Page 98 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 98
Page 2. The Go1d Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG A FIRST LADY Official newspaper ot Western Maryland Coll-ege. dillring the a radem!c year by the students 0'1: Western ~~~~linSler, xio. zureren ae secono c.ass matter at the wesrmtnsr er PO~ll aubscrtnuo» pi-lee. $2,()O per year. EDITORIAL STAFI' MANAGING EDITOR William S. Veasey '~G EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. . George M. Benner ''1.7 NEVI'S ED1TORS-Geo. S. Bakel' '27. and Mary Page Turner '~I:i Associate Editors '" I Dorothy Robinson '26 Albert Steele Farver '26 I Rmh Jones '26 Gerald Richter '26 Reportorial Stajf Blanche Ford '27 E. 1\1. Hannold ,281 Dorothy Gilligan '28 Willard E. Hawkins '26 Rosalie Smith '27 Ira M. Dinkle '26 Gladys Beane '27 Arthur B. Cecil '28 Mercia Rayme '27 Hubert Johnson '28 Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 Margaret Martigoni '29 Wade H. Insley '28 Athletic Reporters' James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 Business Staff BUSINESS MANAGER... .... Lewis K. Woodward '27 ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER .. Carroll Royer '28 CIRCULATION MANAGER .. Robert Unger '27 ~A~S~ST~,=C=J=R=C=U=L=A=T=lO=N~=M=A=N=A=G=E=R=,=~=' ,=K=, E, Brown '28 Mrs. \Y. Preeranu K€lldl"lCk. wire 01 (he Mayor II president ot tile gesqut-Canteunlat tnternououai A~S()ci"tjnn. reality of wturer lind quickens our organized to stage a great celebration to com",,,,mOl'ute apnreclatfcn of the glcrfes of spring. \\"•. U'S. t'O.:\:'nH[l.L"I'IO~ of the signing of the Declaration of Lndepen~ence Mrs IS snown Its the ~cn1.rhed 1868, eternity and p!l~s. flying colot'S, III the solo pal·ts. Theil' second an- Very courteous Westminster, In the exam? The realizatlon of hay, them "Unfolll Ye Portals" by GOllnod E rroriess attE'ntion Ildd. Ing adlieved, the S;1flsfaction of ho\,- was equally well rendered, and aRight style -0- -0- -0- -~ -0- ing done your be!\~, the vel'y effort great Ileal of credit Is due J.liss Dorst H air cutting For Radio & Radio Supplies Hself, all constitute l' happiness that and the choll' for lheir splendid pre- A Iso no one can take from you. IJal·at!on. Razors honed Westinghouse LamPfii, Jt·s the <.:(lntmsl between lhe Tile lust \lumbej" suu;; h~' lhe uulled, Tonics Electric Vacuum Sweepers, which vittory hrin";-B. and the W;lS J.leudelssohn·s --Thanks Be The Only Barber and Bobber at Cleans Hardwood floors too. mined fl"'llt whi~h l're~eded it. that To God," whi(.:h proved to he a brll-: the Forks Frigidaire, ::~s :~,':\~~e:;(l~oJ}I~~1S\\:·~l::rlt. Jllall~ lial1t dosing 1llllllbel' to a SPlendf(ll-<>;E;O;P;;~ ;;~;;- (The electric I'efrigerator) Delco Light Products, :uhc::~~e~.Ou.:~~l i~oiSl°tl~:e:0711;~1~lt;:I; For Ladies in and everything electrical. process of fighting Jour.way up (rom People are Ul'ged to know where I one plane to the next higher that they 5ta.nd, ,hut. willIe tbe. porch cha.irs I CO~:iSSES The Electric Shop IDl- constitutes the de~ree and f]llality of I are bemg to know where they sIt. I MILLINERY Liberty St., Westminster, Md. palllted, It 1$ more the happ!nes.s whlcl~ YOIl expel'ieuce Illortanl throughout hte. It t" not an end in ~ ~ SHOES -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- its€lf, ~ut the by-?r.odlld of a lo~'alty )Iany people would begin to show a W. MATHER & SONS The boys lIo Ilot show great activ- ity in jJU1"~\1:t of knowledge, for W190 tO~I:II~~~a:h:f l:e:V1:fe·aCt.iOn and re- ~1~7~,i1;:e:eSc:o:~al:h:Il~::.:esw~sC:~:::r~~ T. are all WIlling to \le taken but tJ~ey actlon bring once tl1at winter of buted at the polls to voter~. I West.minster, Md. guys.
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