Page 97 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 97
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, \Vestminster, Md, Page T/tru \SPORTS I Do You Know The New Rules? I SPORTS I IN"TBR-CLASS BASEBALL ANNO'AL TENNIS TOURNA.MllNT SCHEDULE ARRANGED Football and Basketball Rules Diamond Dope All of us, except freshmen, reeall The struggle fer the inter-class bap,e· with pleasure th~ tennis tournament ball ebamplonshtp for the 1927 season which the "Y" has been accustomed to Change for Coming Season will begin April 27, when the freshmen lwld each spring, This year the "Y" baseball Rain cheated Dick Harlow's will (lross bats with the sculcrs. team out of lin apparent victory over is planning to stage the biggest and Fumbled Punts Declared Dead The wmmiUee rl!Commended that 8 One round will be played, ending on beat one thus far, )1ay 23. No tournament was held last Blue Ridge last Wednesday j however, Al! men, except those on the varsity, minute periods be enough for jnnior -year, but the class of '27 was vietoriouB the game ,lill be pl~yed on our hOUle arc eligible. Quite a few men have al- Use of Backward Pass Encouraged high or elementary school teams. Incomplete and illegal forward passes in 1925. They have a very good team field, Wednesday, Mrry 20. The team ready signed up, and any other who Time of Huddle Limited aretobetreated:1\ikejthatis,thesee- has made rapid ~inee the development this year, and may repeat their 1925 game with Albright and evidently wish to follow snit are requested to do Posts Set Back ond incomplete or illegal pass of any achievement. is Besides the so at onee. There will be a fifteen·eent Goal series will take a the-yard penalty. Graduate )Janager Spier has formu· able to take on all comers. entrance fee to defray expenses and to The committee has no objection to a lated eligibility rules, which ars as fol game on Wednesday with Blue l~idge, purchase a prize for the winner. Be Blnce many of the students have not lows: the squad will trek to College Park on the winner I taken n
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