Page 104 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 104
Page 4. The Gold Bug. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. joes $6.00; mouth organs, 50c to $2.00; complete violin outfits $10.00; full assort- ments of strings, all kind", Come in and look them over. nroteat against the prcpagun- We do all kinds of shoe RUN 1'0 The mea of studeut, reuresentatton the wets are creaune at-cut the repairing. Satisfaction ". ITT 'E l'Io" • S at (he meettuga of the govel'nln!l, YlHlll~ of .v.ncrrc« hecomilli' guaranteed. for boarrl ru-Iaina ted with President A, hoo7.ers 'vgofnc to rue devil" J. D. KATZ Lawrence Lowell. \\'ll1ill'd Huv. ncwir-erecteu Hot Bread, Rolls and Cakes. The student Connon report on idenl of the t.tberat AI'IS w. 'Main Street Specials for parties. ~~~.caS\!~;;~I;~~\,:~~Ve~~Il:~~il:'I'~)~'e~l;d~~ll~I:~ca~(~::~(l~::~~:~~l)~~I~~I';~t~~I!~IO(~~'l~;~ -0- -0- -0- -0- --0- -0- -0-- -0- -0- -0- Lowell's nunrovat. In a Graduate's part in shcwlll!!; the annrt-hlsts or \Vhen ex- Wehler & King Day addr-ess he cue.t It as on example America lhis tatse »resurnnttou PRESIDENT TAFT .,r 1111'fi!l~ wnrk tne Har-varrl product rhetr part. li!s prouaule 1I1al wanted a good GRADUATE PHARMACISTS (1f i~ or Emol')' haud 1"111 also lend it~ PHOTOGR.\PH of xuchtgnu Dally in strains to the occasion, he sent for The Rexall Store thllt the untv- Ptetures of this muantfu ent IHll'Hr\", I Westminster. :\1d. :::~;'~S;:O);'i~~'II:l~eWi~lal'\~~\~~r~~ep~:,~:~\I:Ir!~~o~~~:\:::l':{lr:~~~i:::~\'iP;f'll~:~~.!:~Sereck S. Wilson -0---- -0- -0- -0-- -0- lhnt the college be fllvi!\e!l into smau- papers 1111ever the cnuun-v. It will WHEK ('I" units unmbering 250 10 :JOOstu- he an f'/Ioch-l\laklnp; inCident in the -0- -0- -0- -0-- --()- ~~,~:;: '.'·~~op~~i:~~lga~l;"It S;~~ew~I:~I~:;I~(';~le~tlla;~ta:~/o:~:'~h~~I~i~ll~Ih.l~o:~~Babylon & Lippy Company DOWN lIitnll,ll' nature are bring cousteereu ment. It will show thllt siu!lf'ilI!! and TOWN as ncesnrnntes ~~~;I:r~~~~:eS'~I]{lellt. ~;~~::;~o~~~l:l~lIl:\:'e[nl;~e~~;':~~:e::~~~i~~;I FLORSH ElM SHOES STOP A1' --- it:' And it Is only flttlng that ]':Inory I STETSON HATS I Claimed lilat women spend annual ~honhl head the procession "POp" Shipley's Iv $3!JO 000 01)1) fOi heautl llrepara-I --- InternatIOnal Made-to-l\leasure tiOIlS and treatment, hut they probab- The SPIrit of modern phlioS01)\l\' Iv claim they get It all hack In wive's seems to be- lhat It is all ng\1t t(') do SUIts Light Lunches and SoCt Drinks ~:I~:~:C~~a~~~onysome however get ~::;\th~~~~l1~OI~r~:~~~ to, plQvlded \011\ Top-Not('h Bjl.~ket BaU Shoes. AT THE FORKS
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