Page 98 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 98
Page Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Alumni EDITED BY ELSIE HELD AND MARGARET MAlI.TIGNONI The Y. M. C. A. had II record meeting "Denny" Young, ('_,,·'28, is 'I'-isiting The installation service roe the new last Wednesdll)' evening, April 13. Tho in Westminster, and has been "looking was "Denny" up ' hjs old friends. officers and cnbiuet uf the Y. W. C. A. newly-elected officers had euerge, preaid president of hiB class last year, and Any news items concerning W. M. Dr. Harry Bolden and his wife (for ing oyer one of the largest attendances was held wedceednj- evemng, April 13. (Jf the year. The speaker of the even hence his classmates are extremely glad Alumni will be gratefully recil1ved.. mertj- Miss Emily Dryden, '17) of Sal While a prelude wns played by llildn to get II glimpse of him. isbur;>', I'isited the "llill" thia week- Bloomquist, tlle members of the old and ing, Professor Hendrickson, gllve a end for the first time in years. of the new cabinets murehed 'Slowly to timely talk on the subjeef, "No Bub- Carroll Dern, '26, paid the college a the front of the room. After they had stitute for Righteouanees." Before pre- We are very glad to welcome ~fi8S brief visit last SaturdaJ·. ?\Jiss Dorothy E. Holland, '24, of token their pteces tile Scripture was senting this subject, however, the pro- Helen Smith back to the "Hill." We Marion Stilt ion, Maryland, was coufined fessor ofl'ored eome practical suggestions read by ?Olaudl' Brown. A vocal sotc, for improvement of certain rather her illness did nat altogether spoil lll!ffi .\.Jary Ann 'Moore, '~6, ia plan to her home for n few Clare this week "The Light of God Is Falling," by the eonditions existing on the pleasure of her spring vacation. ning 10 accompany Miss Snader on a with the grippe. Ruth Sehlinke was followed by the disagreeable One thing he stressed wae the trip to Burope this summer. "hilL" charge to thl' new officers by the retir· Sunday, April 10, A1iss Margaret 11iss Mary Ann :\foore, '26, spent the ing prestrlent, Joy Reinmuth. Velma need of better order ill morning chapel Wilson attended a meeting in Baltimore :Mr. Ijnrvev Hcu, ex-'25, find hia wife E!i~tcr holidays in Baltimore, Md. Ri~hmond then spoke for the old eabi- services. The men, he said, who do not of the exeeutive committee of the Coun- (rurmerly Miss Ruth Nutter, of the .\liss :\lirinm Strange, '25, and )Ji9s ner OfliCI.'rS,and Asenatu Bay responded enrc to take pnr t in the services tbcm- cil 01' Christian Associations of Mnrr class of were aeen on the "hill" Elva Yiola Ditman, '24, were on the '24) for the new ones. After 1illother vocal sell'es, allOuld at least hal'e SOUlerespect lnnd, Delnware, nnd the District of Col· this week-end. "hill' 'this week. solo, "The H:'mn of Liglits," by Ruth aud consideration for tim rights of those umbia. The meeting 1I'1l.sheld for the ~Ess Rnth JOllCll, 126, snng nt the who do. StnJI'Y, a prayer lI'as offered by the new Ilm'pose of diseussing the ad,,-isability Othu aluIUni seen on the campus 01" Deelamntioll Contest the Worcester presidl'Ht, Marglll'et Kyle. The old aJld of sending delegates to a conference in (If the- llel~ eabiuets then formed the "Y" Lancaster, Pn., the week-end of the er the week·end werll: llary Anna Connty High School whieh WllS held in trianglr, lighting their candles from Dr. Stephenson, a graduate of AdrilUl rwenty·f.onrth. East('J'n Pennsylvania is '\foore, '~6; "Pnge" Turner, '26; Ruth the high school at Ocenn City, Md., on the Association cundle iu pledge of College and Westminster Theological phlllning to form !In association similar llnrrymall, '26; "Betty" Leizar, '2.6; April 13. .\fiss T.ouise Whaley, '26, and their fnill!. The meeting was concluded Seminary, au(l present ~ecretary of the to the C. C. A. ' "C:harlie" Holt nnd Mrs. Holt (for. :\Iiss Serene Dryden, '26, were h~' the !Singing of "Follow the Gleam." Board of Education of the Methodist merly llden Stone) both of '25. judges of the contest. Protestant Chureh, gnve an interesting The annunl Training Oon1'erellee for mVING ELEOTS OFFWERS tlIlk Ins! Wednesday to the Delta Pi Al- new "T" cabinets is to he held at Sher- WHAT OTHERS SAY phas. He took ns his subject, "The wood Forest, April 2~ lind 30, tlnd May Privileges of ll. Miniater, , , which he 1. On :'.Jonday, Avril lB, Ir"jng LilenlQ' rnUlnerate(I as follows: the permission ABOUT STUDENT SUICIDES teac.hers nnd pnrents, are totally at sen SoW in the drug st{)re, it is no more teutiou on orntur)" the lnst two pro- The Poets' Club will meet April 20, Trnppe, Ol'er the week·eud. were 11'1I"CSof suicide nmong business than IIdyjsoble for the consumer to take grum!! h:lI'iug been Clllivt'ned by ora- 19::>7,at S(!I'ent-thirty P. ~r., at the home n",n aud among childron. Aetnal fig- intI) considerati011 some of the reeent tions. At present, Wl'h!iter's 1'.0- of Dr. Herbert T. Fltephens. The pro Some of th~ others who were fortu urc~ show onl~' 11 smail temporary' rela- ill\"cstig~tiOl'S by se\'eral famolls skin horts lire busy rrodu<'.ing Slleec.hes be gram "'ill be de"oted \0 the study of natl' ~nough la have compllny were the ti"e inerca5e in Ih~ tYVe stressed, and speeililists. ']_'housan(1s of women are gj,'cn iJ\ the intrll-socil'ty contest, whieh the ]10o<'lryor William Slmkespeare. :\fissl's Sue Boyer, I"udl~ Proskey, Sue fhis iuercllse may be caused by reading sufferillg from skin dis~aseg due tQ the will be- held in the nellr future. Then .\\iss '\[iriam Dryden will gi"e a le~ture Rroml~y, ;).[ildreij Doub, BlIlIlfhe Rob· abont the ~uicide of others simil~rly fnee powders, rougc~, mud-pncks, and it will fall to Wehster's seniors to se· Oll "Slmkespenre, the POel." after iIiSOIlS, and GIHdys m~knrds. situated." such like. Another big offender sre hair led the two best speakers to represent whieh originnl sOllnets on ~hnk<:spear{) Hr adds, however, this oh~er\'lltion: dyes nnd hair tonics. .\Ian)' of the hair their soeiety in the June eontest with will be presented by members of the Among those who SIWnt the week-cnd "'rhere l11\ly be Olle Cllnse peculiar to dyes have been founi! to cOl1tuin nrsellic trving. (,lnb. ellllege Y{lnth. There arl' CRlIes in ,,-)'i<:,h and other hea,'y metal~. All theae dy-ee away llre the ilHsses f~lizabeth Nom,an, students of low ahilit)', hrlpcd, -proddcd cnuse untold damage to the selllp."- Shreiner, Hastings, Thelma A FEW SMILES Yirginia Barn1lnrt, Gladys 'Miles, Kath· ~lld sl1p~n~ised during high school by "I-'ordhmll Ram." Margaret r~'11BQ'nll, Leota Rolb, Doroth~' Hobbs, Clarn OoU\I'D)', Elizabeth Howllrd, Dor 'l'elephone BEST SThnLES OF 1926 SolomOl', the wise Illfln, Sl)i,l: 'B'" ()th~' Gillig'w, ::llilbel Barnes, ~lld Ann BUCK CASH 55-R ware, m~ Bon, of her that takelh all in- Rnwlings. CHAS. KROOP The ~ixth nllllual crop Ilf similes har· terest in the \\'~y that thy nellktie hangs, LTI'E Th'SURA'NCE Ye~t ..d I,.,· _Io~rflnk \\'il~tarh frol1\ the lit or Illl' W3Y thy sh\rt~ are mended, or Leading Shoe Repair Shop :\liS!! hlarg1.U'rl \'oorhi spent a I'ery Oll til,\' eoat sleel'e--for in her rrutme of Hl26 <,'out:lias t"e~c ex the own liut 1li'nllment- well said, "but resulted from long con- STOP AT THE IMt, 30. sideration of ~ome mea8'Ure to end criti· Peun ~Inie---.\'olstead Aet-won, 3·0. ei!llU. In bllldietball today, it is quite (Name) George Wllshington Univenity-War pOS!lible for one great dribbler to win Debts-lost, 3·0. Ii game lind to carry his team through Koontz Confectionery Bucknell-Eighteenth Amendment- many games. If we do eliminate this lost. 2·1. type of player, we eut down the, spec- (Street) Ameritan Uni\-ersity-E i g h tee n t 11 tacular, overwhelming brilliant limn, }fA1.N, OPPOSITE BOND ST. Amendment-won, 2-1. but we nre tiekled to death to do this Elizaberhtown-Vol$telid Act-won, 3-0 lind sub~titute tel!.ln ploy." (City and State)
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