Page 102 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland CoUege, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG FROM PALE1TE TO MORTAR BOARD OfliciaJ newspaper or Western :'tlarJ'land conexe. pubJisbed on Tue aday dluring the acadsmte year by the students orr Western Maryland College, weetmtaster , !\td. Entered as second c.aee matter at rae weeuntnsier Post omee. Subscription price, $.2.00 per year EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGI~G EDITOR William S. Veasey '~6 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF " George 1\1. Benner "1.7 NEWS EDITORS-Geo. S. Baker '27, and Mary Pag-e Turner '~i5 Associate Editors Dorothy Robinson '26 Albert. Steele Farver '26 Ruth Jones '26 Gerald Richter '26 REportorial Staff Blanche Ford '27 E. M. Hannold '28 Dorothy Gilligan '28 Willard E, Hawkins '26 Rosalie Smith '27 Ira M. Dinkle '26 Gladys Beane '27 Arthur B. Cecil '28 Mercia Rayme '27 Hubert Johnson '28 Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 Margaret Xlartlgoni '29 Wade H. Insley '28 Athletic Reporters James Owens '27; Gaither MeD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 Business Staff BUSI~ESS )'fANAGliR .', ... ' Lewis K. Woodward '27 ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER. , Carroll Royer '28 CIRCULATION MANAGER."., Robert Unger '27 ASST. CIRCULATION MANAGER. , K. E. Brown '28 CARRY O:X youth than his own parenr s, be the-y 1t Is one of the regrettable features ever so rich. Without me, nothing ~:a!i:;s:~p :;~~~ns;~~:~~a:~tl~~~~sl~: I ~nadku:ei~en~t:i~~go~S ;~:5t:el~~~.ile~ast! concl'ntrated in so fl'w hands. This sweet in man'S mouth. All progress Is well-nigh inevitable because of the springs trom me; without me, Amer- small size of the student body in com- lea would IIOt he so civilized as she i.a~!~on to ~be ",:ide ~~nge of ~ur ac~I :~'r~~:~Y'Whi~h a:enlh:tt:;nea~uct:::: Young women artists turn trom their jars of color S!lld paint b~\lslleti to- ~:~~e~r our o~:~:~~ CO:l;~:l;~'e;~y Fools hate me. w~se men 101'1'me. 1 ~:1~~~8~::~~~::5 B::t~~!~~I~~e€Jlo~S!~~~~~u~;O!n~U~~~t~~d:~~:~ o~d~~:- lessened by the co-onersuon of those am represented In every loaf th~t east exblbitlon hllildings which forma a part or the great Sesqul-Ce ntenntat whO are supposed to be (heir nerpere. comes OUI of the oven, I]) every sntp International Exposition being staged in Phlladelubta (rom June 1 to- Upon several occasions. the reSigna-llh81 sails the seas, in every news- December 1 to cerebrate me 150th anniversary or t..he signing .ot tile Dectera- tion ot officers bas. eloquently reeun- paper that COmE'S from the press. uon of Independence. Cllmblng ladders and wafktng along nckety scatl'olds. ed 10 the fact that 'the incumbent Olvillzation could not go on without Is uotblng new to these young ladies, hut each lime they do it they get B- found it impossible to keep up in his me. 11 is apt to degenerate because I ihrfll. work and at the same time do all that. Iam not used enough. If I am used was expected of him in hfs oarucutar properly, all obstacles fall before me. line or acrtvlry. everything Is conquered. I am tile IEAT-A·PLATIE-A DAY ISharrer, Gorsuch ~ Starr Ooncenrratton ot leade rabip at mother of democracy. All progress prt'sent seems well-nigh ioevltable, sprIngs from me. Who am 11 What HEUM~Nl but it 11'111always be so. Our student am I? Ibody is to be mcreased: our act1l'i- I am WORK. I The Newest and Best clothing tlescannotposslblvincrease propOl"- ICE CREAM tionat£'ly. In the n~ar future, we may RELIGIOUS POLL IN COLLEGES . and furnishings hope 10 have one or a few leaders for Pl"inCetuu. N. J. (By New 'Student each acth'ity who w!ll be 'IIble to de- Senice)-Hundreds of (juestionail"es vote their undivided atle.ntion and I found their way to college presidents energies toward deVeloping 'lhat ac- busy desks, to tbe clutterf:'d sanctums Goods for young men. ~~:?~~r~~e:~l~:t ~::~\o~t~~i~etb~~ ~~le~n!~:~~a~~a~~eed!~~~:~eto~~~i:;~~~ Zile..Neuman CO. _~ -0- -0- -0--0- bend every effort toward keeping our Hundrt'ds of fat envelopes drifted present activitie8 live aud energetic. hack to Princeton where they were O. S. GEHR class, The Gold ~~~~e:ffi~::~sSi:;d;h~a.~u~:i~endalb~~u;~~~ Westminster, Md. W:1::::r~a:~y e::~y Wholesale ami Retail Hardware .. Bug. and Aloha Boards. the Clubs. Federation. Thousands of words Building Materials. CutierYt" ~the Literary Societies, all the teams were !boiled down 10 a press noUce. Ammunition, Paints, Oils, and committees and every other And papers throughout the country -0- -0- -0- -0- -()-- " J 0 H N" Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, :~:~e;~uro~~~~Z~i~:'ne:~u~o::at~e:: ~:~~N;~~LCO~~~~~s. REulOION Iron and Steel Products. mere moral support. they need rpal Of the 3'Hi college presidents ques- concrete assistance. Respond WlUl tlolled, 17a opposed compulsory Sun- E vel' ready (Established 1868) all you have, and help them to carry day chapel while 139 approved. Nlne- ~ ~~~rfc~~r;~~~~t!on Westminster, Md. ~:r::t;l att;::r:a~u;:E'~:\~: \::o~~ou~; I ~\:~]"I\~~:O~'~~leCZ~l~P;~\~~;:dI~eek~~~; Right style -0- -0- -0- -~ --()- ~:~::.r", the burdens ~'hkh are now !~i~:r~~v::: ~~:~~~;::,Ire~f t~h:O~I:g= ~ f~~cutting For Radio & Radio Supplies majonty report~d undergraduate I R az?r:; honed Westinghouse Lamps, WORK sentiment III (alOl of cond1tlons as hOI T:l1l~S B hh Electric Vacl1um Sweepers, J am the foundation of all 'busln~~$, Wey are. 01 all the colleges fr(lm Ten y itT~!ak_d 0 er at Cleans Hardwood floors too .. I am the fouut of all prosperity. I. which repli",s came Rnd at which com-I t e or s Frigidaire, a I JIM am the Parent of I':enius. I have laid· pulsion is in etl'ect only four eXpreSS- -0- -0- -0-- -0- ...-{)- (The electric refrigerator)' ~;e:I::n~:~:n R:fck:;:lrl:r.~or~~:~. I~ ! ~=an:~~SatlSfactlon and desired yers Delco Light Products, must be lo\'ed before I can bestow my Compulsory chapel is most ravored •• and everything electrical. greatest blessings and achieve my in small colleges. It either bas never WATCH CLOCK ,orn JEWELRY greatest end::;. When I am loved. I pre\'alled or was abandoned in the I ! REPAlIHNG. The Electric Shop make life sweet and purpose-ful and 1ar;e unIversities. Liberty St., Westminster, Md. fruitful. I can do more to advance a -The New Student. E.As'r 'MAUl STIIEET.
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