Page 36 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 36
PageF-our The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md. Class, Club, and Society Doings I I Alumni NrUtn GILMORE LIPPY~MARGA.RET MARTIGNONI AUll .qat N.ot Edited by DOROTHY GILLIGAN -IRVING DEBATE POSTPONED DELTA PI ALPHA Quite II few of tho students were Paul Reese, '116 was recently nr-daiu- very fortunate in having their parents AJ1y news items concerning W. M. The dual debate between Irving The Delta. Pi Alphna, popularly nlld frienda to visit them over Sunday. Alumni will be gratefully received. ed as a. minister of the Episcopal 'Irltera ty Society and the English and known as Theologs, held their meeting Misses Eva Lynch and 'I'helmn Cross Church. He has a ehnrge now at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Okla- Current Eventa ' Club of Blue RHlge on Wedneada.y, November ll, (It the spent the week-end at Thelma's hOllle J. Hunt Hcndriekson, 1907 was elect- homs. Oollege scheduled for last Friday night home of President W'nrd. In order at \Yest Friendship where t.hl)Ywill reo ed last Tuesday District Judge of Mutt- had to be postponed one week due to that everyone should have a share in main next week doing their observation nnmnh County, which is one of the mid-term examinatlons at the New the meeting, Doctor Ward suggested and praeuiee teaching. most important in the Btnte of Oregon, Florenee I...ouden, '25 spent last week windsor institntion. The negative. that each member, in turn, tell of the lind in whleh Por tlnnd is the county end on the Hill for Id. AT THE FORKS College Ropresentati"l"" 'l'wo Tickets for Price of One
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