Page 33 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 33
COl SATURDAY SUBSORIBE FINAL GAME AT ONCE TO THE BUCKNELL GOLD BUG AT LEWISBURG Vol. 4, No.9 Nov. 16, l.JlzP Authority on Carroll County Terror Gridmen Annihilate ATTENTION ALUMNI I IDqr~pntlt!Jqt I Th6 stnff of this paper says, History Addresses Club "Would that every nllllllnUB of Loyola College Eleven 33-0 Western M.~rylflnd College who has THE TRaSH WRITES HOME not already subscribed to the Gold Anecdotes and Slides Enliven Bug and who is not hopelessly below Accounts of Early Days. Green and Gold Busses Carry Dear Pop: par fi nauelnlly would mnke the deei- Team That Beat Hopkins Here I am at college. I met sion to follow the happenings at his 011 Frid~y, November 9. "Mr. Louis Three Weeks Ago Suc- quite a lot of new fellows here and Alma Mater thtu these eclumne.t' Dielmnu, Executive Secretary of the Co-eds to Baltimore Stadium cumbs to Western like them quite a. lot. They have a For thore is, at tb a present time, a Peabody Iu~tltutc, Baltimora, dellver ed hero called football. Everybody distinet need of funds to support an illuatrnted lecture in :McDnniel Hail Maryland Attack, puts on a lot of leather and chases the this paper. With t he eularged Gold on Carroll County. Mr. Dielman, who Many Recent Alumni See football on the field. It does seem fun- Bng there has naturully come in- is connected with both the Maryland Well-Attended Game. More I~Jl 10,000 speetueors saw ny every'body picking on a poor little creased expense to be met. The eel- Historical Boelet.y nnd the Carroll West.ern Matylaud t.riumph over Loyola football, but even so, I like it a lot. It lege is oJrendy making as large an County Society, is an aut.hority on t.his Tho campus was a scene of deeolu- in the Baltimore Stadium il1st Batur- is much easier than threshing whea.t, so approprtatlon as possible. Hence, subject, The talk was given under the tion Saturday aftemoou us a result of dll.". Nearly 6,500 Western Maryland you see I won't get hurt. the alumni are the only source of nusplcea of the "\Voman's Club ofWl)st- the general exodus for the W. M. C.' supporters, occupying the east side of How is A;;:;:~ Mariah, and Cousin help in thia, the lime of need. minster. Mrs. A. N. Ward, who intro Loyola Game in Baltimore. In addition the atadlum, cheered the Green and Della'? .Did Della ever marry that The Gold Bug is nnw, we say duccd the apenker , said that we Ameri· to the mallY private cars a~d the enter- Gold to Il. decisive 33·0 I'ietory over the preacher fellow who was rushing her? without boastfulness, a paper which cnna should lenrn to appreciate the prisiug male students "bUnlming" anme eleven that "beat Hopkins three How is Uncle Lem? Has he made any compares very favorably with other beauties of our own cOllutry, illsteall of rides, two large, nppropttately grean weeks ago by the same score. It was cider yet? Gee, I'd like to have some. eollegu paper-a lind whieh every feeling thnt a trip to Europe holds all aud gold busses, jammed with eager eo' the first. appearance in Ba.ltimore of a I wish I was back home now to have ahuunus should be glad to rend. It the ntt rnctleus. What could otter a ode, wended their way to the eity. The Ha'tlcw-ecauhed 'Terror team, and west- some of that pork we have in the store adequately presents class, elub, lind better beginning in this apprectntton trip was enlivened with songs of al1 ern Maryland alumni from evory eteec- room. I haven't seen any good meat sociefy doings on the llill. Particu- thou enee OWII atatc.c-cr countv, in varieties, and occasional energetic t.ion swarmed in to witness the fracas. since I left the fa.nn, and already, I lar nttention is given to athletic filet' yolls. '.rhe girls ware iu fonrs, I1nd n was /l. big day fOT Western Mary· have lost ten pounds. The dietician aetil'itics. Jnfaet,nophaaeofeol- 1Ilr. Dielman explnined thllt tbe Icc· "rarill' to go" when, at about 2.00 P. 1,IIIdfrom every staudpoint. Not only (tllat's the lady that buys the gnlb for tPgc life is slightE'd. "\Ve ask each nne would be very informal (haphaz M., the busses pullcd up in front of th(J "'~s the strongest te/lm in the history na and gives it to bill (he's the chef alumnus to peruse this issue care- (lrd wus his word,) bceause he h~(l not Stadium, where the erowd WIIS alresdy of West6rn Maryland football on the who has it COoked and passes it to the fully and then determine whether or had n chan~e to orgalli?e his material. fairly Inrge a'Hl steadily increasing. gridiron, 'but the best cheering section waiters (they are the college boys who not the papllJ' has llrogressed suffi· But. this l~ck of arrnngement did not Alumni See Game that. ever attended a \vcst6~n Maryland are serving tables for a. little spending ciently to merit the financiul assist; in thc least detract frolll th6 interest gallic wns in the stands. money here a.t college))), said that ev· anee whieh it requ!'sts. Determina· of the audience. Mr. Dielman beglln On the iuaitle of the Stndium, the A Great Football Machine eryone loses weight when they first Hon shonld be folhl\\'ell by aetion. by explaining the origin of the county. east side CW. !\L C. seetion) was a Favorable comment.s upon tlle 'I'eror come up here due to a change in the The subseription blank below pro- ]n this conlleetion he showed several sceucofbustlenn!lexeitementaSlllOTI) team that took the field last Saturday weather. vides th6 means. Aet. old lIlulls-the B. &. O. Surl'OY of 1829; nnd more familiar fuees appeared to were heard from every side. One ex- Oh, Pop, they have some parties here n IIInp of M.nrylnnd from A;iJby's minglll with the strange ones. Excla- pert football critic declared that the too. I thought we wouldn't be able to "AnlCrie:l," 1671; and othcrs. lie ex- mations and glad cries were followed Greell Terrors wetll the best football greetings, nlumni, as by enthusiastic :me that when he went here, they had World Interest and Sympathy lliainetl that Cnrrol] County was erellt- student body, parents, anu friouds got mnchine produced in Maryland for the talk to the girls cause Uncle Jim told 1l\1 by (l<·t of the I...egisilltnre in 1836, past ten years. no other than This WIIS ~;«!~~~I~:~e::"~~~,t!:~~~:~ Urged by PrQf~ssor Ra"k from porl.ions of Bnltimore Rlld Freller- togcth~r. Among the more recent Mr. Wilson Wingate of The B:l1timore :),lumlli "'he hni! apne!!fed to wat~h the ",,~,,~ ... ".', r·<:'p~q~- -".' '.·1· ,.. .. " .. .,~. Q"n that any more. My, I was terribly prolonged discussion. Severnl uew~- Terrors mop up the place with Loyola It is true th~t "\Vestern Maryland were Kitt.y COOII:"ln,'26; r~lva Ditman, sleepy the next morning, after a party, Creation of Cultural Atmos- pnpers werc esta·blished for the purpose '2-1; Orelle)da Close, 'Z5; "'l'uek" SllOll'cd to ~ great advantage. It's at- and when I 'Yawned in class, the pro- of nrlvocating this (lh'ision-' 'The Shannahau, '25; Ruth IJeuderking, '26; tack. A. strong, eonsistent one, fessor (that's what they call the teach- phere Seen as All-inclu- ,Star {Of Pedernlism" at Uniontown, Mabel Smith, '25; "Lil" Hollins, '2..; agninst best opposition offere,t this ers) asked me why I was so sleepy, and sive Problem. nll(l the "Carrolltouian" at Westmin· "Bill" Feddeman, '26; Gcrtrude Jcnea, season by any team. Western Mary- when I told him I had 'been to the party Her. The no\\' eount~' was originally '25; .John MakoBky, '25; Ruth Harry· lund also t.ook ad"tlnt~ge of every slip a.nd didn't get into 'bed until ten o'- As I see it, the olle big, all iuclllslve Ilr-stiu!'d to be called "," man, '26; Moore Burroughs, ex. '28; ma,le by Loyola, by recovering every clock, everybod'Y laughed at me. I probllCm of tllS Hill is to ereat6 an bnt by the time the second and final Gary Stonesifer, '26; Edna Powell, cx. fumble, lllocking PUJlts and intereeptiug don't know why they laughed, cause ae~(I.emie, cultural atmosphere. The bilT f~r its ereation hl1ll been passell, Prep.; Mr. aud Mrs. Harvey Hall; Toby passes. Though a lot of talk eoncern· home in Speonk, everybody gOel!to bed J!uqlOH of guing t.ocollege is to become the name had been ehanged to "Car- Groton, '25; Lymnn Long, '24; Bollard ing the game may rrop out, the faeJ at eight o'clock. I only remember grounded in the fundamentals of knowl- roll" in honor of Charles Carroll of Wari!, '26; Gerll.ld Riebter, '26; Dick still remHins tha1· Western "Marylaud staying up late once, tliat was when edge. in the "arious fieWs, not as an Carrollton. Hurley, '26; Margnret Bowers, '26; seore{13S points o\'~]"a $trOlig t.eam ant! sister Mary was married, and tbe train end in itself, but simply as a bash b.v w:ly of prf",iding A. lit.tle Ruth Bellson, '26; John Yingling, '25; 1l1iswill go down in football history M didn't come in till qU!l'rter of nine. from whieh to l:illn~h out on the great hnrkgroulHJ, Mr. Dielman Mill~rd Hines, '25; "BiU" Sterling, such. Pop, that fifty cents you me fnatinating 'problems on the frontier of Bomo:oof the e~rly modes ot '25; Marge lIeinieker, ex.'28; Prank Thc in(livi,ln:ll playing of Ohambers, last week is almost gone, because I had knowledge where the thrilling battle of travel, alld traffic problems. Ahont Grippin, '2(ij E>:. Williams, '26; Joseph Goms~k, nlHl Long ill the oaekfieJd stood out liS thll bright lighh. Chnlll- to get a haircut. I think it is prepos- !he Future to create n new nlld better 1830 the ro~ds were full of Conestoga, C'hnlk, '25; Chapin Day, '26; Mr. nnd bers pla~'erl his bt'st gnUle of Ihe seasoll, terom (I learned that work in English) world ordu is to ·be fought. To live or "eovcred,". wagons, horses, and Mrs. Charles T. Holt, ':'.5; "Tommy" nlld GOlllsnk :lnd Long were consistent- to charge so milch for a haircut. Just the life 1lI0re nbuutlant is to be such a Lords of e"ttlc, :lnd the sound of Masse.v, '26; "l~eds" Terrell, '25; ly high class perform~r6. Neal and Mc- think, thirt'Y"five cents, and the hMher frontiersman, al)reast of the times, or erackiug whips aud jingling belli! filled Elizabeth RiCKey, ex. Prep.; Eve!yn mains !llso played well, but they were didn't even put a. bowl on my h.ead. as Georgo Berunrd Shaw would put it, the ~ir. Riding horsebaek was one of Beatson, '25; "Em" Allnutt, '25; and not Ihe Nenl and "1IreM~insof'lDy other He asked me if I wanted a shave, but to be up to the chin ill the life of OUI' the earliost and most common motles Ruih Warren, '2~. \'{e know there contrst thls .I·rnr. The Illy-off of thr~", he couldn't fool me, calIse you told me times. After nil, knowledge as sneh is of tral'cl. ..\mong theso slides was olle were ol.hers nlld wish we eculd hnvll \\'ecks probably did not help them a once that 'You knew a man who was dead and liS dryas !lust. 'l'he proyer- showing lin original coach on tllo -B. & ~e~n t.hem all. bit. • onced killed by a bar'ber when the razor bial high·brow iS:l1I nbomination. But O. R. R. which contrasted of strangely Cheering Organ.i.2ed Conspicuons Linemen Pullmall slipped and cut his throat. II. broad knoll'l!'dge, infuse(l with Chris· lind anothcr of At ~A5 P. 1IL, people were still com· .Among the linc plnyers Weillsl0ek, 0, say Pop, I can't nse that old iron tian emotion nnd with" pllssion to W. R. ing in, ,Iud by 3.00 P. 1.[. there were O'Lenr, l.IcRobie, alld Havens stand R. "M. I brought up .here became they don't ~erv{' inl.elligently ollr day and nge ia This aisclIssion of travel lIaturally led about three and II. hnlf sections full on out. \\'einstock playcd a wonderful have stoves here to heat them on. I the "ery lifc-blood of a eul!urerl mnu. Ihe Loyoln side find about til'e on the j!ame ~It tackle. lIe blocked two ]lunts, don't know how we are going to keep I balie\"e that the students are biking to the ~ub.ieet of early roada and turn' W. M. side. Tile W. M. stud611t body on!' resulting in ~ toueh(lown ani! warm here, cause all I see here Me some t.heir dass·work more seriously thnn pikeR. The development of rOA.dscame WI1Smn.~sed cl056 to the field in tackled fiercely the whole of the after· the pipel! which are cold, and have crickets formerly. So fnr, so good. And yet, (Continued on l'nge 4) middle of the scotiOIl, with the band iu 110011.O'Lear played !I very good game in them. The old boys say the pipes the attitude of studonh to their requir- the center. Wo hll"o to ndmit ~hat the nt. the otlier taekle. MeRobie is re get warm in winter, and if we wrap ed I.1sks f.annot be the ultimate criter· bnnd WIlS 80mewllat olltclasseJ by the sponsible for tIle tjrst touchdown. If, them up at night, they will keep that ion of culture. In ~endemic Armistice Day Observed With St. )Inry's Industrial School Band 011 W(lS he who elipped the LOYI)Ia.baek way a long while. work, as in other aetivity, response to Ceremonies on Hoffa Field Ihe opponents' aiile, but it hnd the good out, that could have preveuted Wei"n- Well, I don't know any more news, compulsion is a poor I1nd wcak ganga old W.. M. spirit. There wss fine or- ~tock from falling on the bllll for the' so I'll close till some othm: time. of actual positive aecomplishment. The Ll1st Thllr!iday lit twelve o'clock the ganizcd eheering, and plenty of spon- first touclHlowli. This was high eJass YOUI' loving son, b~st measnre of a stud6nt cOII$i8ts ill local n. O. T. C. unit held a ceremony, tnneOllS ?ellillg, punctuated with odd football indeed. "Charlie" Havells JOHNATHAN. Ihe things he wants to do-in theaetiv- "gurrUlllphs" !IlJd "bla.hl!" from the plll~'ed a "ery uicc galllc at ecnt6r. His P. S. Would yon send me ten cents ,til'S iu whieh he really puts hi~ whole observillg Armistiee Dny. horn, for the gllme was full of thrills. tackling alld head up work deserves to bu'Y some shoe strings with. J. heart alld soul. 'rhe entire batallion w:lsformed back Countless "indh'iduals" were given. mention at this time. W. R. S. Very few of the students hal'e been of Lewis Rellitation Hall and then for Clark, Chambers, "Greasy," Long, (Continued on Page 3) maTc.hed down the road through \Vard set on fire by big~ absorbing national Memorial Arell and around through the MeMaius, and Gomsnk, as they display- AN ALLEGORY and internntional interests in politics, main entrance on to Hoffa Ficld. The ed their stnff. There ware ardent re- SUBSORIPTION BLANK Once IIpon a time, a handsome young art,literature, and the lIatur;11 sciences. batallion was brought up in bata\li(1II quests from some of the older alnmni prince, :Ruthless by !'.~"le, after bathing As a result, the atmosphere of the Hill front fllCiug the grand st.and where the that the seore be eonnt.ed belore it got (Fill out COUpOIl/llid Mail) in the royal. mud-hole. donned his suit is not anfficiently conducive to high and student body assembled. too big. They seemed much diijappoint,- Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, of mail. and barnes~: 1 his steed with noble thinking. Too much of the stu" The batallion stood at parade rest ell "'hen Ihis form of gloating over thc Westminster, Mnryl:llld. goat's hair and pig :ron, to sally forth dents' mental horizon is narrow !.Ind while [!. salute of twenty-one rounds allemy i\'as forbidden by "headquar· Bnclos~d find $2.00 for subscription on adventure. G2110ping thIough a provincial. Wll.$ being tired. A 37 milimeter gun ters." 1.0Gold Bug for the college year· 1926· gIOOID'Y,virgin fo-:oest, he suddenly In spellking in this wny, I am pain· was used to tire the "alute. After the After the final whistle, tho student 19Z7. checked his fiery monnt, on espying a full~- conaoious that I :Im indicting my· salute, the speetntors Ilnd cadets stood bolly remained standing to sing the long low convent hiding behind several self-for a teacher succeeds only in in silence doing homage to those who "Alma Mater." then there was a gig1}lltic ant hills. Dismounting, he propo,·tiou 11.8 any elass"room interest died during the World War. The general rush for the glltes. Hoarse, (Name) at tbe massive oak gate, aud he mn.I' orouSIl is but II. stepping·stone batallion 1I'9S then marebed past the ehill.I' eo·e(ls serambled into busses. answered by a beautiful TOlarger voluntary interests. After all, reviewing officer in a eolumn of plat· Cars got under way. Groups of alll.mni wbo, at his question, it'a the books, magazines lind papers oons. The unit was then thrown into stood ·on the sidewalk alia ehatted. (Street) you don't have to read that eonnt. It's a column of squads aud marched off tha Chagrinued-looking Loyola Ildherents (Colltin~ed ou Page 4) field. (Continued ou Page;l) (City and State)
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