Page 91 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. Page 3.. DON'T FORGET MOTHER DR A J MORRELL [lo,\Ct.n'lw, l~II~~1 GF: L \ 'Ill \1)\ I' In IISI'I'~I nl~'1~~::'~)J;If;~:\~:;'1E , • , Ithaca ~ 1 -(8\ "e'v Stud III '" mquer rue 'xcw .\kxl.o tHy MAY 9TH, CHJROPRACTOR g srvic s t-c-Lntle has uee» said or xs.w S.Ud,111 S(l'\i~'(l B~~~tI~'" oil that tnrrortaru pereouage tile (nl h:ls IIHll ul«' vt rr 1 011 rne r us A special Mother's Day Sox 110 E Main St Phone 175 lege landlady She always hover-a Ian 1 I;),I],S til" t'niver It' or :-<""," -0- -0- -0-- _0_ -(l- somewhere in the oackground, kUJ\\'- "\\Exi~o is o,j)li,(li to l'n~,l~e In 3. or Whitman's is just the thing, We do all kinds of shoe ~~:n;s01~~~:/:na~1t~~ek~~I1s~rW~~I:;S;~~ ~I~:il::;:~~r 1<:~:miltSlJ;~~~'\io~nlll:'\;;~~'!~e:'~: repairing. Satisfaction parent. The ccnere landlady Get details at Is cuccurag enu.t cr hi~ll,)' i.ll'n!ll3: III guaranteed, me terta I fOI" many uuwrtuen teature the then l',n'itof," of :-<',w ~l,';d: 0, BONSACK'S J.P;la~~!t I~~:i~,~;:'::':~~"iC~:W;'''~:':';;C~;'~~::f,~:~'~,;,:i:'::'~!;,:;::";'~~',:~~::',:~':~£: XX X X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X XJILtiXX% to;j~~S~~UI~~i~I;'C:!IO~;Il;:era~i~~ll,~~;:n~;(~~f[~~leel1tu:I~:~.:~~trpI~:~I~~~,(I\~~~:~jfl~~ the roomtun housesituatloll, Forty pr cvrme nt, hc sptt. is, "111> I landladies we-re gfveu ccnfidential land tnus grunted, f lurae ex- interviews, tent. some twelve -anuon acrcs, was gur-pr istngly enougb , tile laud- not or great vatue. I'p tc last yeur ladles did not vtew umver sto- com- it could be \lsed only nn- ~'anle COLLEGE SPORT SHOP petition witll diS'1lay, Furthermore, graang and sold lor I as thnn ~j,o~ an acre. the survey discloses tne ccuese tenu- lad" as a "human being;" of "aver- On the rentals of theilt' 11alTen~ agf.a~:l:ll!~f~'~,of the Ithaca l'arlelY I ~~~n~~II}~~!~~~t~:-a;:~ht~~e~~;~lo~l:~ri~~ at leasl. fnll into three distinCl Illl'n OUteath rein' its f)uOW of Nlut~ Athletic Equipment I ~:n~:a~~fet~~~c:her~ua~e'Sno~O~!:~:l\re~~~~~I~loVI~;"}'tl~~l~l'~;~~I~~~~~,..t~[ll~~a~a:~~ types, tall. The first Is :necl l\ew :.\le:xi=.alls,Thell cn:ne good angular, Oil was di~co\'el'e"L The She is. of "suspicIous ronuue. hatchet faced, 59 WEST MAIN STREET waiting at the allar Iby some callow shand IJY the land Sllstrtlning the but prudent lover:' The second prisons, hospitals, lte, and in the type is ihe de-cayed gentlewoman. course of ol'diIUH)' pmcedure all the She has seen ha'Ppler days but thereof would flow into the Discount to college students. nevertheless dlgnit~· ot bearing" with But the pr;sons, hospitals, ele. emply coffers of the Unil'ersity. Ibears lIer sorrow a "certain and "con~("lentiQusl~' attempts 10 do hel' looked upon this sudden wealth wllll duty as she sees h," The (hird type 11 jealous eye. is characterized as. the I'"pical land- "The sitllatlon ha~ arisen;' Stal~ lad~'-hefty. dee,p"l)osomed, strong- the attorneys of Ihe l."nll·erS'ty ill al'med f€nlilJe callable and busi!les~ theil' petition to congress "emil'ely like, stern when the o~ca~ion de- tnrough accident, unless the luter~ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:Z m.anos, but !lot without a s~nse ()fiv('ntioll of .dil"ine provld~nce in be- humul' and a mOlhHly feelmg IO~ half. of a small, poor. sU'ug;gling, lmt may be credit- amibilious institution ')Oi.!lie Teeth Like Pearl$ WEHLER & lONG'S ward her bors, midti'le :12;1:, most of ed, This has ~x~tte(llhe tnpiJ!!ly of pasl Bein; ,~~ ~~I:'!~·~g~~,:.T"~·':~.«no~":,,..~a:!.f:IY'!;:; _ Re'\a!) DrU2" Store 'V" '" minute. ,.. •.!r::.~;·~.~~·:~~~II'~.wl~lhr;.',hj,~I~ - I,;,It',:o,','g'hd,','d,,;~(,',,',1':,,','O~lbls~rO'·n'dtl1'''''",',"_ ~h!l,",.'g·.l!~S,titQ't'h",~!I"~O"J"~r,,''',',·,',~"~s,,,,i~ '- " u '- 0 .._ V.... sells and recommends "TAR~ lng," "Only one woman expressed a 01' endowed by Federal gl'luns ot "",,",...e'>, y,,'; TAROFF-" Come in today 'belief In birih control, and one lauds, Tile result has ta,. u, it, 25< a,X and get your bottle lo,thel-. rather yonng, had bohhed 11l~ Ih~' the ),1~w "\! ...xico LEl,:i."'latlll'f ~~tJ"&"t~~~'}:~"..Chic_to, . hair."' of Joint R6Solution No, 10, which pro'poses to change the whole o ,IT t . t ' C t R t St 0;:;;:':"d'~~'~'~,',:,::,;"~;"::,:,~:,,";: - - " ~ s(;hl"me of the Oli.;inal Federnl granl - J::::I~:c:IClc::IJ::Iz::::I:Z::::Z:J::II::IJ::IClJ::IJ:::::IJ::Ic:I I of lands, This res.)IUlion Wa,1 pre- O if es mlns er sua KI e A ore 0 :~~~:::;:I':::',ii~:,l~'~~~:,,':~:~:~i'~:'<:;j St · t t 59 W M am , ee par men sOl heen so rortUIl~l", as to a'(]n:r~'" I"" . ,,,,,,,,,,,., Th, Sew ","''"'' O The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. sent a r~sollllH.n to ,Congress (ai' an ,m,,,d,,,,,,, 'c th, ",""itil"" ""- O D ,,. ""tco, 10 ihe state of pooling of the viding for a general t1;ff~rent br!d granl, D GET OUR PRICES 0 tested ··asks for fair 1113r, for a The nuil·Hslt:\" h'IS vi!1:ol'ou~lypro- in the word~ of ils law- and rei's., Face Powders Creams 0 square dea!." II nsks that It bo:- to keep O 0 pel'nlitted lJelong~ to it and that Coll- what fairly and legally O Talcum Powder Toilet Articles ~~~::I:Oton~~p\ei~_~ :~se t~~~\.el~~It/~; D Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets D it,,, ,m,l! good '''''iI'''.'' u. ----- w. lm,I,ER O Sodas Cigars 0 I Work done Cleaner & Dver. bypr~reos~p~r!ty :"Ilethot'\. O C19arettes 13 c p . or 2 f or 2S c. 0 .",,,d, Gent's Suits cl.eaned e.. " Gent's Snits Steamed and. PressNl. · k anl! SSc, $1.00: Ladi,,' S"in, O CALL IN. 0 and One piece Dresses Cbemica\l. Is. . cleaned and preS6ed $1.25. apparel 0 I Safety with customer's O , our flrst considernUon ABE" TOZZI, always ALBERT' College Representative 1:IJ:=I'I:II:IJ:=I'I:IJ::I:c::::I:c::::I:c::::I:c::::ICI:c::::I J::I:c::::I:c::::I \ Hmh '''"''"' W,"min"" ".,
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