Page 94 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG CHU'OltXlA ~'rHI)E:\"J'S '1'0 For Radio & Radio Supplies westinghouse Lamps, Official newspaper cr Western :i1aryland CO,IIege,published 011Tuesday I ~~~~F!:~~l~:r Pl!~\~~!~:t~l;~H:'~~e~I~~~I dcr+ng the aeademtc year by the students o.rf Western :'I1Ul'ylan,tlCollege, lives of all races bordertna Pthe Pac- Electric Vacuum Sweepers, Westminster, 'old Entered as second class matter at the wesuntnsier post lIie Ocean met 111 Honolulu to PIO I Cleans Hardwood floors too. Office lmote fllendshlp and reactve discord Frigidaire, Subscripttun prrce $200 per year between laces and nations ruta con (The electric refrigerator) EDITORIAL STAFF ~~lls:~lt~etehao~1S~!;~~~edrel;tlO::h~~;l~l~~ Delco Light Products, and everything electrical. ~~~~~~N~C~~~~O~ .. ~~~:~: ~', ~:~~::. :~; I ~:'~I~elll:I~:wl~ex~pfai\~AP~~tl~~e The Electric Shop NEWS EDITORS-Geo, S. Baker '27, and Mary Page Turner '26 ~~il;;:t~~~l";~' CGo:t;::eOI~~a~h;IUIl)S Liberty St., Westminster, Md~ Associate Edjtors University of canromta and -0- -0- -0- -0-- -0- Dorothy Robinson '26 Albert Steele Farver '26 tent ann various v, W.C. A; and v. Ruth Jones '26 Gerald Richter '20 :\1, C. A, STOUPS, conference is in the \Iem\)e)'ship Reportorial Staff open to student organizations on any I:"'T·,A.- PL ...TE- ... • DAY Blanche Ford '27 E. lVI, Hannold '28 college campus interested in nroo- Dorothy Gilligan '28 Willard E, Hawkins '26 lems or the Pacillc, Kazno Kawal , HEUM~Nl Rosalie Smith '27 Ira M. Dinkle '26 rep reeentattve from the .8tRnfoni' Gladys Beane '27 Arthur B, Cecil '28 Jnpaueae clu'\) was chosen chairman ICE CREAM Mercia Rayme '27 Hubert Johnson '28 of the sponsoring committee. ____ lIIl_T ••IU' Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 Ham F. Stallings secretary of the In- Margaret Martigcni "29 \Vade H. Insley '28 teruationaJ de~attment, of the Athletic Reporters untversnr o.t California Y. :\1. C, A, is secretary, James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 (By New Student Servtce.) Zite-Neuman CO. Business Staff BUSINESS MANAGER .. "",. Lewis K. Woodward '27 PHU,O NOTES ASST, BUSINESS MANAGER . Carroll Royer '28 Anrona who bears tne melodious CIRCULATION MANAGER., ... ".,. , ... Robert Unger '27 strains of "I think I smell smoke" Westminster, Md. ASST. CIRCULATION MANAGER .. ,. K. E. Brown '28 around the campus will !be glad to know the origin of said melody, In 1I0THER A eertain author has said that the 6'lmple word "Home" is the sweetest (Contilllied from page 1) in which his wife, the janitor and "JOHN" in the English language. Another gpeakers, Per-sonal Work, Freshman friends all detect the nre by eonorous claims the same honer for the word Work The last in trcnoncuce was sniffing. and prnclatm their hor-ror in E Vel' ready "!Mother," But "the two words ar-e -ncnor." The following .sLl~gestions the song entilled "I think I Smell Very courteous almost synonymous, for what is home carne from the group: urscusston Smoke," The prngram was a huge ' E rrorless attention without a mother? I groups, FreS~\llan Work" Example, success, everybody got n hundred Right style Fro:JI in(ancr we a)'e accustomed Speakers. Lltera~un~, B)hle Study laughs and passed them OIl. H air cutting help I to :\Iother~ lo\"illg: atlfntion"'; her and Personal WOlk, PIOWel'S wer(,' g!ven to t!t" dC!):lt- Also anxieties and alllbitions lor us, She I :\Ietilods of accomplishing the i'll'S, and a rousiug cheer, to Razors honed ~:t ti:u~~~d us U)~!I I :!~,~~cI:m:lI~~:l~~e~IlSC~l~SC{:~!;·he\·a~;~~I~~tll~~~e~il~et::~i:I~Slllll~h~:I:I~I~:~lts the The OnlyT;~~~!rand Bobber at :a:;!:~e:e m~:~ ~~a~:n~n~~e,to;~=o~!~,~~~;:~1~~I~I~:~~O;;~oS\~'a:ffi~~~n~I::a~)e~~meeting was adjO\l1'nell. the Forks always doing things for us; always son to state the prohlems as round adjou)'ned to the where the\_o_ -0- -0-- -0------0- gi\in:r up thIngs that we may have on his call1jlus and for a person rrOIll last meeting ot the was heW, Pat more; all\·ays sacl'lficJng that we an01.hel· scbool to tell how sllch a :'Ilolin gave olle of !iHI'pirlng NE\V SPRING STYLES ma~' Ih'e ill more cOlllton and luxury. prohlem was overcome. III cases and uplifting talks for II'hld) he Is He ~tre~sed the iUl- (;onsequentlr, we grow to take them where the pro\)bm waa unique, well kuow;l. of a choice ot Life Work in I For Ladies in for granted, and become thoughtless. prO'bahle methods were suggested portance Think r,,' , mOll"'" ""I in",In< wh"h mighe I" ,,,ceo,,'''\' "'hieh w. t\,i"k ,," of pm"",1 gt",y COATS the happiness you \\·ollid bl'ln:;- yom The sun \1·aS high in tbe heal·ells but of sen'ice to Mi!ers, There IS no DRESSES Mother if you sfiould ask her to go when the d'E'legaLes arose ror their such thing as nOll-religious work'i to a mO\'le with you, 01' if YOUshould Sunday 1ll0l'l1ing devotions, The each one is, 0)' sholl\(\ lle, called to MILLINERY I ::~n~:;', '~:;I~;o~: ;':::' Y~~";'~;I'; I ;;,::~i.1 ,~"e~:~I":::: :,"':I:;"~"i;; ;'r',:,,:'g~I";h:"~'~;;'II~;:;::;i"~;:':';~'; SHOE& :\::Si~~l~~~est:l'~h~~I~ ~,I~]I:k,OI:l~SW~~,l~~,T. W. ~'ATHER & SONS ~:~:e;:~:n~le~u:;·:;" :'I~\~~I;.el~~Da~rel:~ ~:II~:~i!I,Ca~l)~e~;II:~;;:~r~~0~~c~7°~;:~ ~:~:n~~~~I~': ~o~~:~'e~e~e~~:~S~I:~ :::~:~a~)~II,~I~o~l~euac::~stl~~st:aerl~o~~~~= ~~~lll~Sfl~:~ .:o'tr~~~' ce:I~;~lgOI:~~;hl:~~I-0- ~;~I~~~~l'~~ -0- nleetin'4S amI Sharrer Gorsu"h g Star' you ar!;' thlnkin:;- of her She i~ tional ser.-il,e, e'·er profeSSIOn he l'IlOOSeSto entcl'. prl~eless. You kn,'w it. glto\\, her Artel' hrC1\krll~1. Patl'ick:\Iul')lhr Besides inspirational that you do. .\lolin, of Union Theologi~al Semiu- tnethodSo',"',,','n".SwS',.th,,",~,II""',"',tO~I,."lo",O,', ! LJ Il I Mothers see as non" others !,:an, al')' of Sew YOI'k. gave all address to " ~ the weavIng of the web of life; Ita the assemhled delegates at the mOI"I- wall organized l'c(')'eation led :filament of gold aIH1 gray: Its prizes 1)lg serdce, The suhject of :'>'\1', :\10- hr our OIl')} Pl'esiilem Hannold, A) The )j'pwe:,;t and Best clothing and ][s II~nalties; !t~ lau;:.;hter and lin's addl·cslI\\,U!\'''The·!\ew.Refol'llla- odd limes Fl'iday aud Saturday Ih' longin~; Its sougs and si:;hs; its peaCIl lion" :\Il'. :'Ilolin pointed out the eng:!ged ill go!!' au(l olber and fUl'llishings and pain. We don't have to tell need for reform In 1)E!,'sOllS,the ouulool' sllOlts, them, They know and sympalhize, dllll'til, and In the llresent metho(l SherWOOd Forest Is The}" ulldfl's'[lnd. Tile!;' \leans arl' or intt'l'pretin(! th", BillIe, f~ll~i!-II!, wO!ll1erfu!! Gl.lod,.,for young men, ,.,-arm and tender, The)' [Ol'!!;'il'e. :\11',Chalmel's, in the evening ses- "Ratesl'e- sIdes ot onr "Y" wOl'k, To those of Sto\'es. Ranges, Furnaces, tell her how lllllch you love her, tumed to theil' respectlve colleges ou]' "Y" ca-l)lnets who fit.euded, ___ and nnlversitles, having had a proflt- "Sherwood" typifies youlh, 11lspira- fron and Steel Products. The poets ha\-Ingbeautlful visions al)le and enjoyable "week-end" at the tron, methods of Christian wo)'k, fUll, (Established 1868) d spring, but these do not prol'ide Shel'lvood Forest Conference. friendships, and contacts with great IllQny provisions, After dinner Saturday evening we personalities, Westminster, 1IId.
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