Page 34 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. the Gold Bug needs the well-trained :-: :-: reporters that the proposed course in llutrr-Qlolll'uintl' COLLEGE CALENDAR journalism will develop. No matter Official newspaper of western Maryland College, published on Tnesday during how talented or energetic the staff of Nl'lUfI 'fUE8DAY- the academic yea.r by the students o£ Western Maryland Colleg e, Westminster, a paper may be, more efficient work Social Clubs meet at 7.30. MarylB.lld. Entered as seccud-elaee matter at the Westminster Postoffiae. ean be done if the members of the staff WEDNESDAY- Interraeial The Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. have received some systematic training operation commission on Georgia, is offer· co- Science Club meets at 1.30 P. M. Atlanta, at in the characteristic style of jcumalia- iu Chemistry Lecture Room. lIIANAGING STAFF tie writing. Every reporter, whether ing three eaah prizes aggregating Two Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. meet .. . .George S. Baker, '27 he is wl'iting for a ecllege weekly or a Hundred subject Dollars "Justice for the in best Raee papers Rela- on at 6.30 P. M. the Ma.naging Editor .. .Carroll A. Royer, '27 daily ncwspnper, needs the interest and tions," submitted by at.ndcnta from Delta Pi Alpha meets at 9.30 P. M . distinctive the Business Ma.nager ... .............. Arthur B. Oecil, '28 journalism lends air to his that work. a course in Southern Colleges dnring the present F1RIDAY- Asst. Business Managers. ....... {Will. E. Hahn, '28 The Iaet thnt the Gold Bng already sehool year. The papers are not to Duul Debate between Irving Liter- Alvin Albright, '28 meets with the faeulty adviser at the exceed 2,500 words in length and must ary Suciety and Blue Ridge Col Current in the of Circulation Ma.nager .. _ W. Edwin Warfield, ':W fourth period on each Tuesdny adapts be or before the hands 15, 1927. Commission on lege English and Irving Hall. Events' Club at 7.30 in April Asst. Circulation Mana.gers. H. V. Scott, '30 itself very conveniently to the intro- SA1'URDAY- ...... { W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 duettou of this course. The study will Dr. Ernst Dereudlnger gave his open- profitable to secure Art Editor . .. " Pete" Gomsak, '30 be a very Beaides, the way attractiveness extra of ing Jlluatrnted lecture of the course in \\restern Maryland plays Bucknell Stadium at 2.~O P. M. in Memorial eredlts. on RJl]PORTORIAL STAFF the eour ae as a new, much-desired part History of Art Catawba Thursday College, evening, llt Lewisburg, Pa. North Octo her 28, at News Editors of the curriculum, it may later prove Carolina. His twelve lectures during HONDAY- Literary ele- Philo L. K. Woodward, '27 Blanche Ford, '27 10 be a very practical, important as a the year will comprise discussions of Browning meet nnd n t 6.30 P. M. So- cieties Associate Editors ment of college as an preparation either the a.rts of Egyptians, Greeks, and Webster and Irving Societies meet voeatton avocation. or Marlen Curling, '27 J. Paul Lambertson, '28 A l.uge number of the leading eot- Romans. Dr. Derendlnger will lecture at 7.15 P. 111. Virginia Wright, '27 Wilson K. Barnes, '28 leges have satisfied the demand for with the aid of some two thousand lan- Elizabeth Norman, '28 William Bay, '28 such a course and have found ita ntility tern slides whieh the college has pur- REPORTERS and value. It will inevitably become ehased directly from Europe. AUTUMN ON COLLEGE HILL Miram Royer, '27 Hubert Johnson, '28 !l part of the curr-iculum of Western Dorothy ]\Tellott, '28 J. H. Simms, '29 Maryland College. At tbia time when The Univeraity of Virgin ill. is plan- The Indian Summer days are fair; Katherine Johnston, '28 Roy L. Robertson, '29 the Gold Bug and Montbly, the two ning to nuucunce a dean's list of stu- Come nut and breathe the tonic air Margaret Martignoni, '29 Ruth French, '28 publieatlcna of the college, have just dents in the departments of mediein~., Aud cateh the smoky odor, rarer Sara Freeman, '29 Dorothy Gilligan, '28 been combined for the production of a education, and engineering, £or tboee On beauty feast yonr fill. students Gilmore Li.ppy, '27 :Mercia Rayme, '27 eollege newspapor that will r~nk with who have obtained all average Will N:.lture's mlln'els nover cease' Charles Summers, '28 Curvin ]\f. Seitz, '29 the bcst, the bistory of the students' of eighty·five or better in their work. It scellls that in her last release Hortense Pettit.t, '27 KJ1thcril1l.' Doyle, '29 journalistieeffortshasranchedaeriti. This poTley, which was ale to the super·senHiliveness of THE SPOTLIGHT has been started. Sophs, it is heped ••• _ "_,,,.'~ __h __ 0> ".6-"'-~"'~"- ~:;!~r:!se;:~ ~t~~S J;:~~u;i:~:u!h~\_ ........ ,11.1'".,,0,'1 "'''' ~uon 0., IOroll~Oill- 'nus is n record-brealu.J..-g year for ing. about how And when thcy appear in nttendanee at the College Libr.ary. The (Ooutinued from Pnge 1) o'elock in the evening eoula not hell' print, partly to the unwarranted over· !l\lmber of students making use of the but be thrilled and urged on to play eautiousness of cert-ain departments of library has surpassed a.ll previous reo the scentillating iron annor adorning fhe great gume that they pla.yed, by the ADVICE FOR STUDENTS ONLY the AdminiBtration in releasing mater cords. The attendance at night has the steed of the yOlillg prince, Ooed, bon-tire and the hearty Bongs and ial for publieation, and partly to the advanced, and fondled the head of the clieers. Until the bns was out of bear- grown to slHlh an extent that it, is fre· An era of stndionsness, the like of lack of alertu('ss on the part of a few quently difficult to obtuin a. seat at any staJ.liclU, who whinned at the strange, the ch~nt., "Fight-teum-fight", which has never bccn bcheld, has reporters. of the tubles. Th~ Librarian and two yet pleasing exotic perfume that filled over the campns, us the entire dawned upon W. M. C. To you wbo But improvement in thcse reSpect.s assiatllnh are kept constantly bnsy his nostrils. Upon the prince's inquiry stuaent boily, regarilless of the wnitind would work at the library at night we does not in~nre Absolute t.boroughness giving out referonce books and infor for a night's lodging, Coed, with a rjinner, ~heereil the team on to victory. say, "Go early, or you won't get a in reporting. Occasional oversights ap· mlltion. tender half-glance, hastened into the Thn snme spirit was present wben t.he seat, to say nothing ot the book you pear to be- inevitable so long as the The growtll of 1II.tend:l.nce at the convent, shortly to return with the ab- ream lcit for 1Vnshingt.on College. The want." If yuu really wunt a ·book present sch~me remains unehanged. l,i;11rary is but another proof of th8 bess. After the COMent of the abbess students, at seven·thirty in the morn- which bas been placed on rtierenee, the The number of sueh oversights migllt progress of the College. The salntary was given, the prince retired to his. ing, ~tood and cheered till the Terrors best way to obtain it is to make be mnterinlly redueed, we belie"e, if rffects of the point system have been bedchamber, with the beantiful fa.ce of had passed from sight. friends with the librarians, becuuse all peuons not offir.i.111y connccted ~\'ii1encea In the intensive work OJ\ tbe Coed still vivid before his eyes. But the Loyola. gnmet Like in the they might give YOll a tip whie;h would with the gl:(II would notify Qne of OUT part of upper-classmcn. The ,selective That 'nigllt, the prince suddenly good old times when Hopkins and W. enable you to seeure the said book by news editors or reportera of any hap· measures adopted in admitting students aWoke from his sltunbers with the J..L C. Ulet 011 the grid, pc.p pervadc(l the night before t.he day that notes penings or announcements of which TO Western lItnryland College have pro- hoarse shouts of men ringing in his thc enti!'C hill. Throughout the week must be handed in to some exacting ther are ClignizHlIt. duced a better ebss of students than ears. Running to tlle window, he saw 1,rp meetings have been heJd, cnlminat· professor. It's a lot of trouble, .but do the earn- heretofo'te:wd fI lligller type of scholar- helow, in the shadows of the court, illg all '.rllUr~tl!lY ~"eni!lg in a hnge bon- You will etltire' college remember that. 1.0 him that overcoUleth severa.! dark figures bearing fiaming fire I'~und whieh t.he students gntherc,l mnnitya ser\'i
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