Page 95 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 95
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminste;" Mel. Page 3. DON'T FORGET MOTHER TENNIS SHOES Try a nice ham and lettuce NWIIIBI'I'I.O," rx 'l'ln~ {OLU:Gl::-, the The j.Jrolll'l!itioll nuesucu !~ at sandwich and a bottle of pop at lateut (,'xclwment Oil the AUl_ritflll :MAY 9TH. SPECIAL PRICES . concze ouumua. The ne wly (:Jrm~d A special Mother's Day Box Your I "Mother" Royer ~~~~:::~;cl'es(~:I~~tiO':\l;:lo:;e~lJtI~~~~_w:~:: W.4LK-OVER SHOES -0-- ---0- ---0- --0- -o-_ of Whitman's is just the thing. (HIROPRACTIC and 1.·H~ll!!(j'ilY rue are here. Get details at ANDERS' SHOE STORE ~~~~:~!.Dr, A. J. Morrell all·~h:I~::.:~r~lol~~~,:r~~~a\~';'lh8 ofttclul Ji\ ucrancn was Con- vute ;,;ll1d~IH BONSACK'S 22 W. Main St. CHIROPRACTOR ue-ucur W"csleYtl,1 t'niversuv. whid\ l:-'lr 'went dry" with the r-Ioe e vot e of 110 E. -'lain St. fOI"aud 1~7 D.g_t!ll~lPvchlbftlon. Pre- ICOl{ in- Comett vtcustr aud Ya! .. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I dejlendent pons Ihat a n-. Phone 175 aldedfy wet ,h'nli'II\'ut. the mean- -0- -0- -0- -----1)- -0- Lime crnctais. 1l1"of<'sSOl"~. U. W. MILLER are h:t1.1u-ding councuna gU~ss~s us to use ef!ica~y of Pt'nhililt 1011 Cleaner & over. Carnegie lnstitute-c-Prealdeur S:llU_ COLLEGE SPORT SHOP Work done by Prices: and Pressed, uel Harden proh1:lJitlon eurorcemem the Cnm-ch ~lethod, denounced Prosper-tty be- present IL IJI'(lug'hl a myriad of studetu cause Gent's Suits Steamed I 35c, Gent's Suits cleaned aud I scomnws, because of the errect unon i ~~~s~~~ $;~:~~L~~!::~sSP~::m~c:~i; ~:~~I:u~on:,~::~.ISO\~:.. :\~il;~~~~n~g'a~~~~ Athletic Equipment [ , cleaned and pressed $1.25, apparel Is I'd .a near Ilis Leat imnny 11I'etipital- ctassmutee. with customer's Safety him I)u'blic- !'Iot obliging r our first ccnstderetton always, ly to retract his statement that ALBERT "_b.BE" TOZZI, 59 WEST MAIN STREET College -Repr eeentatlve. "cer-rvtug flasks was a nntversaj cus- tom at college dances" Hersh Avenue, Westminster, )'1d. Yale-Edilor of the Yale :;';e\\"$ _ -0- -0- ---0- -0-- -0- testified bt'f{)re tIle Senate inves(i- TAl'I'Ji CORl'S TO PLAt tiER}: gating commiltee that (hinking had Discount to college students. will The be the opponents U, on our dia- .backing Ull his stat('mentll jlrohibition. incl eased S, Infantry, Corps, at Yale since Tank lW pallll- monu Wednesday. The Tank Corps iug 0\11 til;> large majorllY whlr-h had played Loyola aud won from them 12 voted )-'es to the specific queHion to O. They should fUl'nls]1 SOllie stiff "[)Q YOliconSider drinking at Yal~ oppOSition for Oil!" boys; hnl since; hn.'! iucreased since PrC!hibiliOlI?' the showing our team made agaiust {Jnil'l)rsily of Rochesler-n majo-r- GeOI'getown, a good game is insured. Ity of the far.ulty hoill !h~ opinioll ]X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~% that drinking at that Institution 1m;, : The :llasliachuse.ts Agrlcultnralbeen de(ll'ea~ln!!;. __ . '---- College at Amherst, :\Jas~, (not to be {lnj\'er!lily or Chie",go-Amos Aloll- WEHLER & KING'S coufused wilh Alllherst College) has zo Sla~g, poj)llhl)' fooll)tlll road) SliP- taken 11 stu!lent vote on the $ulljcct Jlorts the \'ol"lend ,,~l, j)roi~",-;il\; Rexall Drug Store of compulsory chapel. The swdeuts Ih!lt Ihe student ur The Il)'N,en! i~ sells and recommends "TAR. by a lal'ge majority voted In fa ..or IlllH'h mure lenlllem!.' lh:l1\ the 1111- TAROFF." Come in today of compulsory chapel, The system dergraduate of hi~ liar· and get your bottle. will not be Ch':;':d~ ~ew Student. );i;~~!~~I;lJ~~nr::1~1~\'~;::;~';,I~:;I~O:~~!;)1~~~ hi\)i1lon; P)"ofes~ul' linv('ll 8merSOll c:::IClc::lc::lClCl c::::IClClClClc:::zc::::rJ::lc:::llC:l :::~~~t.i~l: in- c're,lstd (]riukingatlheunil'ehity, I ie,' Sian ford " lTni\"el'~'t)"-"The major' >I"',,;, >I', '"'' or .,11 ,',,','"'' O GET OUR PRICES D ;lnd Ih,,!;' (fh" ,I'ho ILl In.' 11'<:li·~l'):":'_ ,JordJ.II, Ill'. j)uvir\ Slarr ;..'e\\· SllId",ll! S\;l"I"!ce), D Face Powders Creams 0 are- lite, Illflilt fn>{',Illo~e(ll"\\"i~:'on~11l The l'lIi,'ers!!y or (,hi:'a~o women O Talcum Powder Toilet Articles n ~:\~\':I~~\:~r~::i:~,r:,~~,I~~ri~~~l~\I~I!ler:ll\~ ~nU ~:';~,II~'.,;;";::::'of ,,,Ie,, 'n >h. 0"'0 Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets D Tht' ~,'\I' S(I\'_l,':It. Cnl\"\'rfl\r}" Okl:lhOlllC', of O Sodas Cigars U ~;:~~~'~::;llS01'h\~;': or t,~:;~I~~11:~~~IIl~$hy D Cigarettes l3c pk. or 2 for 25c. 0 ~,;~;'::~::;::~~:~,;t':~~:,:~,h,:~~: O CALL IN• 0 stlltlf'll\ broll~ht an a('roplane. Baylor Ala~. 0 Ihal wo I\'U~ hllni"hed, At an l:ni ....rfllty automobiles wilerI' O also COl"lJidden,!''he ll$e of the old· hor!>-e and bU!l;!!;")"I); 'being fashioned CI c::Iz:::::Iz:::::IJ::I c::::I 1::II::I:c::I J::I J::ICI:c:IJ:I c:::::r c:::r I revi\'ed Tlmes_ ~:1~:!!;"~'2w:'illldeut
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