Page 118 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Alumni Nrmn EDITED BY ELSIE HELD AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI The Freshmen girls hnve planned 10 Prof. J. B. Rauck in the Y. W. C, A. Anno Swann spent rue week-cud at fQllow out the example of the Class of service Wednesday, )fay 1S, repeated her home in Paulkner, Md. Any news items concerning W. M. :Hiss Eliaabet h Merrick, ex-'25, is '~9 ill mal(ing the Lantern Cbnln a tra- his talk on "Snobs" reeently gin'n iu Evelyn Pusey \'isitcd friends in Alumni will be gratefully received, planniug to teach ill New York next diUon western Maryland College. the Y. xr. C. A. meeting. Sj-keavllle over the week-cud. year. Dr. Wil$on Selby, '07, is a practicing Mr. .art hur O. Bready '21 is the Dotty Hobbs went 10 her home in physician In :liiddlctow-n, Md. THE I'ltENCH CLUB THE SENIOR OLASS Laurel, Del., for the week-end. lin,! also 'the m~t-helllutieB )[iss En."!Long, '26, is busy ]lOWtak- :1t 'Vest Prieudsbip high school, The Preneh Clu\) will hold ita last 'l'he Senior C11lS3i~ going on It pie- )[ereia Rn~'llle's ount nnd uncle spent ing the evumiuntlous for t~aehing iu \Vest J<'rielld5hil'~Md. meeting Wednesday, ~[a:r 25, for are· nic \Yednesduy, )'[>1)" ~J, lensing the II few hours willi her en Sunday. Baltimore Oily. Mr. W'illiam Baker '94, and Mr. port of this :.ear's work and for the collegeaifouro'c1ock. Blanche Ford eelebruted her btrtbdny Mi~s Estelle Houck, '!:!3, is the Eng- llcm), Gilligau '01, membors of the election of offieers for next year. 0,'. William R :'.fcDnnicl will enter by eutcrtaining Senior Hull en Monday lish teacher at Suutheud High Bcbool in College AuditiHg Committee, wore reo tain the Senior CIl!95 Saturday, 11a)' 28, uight. N~wark, N. J. Her uddreas is ]191 C-Ewtlyseen on the campus. ear ALPHA MU at a buffet supper given itt Ilia home. Broad street, Newark, N. J-. .1l1iss Bdna Ewell, ex '03, is marr-ied !;;cver>llof her friends from Trappe, Miss Esther Gray, ex '29, )fd., came to visit )largaret Warner ou is HOW to Rev. Ohllrles Gibsou of the M. E. The Phi Alpha 1Iu entertained the THE JUNIOR CLASS Sunday. Mrs, Raymond Wright, of Union Church. AI- present, :\fr. and :Urs. Browning and Pbtlomathenn Literary Bridge, Md. Mr. and Mrs. -Wright GibsjJl\ are Jiving fit Sa.ctou, Pa. SMictie~ at a ten in houor of th~ir cou· to the reser- lliss :Miriam Dryden lind ).Inry Dry- \\'(lte I'isitiug the campus Iast week. went ':oS The Class of Miljs Ruth Lendel'king:, sent '26, testants, Tuesday, "!Iray li. voir on its nnnn!!1 hikp- 1'rhlay, )[ay 20. den speHt tlHl 1\'~ek·end ill Buckeys· ].liss Mal"garct Bowers, '26, who is Goulrihutiou to the eollrg'{' Y. W. C. A. II Innumernble ~andwicl1es of Ij wide VRT tOWll, ~rll. mrtthelllaties at Elkton high to hclp !in;lnee the tlclegatiou to BROWNmG NOTES iet~·, g:!llnHs of eoffee, aui! dozens uf Flo Jones went to Baltimore on ~t- school, to work for her masters' Euglcsmere Coniereuce this summer. cruellcrs were rll~enously eonsumed. ~Q llrd:IY, and entertained her family degree ill 1l1lllh~maties nt Cornell Ulti· flljalities have been reported, but "flU' the "Hill" on Sunday. I·ersit}". :l\lisa Caroline }'ont7., '23, l1.udMr. Rus· llonday, ::'I[ay 16, the seuiors of the sell BOnSQll,i}ot:h Qf ",Vestminstcr, _Mid., Browning Literary Society presented as tomobilis" should not be mcntioned. )Liss Ethel llcmpstead, a Be'\'. Ohnrles H. Reed '23 visit6d the will be married on June 2, 1927. Tlley_ their last entertlliumeut :1 comedy I'n· The ,Tunior girL~ arc planning a St>n· htlme on furlongh from Japnn, college l!l8t lI'eek_ Mr. Roed illtellt\s to will make their home ill BalUmorc, Md. titled "The Boy Comes Home." The ior farQ1\'cll to take plll('e Thursday Ht Hilua Bloomquist on Fridn)'. sail for Ohina as a missionary as soon cast of characters WliS as fullows: f~ur o'cloek on tile gjr!s' ealllpua. They as tonditio]ls there become safe for Mjs.'I ii'lorencc .1bssc,I', '26, W110 is Unde James-Elizabeth Bemiller, will bc assisted by the Freshmell and }'rallees :lnd AllneRaugl1ll'Y enter· American mi8~iOl)nries. te!l~hiug l~rcnch nUll ]~nglb"h at Ihe It pag Aunl Enlily-Mil"iam :Royer. SOplWlllOfesglrla in pre~enting The cup tained the llisst's I,ilIian liHd Elizabeth high school in Lisbon, ]'ltd., brought her cRnt, and !l ~enior prophecy. Philip-Marian Curling. service will conctude thc pl'ogram. Goo<.lcn Ol'er the wcek-cud, _M.!!:. Charle-B'Haven .Kolb '02, profc8- Frrn(;lIc clmles to the French pla~'s },Jary-Rosnlle Smith. El~a and l'[ilda Bloomquist wellt to a sor of La.tin nt Bai.ti,uOI'e City College, gi\'en at the eollcge on Friday, :Mill' :\lrs. Higgins-Vl'lma RichD\nud. strawberry festival at Fink~burg, ?lTd., has hia rel!iden~e fronl the city 13. Mr. Kolb PHILO NOTES n~ the guests of Pllilen:l Fenby. to Md. Olass lit College. lias \l Air. GeneM Richter, '2(;, is the prin· DELTA SIGMA KAPPA :\lis$ Rosnlie Snlith, lind Thel- cipal untl nlso the mathclllaties and The seniol'S of the Philomathenn Lit· ma SU1l1by at Thel· Mr. Ohapin Day, '26, besides being 8ci('uee teadlN ot' the high school at 01"0$s The Delta Sigma Rnppll t'lltorta.-ined er~ry Sodrty prc~ellted a three act pluy UlU'S home in 'West Friendship, Md. t-heteaeher of mathema.ties and biology lluutiugsfowH, Md. lie IIlso coaches the the Vi'. W. Club lind its houorar~' memo clltitled "The ElopeUlent of Elleu," at Litt-loatown higll school, is also the high school athletics; nnil the baseball ber, )li8s Fnith Hillard, and the Phi )[onday, 23. The cut of charae· lIelon Butler relurueu to Ule "Hill" athletic director, u.lld au actiVO memo espedally. is (Ioing cl'cdiWLle •A.lpha ),1u and its membcrs, ters was as ou 8Ullda.,· after :\ brief illness at her bel' of the s~hool musical org.'lllizn.tion-s. und\'r his dircdiOIl. )[iss ::'Ilargaret Limes (\1l(1 :'IJiL'iam Rirhard Foril-Virginia Wilson. hOme in Baltimore. WI' :'Ll'e al! glad to Mr. Uu!ehills "-nru, ':'-1, is :lnlong Cairues Elizabeth AnSS Dryden, at a t~ll, T1mrsdll)', ~l.'l"· 10. Molly, his \\'lfe--Bessic lIaylllan. h'"'eher with usngrUn. iug Freneh anil Eltglish '2+ is teaeh- th()se "'ho will get the degree of B. D. nt Jarretts- The uDelt-s" hiked to C\llIcge FIIL'lU, TIobert Shej1ard-VirginifL Bastings. Blan~h Ford '6 aUllt aud uncle, :'fiss ville High Sehoo!. IShe also hall charge from thl' ALH1,-,r~onBible 'l'rlliuing Selll- Frii!ay, :lfay ~O. The inedlable eats :'.ra~ Tell E~'dl-::'Ifmlde Brown Addie Ford anil ;l,.lr.John l>'ol'd, of-Elk of the school's dramatic association Alldcr~ou, Iudinna. lilt-. \Vnrd eOllsisted of salldwirhes, iced tea, nud Dorothy 1br~k-J,0Ilise Hughleltc. tun, )Id., 81llmt of the \\"eek·end ,uars.lmlllllows. June (EHell) n,1\'erhill-:lfereia \\'ithhel'onuw which reeontly pl'od\1e.ell u very suc- On Tuesday, ::'Ilay ~-t, after the elec B".I'Ule. cessful play. Indiana. til:)n of officers, the retiring presid~nt, ,Tnhn Tume-Elizaheth Warren. Flit Proskcr spent part of the WEek- llissLonise Tipton, '18, who ha,s speut \liS!! Glad~'S Dean, will l'uj~rt:lin the Y:Hious I'Otnmiiteellart' now at work end in Baltimore, and the rest at W. several yeal'S teaehing mnthclllflties and ~\mong f110S~ seell on the Hi!! re- elub. plnnning the Soric(,I" Rl'uniOll. ::'IT. C., with )ljss .:\larjiJrie of ],atin in the high schools lit Jarretts· eent.Jy are: Miss Mary WarfleM, '2ti; the _Maryland State NOl'mal 1\1". Louis High, '~6; )fr. Josep11 Bona, her guest. ville and Bel Air, is now working for "W: Mis;; Elel",or _~usgrovc, ax '~8; in Latin Westminster Stationery Store Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr On 21, thc girls' bAS her msa:t(>r's degree ITer home at is CoJ-, :\(iMS Jcssi~ Pillkbiue, '::0; lI.h·.-n"!'ttru,.--- in umbii1 Univcnity. BILLY DITMAN, Prop. The Newcst alld Best Clothing 011 Sll impromptu Jarrett8l'ille, Md. HI'cady, ':'1 j Mr. Frallk Fonby, ex '~-I; all,l Mr. Ch:'-pin Day, '26. Kodaks Films Novelties and Furnishings. chnpe"01wd by the coach, Miss hliss Vmtta Hockensmith, '25, who Rose Todd was elected )fillnrd. Monlhy and Weekly 'Periodical~ Goods for Young Mell. Ilaptnill fur nextyenr, to sllceeed iller IW8 been tl'aehing sci'Cnee und mathe- Dr, l~oLy F. D.1Y, '!IS, spellt last week 10 PM' ~C'1lt OJ)' 10 Golleoll Students nlllTics at Charles Cnrrol! high sehoo!, ill \\'ilshinglOn, D. C., where l1e at!(lnu- cia 1b)"lllll. e'fl the lnl.'"eting of the Annual COlliel'- When ex~ is armngemellh fOl' her wed· Dr. Day is the pastor PRESIDENT TAFT Dr. A. J. Morrell Laura Hutchins, Bill)" lle\>urd, and dblg in neal' future to l'Iff. Walter Cll~e presidents. \1. 1'. Church at Tnwood, of St. ['nul's wanted a good Put Engle were the \\'eek,clhl gnes!s of WUj'bright, a groiluat(l of the Gettys Long r~!a!ld, :lnd also Ih(' rr€sidcnt of PHOTOGRAPH CHIROPRACTOR )1v.~·bell~Rhinch!l.rt !II her home in Un b\1I,£ 'fLheologieal Seminary. the E>lst~'rn Confer~uee of ihe ::'II. P, he sent for iell! Bridge. A fCllture of their dsit lir .. 1n(1 Urs. Jumcs R. W;hoeler, ex churell. Sereck S. Wilson I JO E. Uain St. Phone 175. was 11hip ttl Caledonia P:1.rll, I'ennsyl· '02, lllHl ex '03, w('ro seen on tre IIill \·IL1\ill. last week wheu they \'isit "their oo:.m IN AND SEF, THE WOND}}R_ :llargarct Wils~n made a tour of the Hulotte FOR QUICK SERVICE Wehler & King Baltimore hlHbor with tb~ Cosmopolitan (langhters, of _Misses fhe Helen lind S t phomorc PUJ~ SELEOTION Ol!' pt'esellt Wheelcr, Call At a IlADUA'l'l~ PHA_R.)f.ACJS'fS Club 011Saturday. Tlie club, which cou· dass.. Mr. nlld :\fr6. ,\rhc~l(lt (Ire IiI- SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING a few . The Quality Shoe Shop The Rexall Store siats of the foreign stud~nh and Hopkins ing at ~O-j 1~11Ylllondstreet, Chevy Sam Cohen Chuse, Am. Johns AIHi'ricijn student" lit ]. D. KATZ \\Testlninstcr, .:lId. rlliversit~· ~nd (iLe ('"nin'rsity ofhlary· laud, was cntertuil)ed by the Baltimore Association of Commerce, on the steam· BUCK CASH Westminster Hardware Co. Smith & Reifsnider er "}'ain-iew." LU'E 1NSURAXCE EAT-A-PLATE-A-DAY ':'lall~' ~tud"nts !(10k aeil;antage of lhe Jol)beJ's and Retail Dealers in hl"t free week'l'lid ucfol'(' exams to go Westminster, Maryland ftEUMAftl hom~, or 10 dsi!. Baltimore, as usual, General Hardwat'e LUMBER AND COAL \\"115the deslinfltion of :l large percent 109!' (Jf tlJ<'m. Amoug tho~e who spent Young Women of W. M. C. ICE CREAM 1111or part of rhell'eck-end intheeity, Heating and Plumbing Systems WF.S'rM fN'S'l'JW, MARYLAND nrc': Jiazel hratt. 1.o<1uisc llngWette, Flo JOU()$, Beth Howard, BJull'the Rob· We reqnest the privilege of "TH£ CllEAM WITH THE MOR'f(SHTASTE- ~ Installed inson, Ann Hnwlings, \7irginia Rl'y Pholles~227 alld 2[17 holds, Pat Proskpy, Alm
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