Page 35 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 35
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three ON TO BUCKNELL! I SPORTSI ISPORTSi Terror Gridmen Annihilate Football Season Will End TIPS ON THE TERRORS Loyola College Eleven 33 - 0 Saturday at Lewisburg, Pa. "A Team That WlIJt.'t Be Beatell, Can't Bo Beaten." (Continued from Page 1) ngntn for 7 yards. Neal made first Bucknell is Last Opponent The dope box was very muehly upset The first time Weatern Maryland down. Mcltfains, Neal, and Gowsak the double ahift, it caught a Desmond for Loyola was the epeetae- This Season. for those that picked Loyola to win on [derl Illsr performed. He was all over tue carted the b;,ll to the 10·yard line and Baturday, and Western Maryland came 1..oyoln man well ever ill the Western !ield making the tackles and stood out "Greasy" crossed the goal lins in one Lewisburg, Pa., NOI'. 13.-The. West· home the proud winners of a 33 to 0 Mnrylalld backfield. He wanted to get more play. Chambers' kick was good. 3S the best Loyola player. Byrne was ern Murylaud-Bueknell footbal'l game victory. the inside dope on the play. 21; also a wonderful man when carrying Score W. M., kieked Loyola, O. the ball scheduled for the Memorial Stadinm iu Chambers off and the ball and punting, and it can be said Lewi!'lblltg on -Saturday, November 20, If Loyola won from Hopkins by 33 There is no question about it, that on Loyola.'s that the whole Loyola team was a fight· weut into play a. short kick. 45·yard now shapes up as the biggest attraction points, Hopkins defeated St. John's by double shift is puzzling. Vsry few line. It was Loyola ing eleven at all times. of the season on the home card of Ihs 3.J. points and Western Maryland out teams have been able to keep from rushes and pass failed and Byrne punt- penalty, caused by Ex:tra.cts from Play by Play A.eeount ed to McMains. Mac returned the Bisona. In every way it appears to be rsted Loyola by 33 points, compara- drawing an off-aide this shift. With Western Maryland defending kick, with a beautiful 50·yard punt, the a better drawing card than the horne- tive scores should ptsee the "Terrors" the south goal and Loyola the north, ball went out of bounds. Loyola tried eoming game with Lehigh. fairly high iii the Mnr yland cycle of The referee made a head-long dive Clark kicked off for Western Maryland in vain again and Byrne dropped back The M.:ltylaud team lIas gone through games. for the pigskin at the en(] of the game, Byrne reeeived the pigskin and ran it to kiek. Weinstock was too quick for the season with only one dereat, and and it was tnought that he must be back to his own 25-yard line. On the him and l!.is punt was hlceked. weln- that was at Holy Orono When it Is Among the individual stsrs of the- trying to rehearse a new clip or some- first piny tri!}d by Loyola, Byrne dash- stock also recovered far W. M. A pass recalled t.hllt it was a ulnae score, and game, MeRobie and wefnatoek in the thing, but all he did was tc get the ed through the line for a \l5-yard ruu, McMains to Gomsak and two rushes by that the Oatholics have not been de- line, and Long, Gomsak, Chumbers, and ball and sufel.v tuck it in "Charlie" ~arrying the ball to Western Mary- Neal made II first down, the ball on feated to date this year it is seen that Neal in the backfield, stand out as the land '9 3D-yard line. Jim Hahn, u for· Loyola's 14.yard line. Neal carried the the Westminster team "has some- choice. He vena arms, as:l distinction of vic· tory. mer Terror, was ~alled upon to heave ball to ~he 5·yard line as the 3rd quar- thing." And indeed they have. Dick· his 200 pounds at the line, and when ter ended. Score W. M., 21; Loyola, O. inson, nnd Gettysburg, leading ril'nls Weinstoek, according to the men in taekJed, he fumbled the ball, and West- Gomsak plungsd through the center of the Bisons, have beeu defeated by the presHbox, played a wonderful game, INDIVIDUAL SCORING OF THE ern .Uaryland recovered. of ths line for 5 yards and another the Maryland "Green Terror." ill fact. us goO(l as IIRS been 'Played "TERRORS" Neal punted on ths first play to En· touchdown. Cham'bera failed to add There is naturally !L reason fOI' thi5 fit "Gre:lsy" right, 11'110 was dropped in his t.raeks. the point. Score W. M., '27; Loyola, O. fine work Oil the part·of the 'Vester)) the Stadium this of the season. afternoon. Hc the talk II'US Loyola failed on succe9~ive line rushes After several advances by Long aud "Marylaurl tenm. First, they have foun.":':lkept thp. bonrd early next week. The chUB of few inches toward the floor. Gladie Seniors en the defensive thrOll'lhout the '29 WOlltlHl tourJJ!lmeut hlst year. Mlle.B, "Dutch" !Iolland, and Bobs LUNCH at our SODA FOUNTAIN game and came out on top wi\.1. the Rowe put up a swift and good fight for seore 30·11. Betty lIlitrhell, Beth How· TERROR BOOTERS LOSE TO ths Sophomores. ard, :incl "Happy" Hi('leHds displayed HAVERFORD AND F. AND M. Senior TC:lm Junior Team If not, there is a delightful treat in store for some noteworth~' tellm lvork. M.Smith Willinger you. You will like our Light Lunches. They Freshmen Team :-;[lpho!lloreTeam Thl'\\"estern M:lr."lnnd I'ar!lity soccer V.WilsOll Bevard are appetizing and delicious and you have a EleanorGUllb~' I·'rf'elllan t~am 1000t two games l:lst week to PenH' A. Lall(l~r (Capt:lin) Todd (Captain) Gladys Riekanls Holland ~ylvania teams: Wednesday, to F. a.nd Ford Edith Lynch fine variety to choose from. Hot and cold Gladys Robinson }..[lIddox AL at Ln'i'aater, 4-0j Prida~', 10 IIaver· Brown M. A. Bennett drinks, too-just tbe kind you like. Eliza·beth}.{1tehell Mi.les ford:!tIIaverford,5-0. Hosenstock Pittinger Elizabeth Howard Rowe H.Pettit Warde BlaneheRobinson (C)C. Wheeler MATTREWS & MYERS Hayman Young KOONTZ Evelyn Priehard BI'n(ly (C) Anna Callahau Grim Senior Subs.---oE."'Vanen, Raymo. MAIN OPPOSITE BOND STREET omore Subs.-i\hLone, Voorhis, Wall Paper a.nd Window Shades Junior Subs. -.Hutchins, Hamblin, DecoratG1'sfor the College Reifsnider, Gilligan, Barnes, Love.
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