Page 99 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 99
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster. Md. Page 3. CORRECTS Or A J Morrell I "":f~;~::~:~,C:;""III"YThriller Headed This Wa~! 'I'I,\IE (t1!ROPfiACTIC j, Sl'n:t"1I I.' .\'1' BEI,OI'I' t'HI,I,~":I'; --'J'.'.'. en • • • G, the W, w. Chll) a! ten One Immh-erl fiflY oui.erctnesmou rue memhars or the Phi .\lllha _\lu wei'" ~1'''lljl~(t ill <.lIP >I~ct:OI1 "f the CHIROPRAC'fOH. Club {Hy ~]l~dal ;·.u!tle from LandQu to W, ';I](-a:,h"l'lI Oil the d'lWI't,(1«tnteuc _\1. t-. (,~]'I BwO -0--0-'-0--0--0- Lcnua y. 110 E. !\1ain 8t. WI\' II!, \ t.hrillin; und cnnversuucu was !:I1(b~ Witll a ~plelldid »Ujll1artin:;- cast loket: or the towards Phone 175 Sporting Goods headed the mststeut \\'i>f-llm'nstel', D~- L!,,, orcustc». Ilemsn(ls of uuoncs sene -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- cr Lrnrlon nieatre unu the llre~" 'd tl ejnly :)et we eu show ne Ill'ltI 1.!1'<'1' lteluw ill lh~ athlt'l j_. tl.'Jd huddhd U. W. MILLER I pany lett Lunrlou IrJ,,,t III III~ rn-stuueu. ;;uLt', creanev & Dyer, Discount To Students crtler rhat It miuht keep its euca're- _.\("·''_ W:::t~:nseuit:r~,~r:~~Tder~~~:::~I~:::I B k's Store f;1,~10IlS t-umpauy III '.0 pt-eseu t ure 110,'1111'11<11 kuuaarou ~"1I.-t ill (\I',··[','t '11 Tile );1.11. t"r~shm.-'l Alumni II',,'~ W('~t~rl1 d 11[111 of sec, Gent's Suits creeneu anti onsac ccueee Oil the el',"I1[11'1; or I~l'iday, adr u Illn~e of ,\J11Y 21" ])a(\'ttlug Coats Tile :Jlav I\'ill be ~il'€n eSjl(':'!ully Ihp ndtniniwtrjtion \11:i,' Ull "'j'~','l1 :'~ll ~ a ~Idl' PUl II;] tl and One piece Dresses Chemically for the 51utl~lHs of the ~olle:;e, It h:HI \I(·~·II ";;1':. lInn"lll" 1'I' __;11i • cJean~ an1i pressed $1.25, -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- will Ille the hig ~ho,\' r,f the year at indeed, SUlllelhIn,,' 11111);\ h~ (]01l fllr SafE'l)" wjth customer's apparel is WestlllillRtel', ,.\UI";1,l1['e no;€nls pl'~- "Beloit etllillol lil'e lI'ithUllt i:,~ 1nl~li- Q-uJ" ftrl;t COllslderationalwllYS, di~t lha! it will he "the ".ens~ti(ln~1 !.iOll!!," It wa,~ lill ~" th~ [",',1, ,\ltllllni liept'utl Oil III1;L'rdn",,,- 1Jersh AYl'nue, Westminster, :\Id, 70 West Main Street Tlll' s('ene of Ill" is laid on the nl€1I to transmit til'"! flaming torCh, -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- I outskirt.s of Lundo;l, we are trimmetl, polished u~!d HlmOrlL as :!;oud Westminster, Md __ I t'be setting and cO~lum-e~. new. 10 suct:'ee-din~ TENNIS SHOES 1 ~:];,7sed~r;:e-t~::,::r::I~'hU:;a:~:ct~:r~'~:we~:tell;ilel~leinSI~:~~:;~s t'Ollln;~:~h':\~~ at MARCELLING, uatl'S who Illlve !lee]1 the play aud was no SPECIAL PRICES MANICURING, have seeu the SOllnd,ext€plt"eihullljJlI11111l;1 Your HAIR BOBBING, fI frightened taxpa:.-er hlll'ryin!!_"tu lila police alar Ill, WALK-OVER SHOES HAIR COLORING, SlItl(ienly a ll'flshm'ln nil'll As we are expedin~ further new~ are here. SCALP TREATMENT, alioul the play fl'om London, we will FACIAL TREATMENT Iml'!! a more de-lall"d al'lIc1e In the n:'~mh('r Dr ANOERS' SHOE STORE l1,,-xt issue of t.lIls puve';', Exdtemel1l ~II(I Ddlll Is l'IlIlIl!Il~ hI!i;h tIl thl' offices or tile Al(ICI'Ill;lIl, And tlnt'~ llllIl'k witt,.r] Illent and e-ffe(,ti\'~,"
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