Page 100 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 100
Page ,I, The Gold Hug, western Maryland College, westminster, Md. I'IIIJA) ;'I.on;:-; Fa" Ill!' t hit'd limc within a year 'TIlE' xusnemeaucr Or xancv" as Babylon 6 Uppy Company WHEN Chi1\P~(' ht\ltJ.ellt~ hare necu shot nres-uteu ,b,I' the Sophomores in Philo DOWN uown. There 11';lS :'Iny :lOth in Shang- pvovee entertalniug and eujuyaule to FLORSHEHI SHOES TOWN hat. a dnt e rrom wntcn hl\)IOI'Y will evervone of the Ii'U'~e autuence. run as it 1'11118 frO'll the shots tired at Philo is making Ur\ aud showing STETSON HAT~ STOP AT Lextngtou. The world wil! never 'he IIOIS of enthusiasm ,\\Id pep both ill I the same again nner the ?,Ilth of May. attendance ami In cheering International Made-to-Mensure "POp" Shipley's There W/IS .luue 30 at Canton. wheu of her ccntestmns. Arter the nnarmetl meu awl women were shot rerreehments wer-e served, aud Suits ,1.,wl1 tog efhet- whh some armed etven for Phllo's essevtst. The 1 Top-Notch Basket Ball Shoes. Light Lunches and Soft Drmks cadeia: alia now ill April of lhis Year, AT THE FORKS III the streets of Peking, el'cr;,hod,I'Olllauclket:jlnplh{' ~_ -0- -0- -0- --0- ____ studr-nts. llWIl'lne'l. were --{)- -0- -0- -0-- -0- F'or the arrarr ,11. Canton we in the They.'\~r.r,~\..{~::;:'I\~sweekly Attention "T. M. Students Luited Stat"Hhal"enOreSllonsl,bility, 01\ the of ,\JilY nrui. for a snappy. suit tailored in up- SAM COHEN evening For ShaughuI nud Peklng we ar-e ill meeting the 1181111.1op~lllnc, :l11s5 to-date fashion-c-and from lat- Mtel' pal'! reenonsu-ic. We sh/ll'e in the Freeman reau the ecr+nurre :I!iss est patterns-chundreds to pick I'IW,\t; 21·.1. 'L\lLOR. of the Ffukhlne nrarert. from-at reasonable prices. The "Presslngest' Man in Town The DIlI'POSC or tne meetin~ was to Come in look them over. Suits pressed make evervoue familiar with the reo WESTl\1INSTER TAILORING Suits Cleaned & Pressed, cent cOllfe'rence at Sherwood Forest,' COMPANY Special Prices To College were :~~[~n~~a~iV[~el~~:t;:I'lS;:::~r~~l:~(:nll~~1 Gl ~~e~I~~I~sSl~yers, PI'~~l~~~:S 2~,j Students, this Auto Delivel'Y \I'hal al that conter- -0- -0- -0- -0- ----0- been calling each day IW t . t H d C ~liss 131'011'11!"llve a \'cry Representative ,I"". "HI ,,,,,,,I,,, colk "" Ih,· L. K. Woodward. College Agent. es mmser ar ware D. ,Vhat 1 alll saying conhisl~ f01' most she1_ 0 - -0- -0- -0- _(j---- readers Oilly or words, To me it Is business ~ldeof lhediscussion!!: Ihe 71~:~Telephone 55-R Jobbers and Retail Dealers 1"1:'1')' Illll~h 111(,1'(:: .sUIlIf'lltB who ul~o g"~~eU;e ~~;I~~r~;:~lille of in front of me last year in cOllr~es ,f CHAS. KROOP in General Halelware Leading Shoe Repair Shop Heating & Plumbing Systems the [O\'est itself. ~\liss:llnguret 25 E, Main SL Installed, gave a clHlrmint!; aCCOllnt Westminster, l\Jar)'land social aeth-ities 01 the Send your shoes to Charles hnl'cheenli11Ied (E!'Itimates Furnished) :-.10 students ill the. world C~tln!!; 'l1, See U" First ::londSave. -0- --0- -0- -0- -0- RUN TO -'J ITT J~ ~ • S for hlock>.\lll! he lifte(1. the,' looli sides ~olle wh~1I we refused OUI' good Hot Bread, Rolls and Cakes. As they have ,lone 'hefnn~ in China, otlices in determining who was 1'1"- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Specials for parties, llillY tool. Ihl' ~Itle wll1~h the {'hlnese s]JollslhlE' for the Cl\l\ton shooting? When ex- -0-- -0- -0- -0- -0- say in their cabl,\: Is Ihat of tile now holl' mu~lI nlOl'e iH gon~ I PRESIDENT TAFT Chinese l'efldlonllri~!!, tile people who the l'nilcll Stat~H IHIl'llt1j\atcl; IWehler & King Imve ,been subsidized fOl'ei~n In lin outworn trcaty, and \lse~ thl'eats wanted a good !('rests to betrfl}' the the peo- to \\'hi~h ('11i]\11 mn~l sU'iJlI\ll'/ I PHOTOGRAPH to I pie who have been closing labol' halls The phycholog)' of China I" inevit- he sent for I GRADUATE PilARMACISTS aud who \\'ould suppress the students nbl:- s'hiflillg' from the basis of reason The Rexall Store (ll!'ectly instead of indil'c('tly if they ror Ihe setlleillellt of l1i~llllLC!! lhl\t Sereck S. Wilson Wei'\tmin;;;ter, Md. oarcd, The students cflhlcd: "rOl\'er~ of force,
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