Page 103 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 103
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page 3. Liberal Club OVer which he ureetdes Discount To Students The boys all clat-n to be men of the Thursday, Fr-iday. Saturday tn['reased ronr-totd during; the sea- world now, but Father 81!11 has to son. The xremcntst Student center Is p3ythe,bills, HAROJ,D LLOYD maintained students, Not so roue 3.POt) tor a body of over :\letliorlist '0 neo Bonsaek's Store ill civilizin~ primitive peoples, but it "FOR HE.\ VE~'S SAh"E" Stump was delegated permanent the head The white race bra~a of .rs success to of the state division or- has not thoroughly tamed the college gantaauon growing out of the Inl~r- students as yet. :vIay 31~1 and June 1st denominational conterence at Evan~- -The xew Student "THE U~,K~OWN SOLDLER" WEHLER & KING'S THt: nRlTlSH S'rIIlKE Rexall Drug Store June 4th and 5tb A large number of students h:ne s.n,e sells and recommends "TAR- OHARLIE CHAPUN' left Oxford untverst-: wh!cll me great general strike 5,000,0(+11 in T AROFP_" Come in today '0 wo)'kers are now panlelpatlng, 1'h~ and get your bottle. "THE GOLD RUSH" Vice-Chancellor issued a uottee de- elat-ing that uuder gruduates should eommuntcate Immedtatelv with the Clc:r:c::::lClCl~c::rClClJ:::l:c::lClClClc:::l:c:l i ~i~lll:~e!!earl~t;I~~~it~R~; o~e;'~::n~~ \::~~ D ., Dloegranle.dto,au unde-g radnates tak- o 'Vest~lnster s Cut Rate Store 0 ~;::~~~:';;;:~:~"~~:;;\1~:::::'~:1~"':7:ii: Klee Apartments 01:::'::". :~":""l D 59 W. Main St. 0 Th W Sid Of Th St ends. 'n.e tjutversttv 0' to '"":'tl,"~: · ht St ""h'"o D e Th RIg ore n e rong lee . 0 "Daily" recognized the "ills wbich hut j bigoted lind narrow-minded t-apltalle- forced 11110nLabor," uc tyranuv ,,'i<'ci'" D GET OUR PRICES 0 the mtutcr s the ,,",..0' depend which i, strtke 0:1 to "wreck an Inutter-ahle hardship the who on to rrausnortaucn svste-n D Face Powders Creams D their daily point of view," bcneves them hrine "Even bread." from th~ tne Jaucrer's difflcult to D Talcum Powder Toilet Articles n Har-vard -nrtmscu." ,,', or a eener- U understand me uevamasc Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets D 0 ~~r~11:1k~yW~~:ef~~lrk~'~~~~l~u'mll;~!~!~ sees "Crtmson" The serves." a hard !!;overn- task before the cons('n'util'e D Sodas Cigars D ::;):;,:;~,~~~~:;~:::~:"~~;,~::: o Cigarettes l3e pk. or 2 for 25e. 0 i~F:,:'~::~~~~;~:,::::;~:~!\~::~~~'~' O CALL IN. 0 The ~Yale :-.rews" sl.'es Great Bl'ltain f3~'ed wltb an impassE whose mow eVident solution ~atioll' Is ciVil war. D 0 allzatlou urged the by the "Col'1lell Sun' 10,'3< eoal mines of strone:lr :c:::I.C::::IJ:=I:c:::I.:c:::I.c::::I:c::::I:c:::I.c:n:::::n=:n:=n:=I:c:::I.:c:::I.J::I several davs ' before the ~trlke occur· -Tb< "w S
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