Page 97 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 3, No. 25 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. May 11,26 ~----~--~~~----= Diamond Squad Loses Men's student Government:Track Honors To I Western Mar~land Wins President Elected I Oratorical Contest Wednesday, .\Ia~' 5, the Camp xteade Washington College II la)!k Corps tnvnrted Westminster and t:lf>kfl'olllthe1IHylflnd'boysuvict.ory On 'rtmrsdav. 6. the men's waahington College 52Y.J The annnu l oratorical contest of I r 9 to ii. fast student upon the man to 'St. John's College 2Slh 1[al'yland, held under the auspices of the mal'~lH11 acttcua 011 the hill for Loyola College 16 the Oratorical Assocfnnon of yla ry- the ells\lin~ rear. 1927. John H. A. Blue Ridge Colleg'e. .. 14 land Colleges, took ptace on E<'riday, 1.1'.lk!j. B(msoJl tor the home Lawson. memoer of the Junior class, Western 11al'yiand . 5 ),lar 7, at washtugtcn College, Chest- p'lny~d :I ";hallg up" game, gelling two was ejected the me ..t noputnr caudl- 'Western ?I!aryland made a cr edtt- ertown. xtarvta nd. A ju-o grum con- Ur..tty nne. Cl ark clouted tile old date ['01' this hounrar-y position of able showing with only seven men at slst!ng of varrous mnatca t setecttone, h"JJ out 'of the lot for a ctrcu}t dr-ive pr-ealdeut of the men's student !Jody, the meet. Two third places IYe1'e rendered Ib)' rue rocat crcueeu-a and Ii' jll~ the fil'H!.uus season, Beuuett Lawson, Is :l member of Gamma captured which netted five points, local soloists was an-anged with the ';,ho ha~ pitched a clever ln-aud or Beta Chi fraternity aIHI a fellow ver-y also two third places were missed bv orauons. so that each orator was ttnll all sea sou- was not ill condition well liked ami admired by all his ret- a one~IHth or a xecond. Tills was due preceded by a "pacifier" and followed 1~ finish till.' ga nte. rentaceu ,by Keen low students. He served on the to the close order of events. 'by a aeemtngfy "Praise Of Thanks." ~wl'lh[n~ game in fine form. council for two years and should be Quinn, Meredith, Woodward, 'V. N,: Three eouezes ware represented at Tank Corps wi!! return to \Ve~tmjn- the logical nwn to step In at the. Rorer, Condon. :'olyen; S]Hlnted for this gathering, :'oil',Baker O. Shelton, "",,"f'f for Illlothcr l'o\l;ld wiLh the Gl'een Wheel. the ",QI'een aud Gold" in lhe ten I Jr., of '\'ashington William allll Gold !)(Iliad Friday, :'olay 14th, A good many chnllges are to \)e events severa! me:l performing in EJ. Hill, of UIlivcl'8ltr :lfaryland, W, )f. Line-up: A'I), H, R, E, offered In the line of student :;:Ol'ern- two 01' mOl'e events. :\Ieredlth ran and WJ!lard Lee Hllwklns, of Weslel'n Dern, 3b 1 0 1 0 lll.ent for next real', An extra ac- a hard raCe In the mile. saving ,\l,aryland ('ollege, The decision was ~:::;~t~f..s~;" 6 ~ 1 ~:;'~~d~~I~~:~:y~~el~linl~~:~~l~;el~~l:~j~~: ::::1r~;S~I!~:dth~llla~~ la~;\,~~e,~l:~~:llel~~~!~e.. ;r~re~:o~'lI~h~:;I~:Ug~~ Benson, I'\J, 4 2 1 college Illay 'be 'hUl'llened with campllS Royer lengthened Ollt over In [eel ill ert)' and BiSholJ GeOl'ge ,,'. Dnven- Bal{er, It "- 0 1 0 actil'ities to lhe detriment of his I Ihe broad jump; :\lyel'S and COIl- POI't. who acted as judges for the oc- Clal'k, c, rf.. '" 0 studIes, and in Ol'der that the I'al'ious don went up fi\'(~ (eet five inches in cMion, - Bona, 2b" duties may be distl'illlUled among as the high jump; Quln'l showed liP well Willard L. Hall'~ills, I'epl'esentlug SUtllllll'rS, rf, ,,;F, 1 large a number of students as )Jl'actic- In the century and furlong; Easloll "'estern )lal'yland, ,"as awarded tile Bennett. p, 1 0 ahle, A new COn~t!tllUon gOI'€l'ning rail the quarter; while Woodward IlllonimOliS decision 01 lhe jndges fol' Slewart, \'r.. c, 0 0 1 the Illen hns also been COlllpletell and I plneed third in lhe SSO ~lId missed firsl ,place, anc\ Bill",,' O. Shelton, Jr., a4 4 Ii 6 ;:Iii,he reud,l' to go into effect III the i :;~o;:~r;:::~eb:,I\ t~lr:c~~~n a ~!:~O;!~~ ~~'l~\'~\~I~II\n~)~~nh~~ll~;~ea(;~nel~~:t~o~I:~~ T;lllk CUI'PS, Ab, H ~' ;' rl~}~~1,~~ i;,i:~:d:~ltll~O~~~el~~\::e:ll::,:~: I nIlT::':I~V~I~t::'III\:I~~)'~~:dr~lc~Y~I:ll;,O~~~~~11~:~ekill~h~:lh;:e'~Pl~~~~:'a\~~~~tein t~:i: ('Jose.Zh ... o 1'1 Ill.t this Institutloll, and with the sup-I medals were WOIl. 'Wlth m01'1) out line of uc~l\'!ty, not ,Only In this event, Cocey. If.. 5 2 port of e"ery student on tile hIll this next rear Western !\llIrylall(\ ought 'but also 111 U:e 1'1I1'1011Scontests dur- Kane, cf.. 1\\'01'.".cau he ac(:olllplishe(\ and R to g!I'e 'Washlngton und SL Johu's In which he participated, )lcClinl!', lh., 1 1 a ing the year, 5 0 1 0 real "Unil'ersH.r of Virginia (10\'erll- run for first l)osltioll, ,Tile contes!. [or the ensuing yeal'. C'ohlt, c, ' ;; Z 1 0 IlH'lll" call 'oe illstul!ed Placing enlrles in alilbut one e\'ent WI_lIbe held at 'Western )'Tar,vland, )'llller,l'f" 1 0 'the Washington College track s(juad The last time it w! 11(\('11"111'd'Analole :\lIle, wllil lile houl'(l during Ihls time In sen'lllg his stl'ength In the 'tl'ack CI'II _\laryland, TIIlH~,2 min, S 1-5 sec, R!.J~el.l' Le~ 11I(-\lIllr,'f\ol\tbl"l1 prc- order to keell thfn~~ \'111Illill:;SlIlooth- el'ents, he was able to capture the 16- \1ile Ilela;--Woll 'by Washlugt,oll .~:l:~~~T.~:\I,;',i,~1:~~,C:I~~"~!IaudI ('nee les fI :~~'~I~:,~,~:,,~l:e\I,~I,:: ~~f ITI:~e1~~:I:I'dill~~\~;~ \he ~I~~r~~::~~lraU~~,nin{l;hroad jump ~~:ie~~~r~;~l; I\~~~;~';I,R~.~~~~in~.,0~1~~::' : till1(,of the whole yenr for the student Saturday, )Iay 15th., Carroll county Blue Hldge, IH.l'I,,\11.\'1'1O'i WI""~:B~ "'\.1lt:J) bOflrd: ,L\\t if the STudent 11'11\ hohl its track and ficl(1 meet 011 Field t:\eIlL~. 1f~~ 1~1j;(\lt!f'ThClougH won fil'st lI'ill 01](1cOOl,prate wilh Hoffn fiel(]' .,,"bont ),lay 22 lhe college 16-pOllild shot put-Won by No\'!'is, lr!ze In tht! a11l1ual declamatioll eOIl- tlwlly a,biding 'b~' the Tules will run a studenls' competitil'e meet. Wushington; second, Lovensky. Waslt- tf,.t ()f TlI(' Senford hh;:h school, nnd rrpllation~, lIIul'l1 llllpleasantneas l'r:lck F:Vl'lItJ4 inglon; third, Schlllid. r~o.\'ola, Dist- .'lh" ~;liz:lhet!J Clou:!h IS el1l'olle1-5sec, I second, ~[e!Tick, SL .John's; thIrd, fhp (;old Bu~ sta:'!' elpctlOn WIll Ile commem] the old board and wish "the 120-ral'd hlgli hUl'llles-Won Iby Van Sant, Washington: fourth LUIIII)- .. ld in Asseml)lr thl$ week, hest 0' luck" to the np\\,! Hnmphreys, St. John's; s('c01l(1, IIe-1 kIn, se John's. Dis, 21 ft. _
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