Page 96 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 96
Page 4. The Gold Hug, \VeHtern Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 10;\,. F. 1,. I\IIOW~ IWIIl!t:~:st;~ I CAlnWLL rOtr~.'I'Y nOJ,IIS ITS I When ex- IWehler & King ~.;.lII~AII\: S'I'lTIJt:~IJ'S US1'ED1H'on I~ AM'JL'i1 IUI,I,' PRESIDENT TAFT The eveutug aervlce 101' thei . I wanted a good GRADUATE PHARMACISTS grudua tlng o[ the wesrounster • The,fourth auuuat mUSIC COli test Of Theological Se utnur y, beltl at the the [llgh ~(;hoO\s of, Oarror I COl,lIlt Y PHOTOGRAPH The Rexall Store )l"'thocllsl Pr-otestant church. was an was beld III Alull1!11 "Hall. Friday l he sent for iuspirfng one. The students of the evemug, April thirtieth. The eounty Sereck S. Wilson Westminster. Md. gom'uarv. preceded 'by the UH!Jn'bcT!; I sllPerlnt,elldenL .\'1)', Unger'. said that OLuietr .j'aclllt~·and the speakers of he constdered the contest ,n marked -0- -0--- -0- -0-- -0- • Impr-o vement over those of the pre-I -0- -0- rhe evenmg. mnrcbed In to the mnsrc a CC~~~!.e~:I~e'~B;::~·~'CI'orus" from the B·b I . L" -0- -0- WHEN _ -0- of :!~::/~'~:n~illging, uf a hymn, (lil'l'ct-, a y on & IPPY Company DOWN nenutttut anthem was rendered hy "Rose xrerdens." havfng' ueen TOWN the cuotr. coumo sed or the Seminal" edljeparately in the ve rtous high I . I tans. A very pretty solo was sling I schools b)' the county director of FLORSHEIM SHOES STOP AT tiv }lr. 1':_ l!:, ColeuHlll, which was [01- 111l1Sic, ?11!'Hi Ijet-trude Morgan and the "P "Sh" I ' I~\\'ed the sui-men Rev. F. L. vartous teachers. was sung ill ulli_soll STETSON HATS Brown, of the Confer. for the first time Frida:> en:lIlllg.. I 1 op Ip ey 5 . "h " P '.1 -en 1 I· ""IThe accuracy and fiue interpretation International Made-to-Measure euce o .e.,' .... lIl1C. n ris - man. Rev .. GI'OI\'n brougbt out some of this composition won I:luch al~- S 't Light Lunches and Soft Drinks points which will he not pia use from the anm-ectauve sudl- U1 -S I ~:!:~~\It:li!~st~:.~[~~ w:~~.~~I~ To :-'-llss xrorxen lend her ~o-work-I Top·Notch Basket Ball Shoes. AT THE FORKS Isdueg r ea t credit for this spteu-_(}---0- -0- ----0- --0- -0- -0- -0- --0- ---0- display or musical talent. F'il"st1 SAM COHEN was WOll b~' Union. Bl'idge; sec- Attention W. M. Students I by Ta nenOll'n: thu·d. by }l!'l for a snappy suit tailored in up- AIry; and [ouI'th, hr ~lancheSlel', to-date fashion-and from lat- l'JlO~E :11·,1. 1'1~ILOn ,._._,_, _". " est patterns-hundl'eds to pick The "Pressil.lgest" Man in Town nno" ~I~(. ,It IUIlIUI:o; from-at reasonable prices. ,SU1ts pressed Come in look them over. Smts Cleaned & Pressed. WESTMINSTER TAILORING Special Prices To College debate, last Tuesday, April COMPANY Students. quesLion for debate was: Cleaners, Dyers, Pressers -0- _(}-- -0- -0-- -0- j1l"e r iousl,\' a brief, Ihut Resolved: Thal there should be ea- 61 \\" >Iain SL Phone 225 l~::~ry aIHI use uf chemicals in ~::~~Si~eds:cr~~~)I~}:·t~:)el~~leO[ P~=~li~lIe~:~'~Representa~~~e ~~~i:i'each day Westminster Hardware Co. modern wu)"fare, ~h,jo\" Lnll cllo~e as 1 Cahinet. The !ssue,~: 1. There are a I L. K. \Voodward. College Agent. , l~\~eed;~~:~:~~~~-0- -0- 1'01' his el'clliug's address, nl!mll~~'hi~~! ~\\'~~~.a::: -0- -0-- -0- Jobbers and Retail Deal~rs of a Depal'lment of 8ducat'ion Telephone 55-R in General Haldware CHAS. KROOP Heating & Plumbing Systems Installed, (Estimates Furni:;hed) -0- -0--- --0- -0- ---0- ANNOUNCING ",al·far!'. rthle!l no rloubt hy his ahil· BI'owning's A big reduction for to I'~talhlte wilh a lIIore effective Shl'e.iller. an(l Bemmer. Till' :lllcicllt Greek anll Both te'1)ll~slloke weli. and the College students only,· RonH11i \1,,\.rriOl'$ 1IS,~dinflammatory deelsion was very dubio!!s in the -0- -0- -0- -0-- -0- ~~::,~~~'~~~ISto l~~:;' ell:le:lli~lss:rQ:~ I ~:~~I~dSta~~n~l1nl:l~lt~:r~:::/I;~g~:\"~~n~~ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK in musical lines. Special bnrnino; n~ ~' llH'ons of i!THat- Bro\\"l1in~ 2-L OF \\'ESTMINSTER bargains; $2.50 ukela- i'n\:' III(' ellenlY wn~ I:ot nni(lIQwll \Ve~tminster, 1Iaryland. r\\,I;:::'li~,II~1 th:el~tl'l~:'rt\\"7h=e~~~~~I~; tl~~ :-IOW~ HF 'I'Ht: I'OI'I't'\I:>H(H'E:-;~UH Capital .$125,000 lies $1.79; Tenor ban- Unrol'l' /11\01\1' In 1IIe' l)ns~ihililies of "1'111 thr professor of Ihe Surplus & Profits. .$138,000 .ioes $6.00; m 0 u th gas a~ "II {'[revli,'e weallOIl of lillld .Jacob J. \\'eaver, J1' .. organs, 50c to $2.00; W,ll''r'lr!'. Hllt 11 [~W ('sllicli~ and Anti I'm known nmon~ lite sLlItlt'nts Chairman o( Board. llllllHlllil:ll'ilill ~olll~, prefe)'rill'l Lhul for m.\' l'rrSOlllli1tee. L. K. \Voodward. President. complete violin outfits IYli~n my let-tll]"es AI'e con~llldNI loud the rl'onll~ of Iheir ('ount I'," die 1Iy George R. Gehr. '1'111-;;\101 \\'OUIl(]~ ral her than hi heard. $10,00; full assort- he lllllSI !!llrely "ice-President, Cashier, r01Hl'Il0\l~ gns, sic;nel\ all :\\:T{'Plilelll al the llague COIII'~nliol1 to Uh~llllll Of t\le cl~s~cs on lile ealllll\I~.nnne'~ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ments of strings, all from the l\H~ or jll'()ledjlf'~ in warfllre kinds. Come in and that I'onlninetl pOi~!lIl'Hl~ ~n~e!\, Gel'- "';II:~II\I\l:~~\_l:~'~~l~~~\\n:h~ "Wiles F A. Sharrer & Son ho\\'c'I'~I'. ron~ir\criuo:;- her 11<\- or I' look them over. al !!Ial((; in l!lll. 1'11O~(> 10 th'(> leather!; 1 c{Jlnhlull l, i"k€' , Westminster Jewelr~ Shop C:H~ 0)1 H ~{'l'lC1r (If (;efL'lIs!'lI'S8 Rrit· Westmin;.;!er. ~!aryland. ish 1I'00lll~. Tll;~ 1,)\ of 'HlI-a~el')' IheRefo1'l11niacfrOlllllle: -0- -f"\-- -0- -G-- --Q- rive JlH' lllillutl:S -0- -(}-- -0- -0- --0- THE NEW IDEA CLOTHING llan' yonI' hnil" m:l(le ~ie€'k ~IIHI ANO SHOE STORE .iflUS nnd weal' Clo(hpsri"ht J
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101