnd reat, Enclosed find $1.00 for subseription Antl elreams, Rlld hopes most truly 10 Gold Bng for the rcmainder of the bletrt; D. S. GEHR If you ewn soothe, and (lid, und lov{], college year HI26-UI27. Lift \\'eaJ"J" minds t-o h'eights above; Wholesale and Retail Hardware, STOP AT THE If yon wre ~entk, and. !.onder, t:ru(', Yet softly dark, :md ~hA(lo\"Ytoo; (Nnme) Building Materials, Cutlery, 'Vith music'a hn:rnKl111ylow, and clt;:lI",- Ammunition, Paints, Oils, If ~-ou maKe heart to h!l3.rtmore dC
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