Page 90 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Subscriptfon price, $2.00 per year. poatnon will ue honorary and awarded at the end of the season, EDITORIAL STAFF An active field captain will be Iron and Steel Products. MANAGING EDITOR William S. Veasey '26 pointed [01' each contest by EDITOR-IN-CHIEF . .. . George 1\'1. Benner '~71coaches. (Established 1868) NEV,"S EDITORS-Geo. S. Baker '27, and Mary Page 'I'umer '26 tnc rnructtve ror this move came. from I Westminster. Md. ccc cacs. alan the They favor Associate Editors [becauseu will gtve more free- ~O- -0- -0- -0- -0- Dorothy Robinson '26 Albert Steele Farver '26 dom in the selection men to play I Ruth Jones '26 Gerald Richter '20 in each pnt-tteulnr game. For Radio & Radio Supplies Reportorial Statl ~~"~:fi~l~~v~~~l: 1~:~~i~IStO.tbe Westinghouse Lamps, Blanche Ford '27 E. M. Hannold '28 n-ne method of cboosing Electric Vacuum Sweepers, Dorothy Gilligan '28 Willard E. Hawkins '26 in advance has not -worked out to Cleans Hardwood floors too. Rosalie Smith '27 Ira M. Dinkle '26 the sattstactjcu of all. Aner a Frigidaire, g:r~I:i~~:~e'~~7 H~bt~r~rJ~h~:~~l :~~ :;·\;t:d r~:Ul~al~e ~~al~n~:ne_ (The electric refrigerator) Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 fits little hy his leadership, and ill Delco Light Products, Margaret Martigoni '29 Wade H. Insley '28 some cases actually suffers, due to and everything electrical. Athletic Reporters the iusunaoie hesitation Oil the part The Electric Shop James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 ~~ ~~: ~~~I~.lO -oeuctr' the captain Liberty St., Westminster, Md. Business Staff W1HWthe news of the stantoro -0- -0- -0- -0-- -0- BUSINESS MANAGER ,,","'" Lewis K. Woodward '27 piau reached the neighbcrlng Univ- ASST, BUSINESS MANAGER, ",. Carroll Royer '28 ersIty or caurcmta. diverse optntona CIRCULATION MANAGER ",.',"" ",. Robert Unger '27 were expressed. EAT-A-PLATE-A DAY ASST. CIRCULATION MANAGER . . K. E. Brown '28 The following conflicting opinions were among the 'many given in the NEUMaNl CH.EClil~r. rp OX ornSELVES I keep green within our memories. the Dally Californian: ICE CREAM CO~I:g~h~ir~'I::~e s~~O!;!:.a;od~:t I'o~!I ~~:~~: created in us Iby our- Alma th!e:9t;t \;:I:s~tn~c;~k':!;a~tP~:ianm~ take mor-e heed of "bat. OUI tour I 'I Uunk that the St.anford plan IS years on College Hill have made of II \IIYARD /!iTL'DE:'iTS better After a mall has been select I us and ...hat, we nave done for Col ed captain rot a season he is apt to lege Hill dur-ing our stay here Ha\e! lJ\JiE REPOn'r fall dO\IU People expect a captalll[ is not Zile-Neuman Co we learned to look for and to uve Danuln-idge i\Iass-(By New Stu- to be far better than the beet of me for the real meautue of lJfe? Hale dent Sellice)-Follo,\llllg the lead of men A1'tel all a cantaui we contributed 111any degree towa-rd 'nerrmcurn Boo",01n and other col much more than a f!gllleh~au_ I • beaUl)' of life, here on th~ 1'1111, or to lege~ the Il!H!,,!'grp..du:!tesof H:H'I':ud P. L. Kleck'heJ'g'er, che.ll·maI1 o~ happiness.... Have we learned to L'llln?rsity have tlli'ough theil' ~tu' the physical e(\ucation tlellartlllCllt-1 ~~;Itd! bi~ger. 'bett~r life OliL ill the ~~::~:'tl~On~nCilT:!:a:~p~I~)ta :~~i:l't t~l~ ~:~l~n~I~~te~\\~e{~O~I~e~h:\~:I:l;~!'~I/;~:: Westminster, Md. di~:~~;~li::;d ~::!;(~~n~<'110[Gi.;~~al~~i ;I:~~e~:s~~~~tt~tO'b!a~~~kel~n~ll il~et~On~~~~:~~:~~s t::\h;r~111i~'~~:Si~'sa~ \\'~~~~; Hopkins l'niversilr, listed a -series least six smaller colleges, prefel'ab- they are COa~hlflg, 'fhey are oltler -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- of !llie-stions b)' which he ~onsidered h' of a,bout 300 students each, and than t.he ?1~yeI'S aud COllS€quently "JOHN" Unil'ersil), life shollid Ibe tested. [ thut the students of each be housed see tillngs dlffel'enlly, Team mem- Some of these (}uestlons might prop- in dormitol'i€S by themselves, 'This, bel'S, themsel~'e$, are the only olles erl)' be asked of college life. A few It said, would result ill great social who should select their own leader." E Vel' ready of tbem are: dneio!)meTrts on the :part of the "Xt;W TOIH\, 'J'Bn:S" CUR- Very courteous 1. Ar£> the ;,outh [rained within I al'el'ag,e student Rlld ~ocial pl'o~r~ss nE~'1' EVt:~'J'S COVI'ES'I' E :rorle~"s, attention ils walls honest lovers of the truth? that \Iollld greatly e:.:cel.that .Ih)ch i\'ew YO)'k- (By New Student 8er- R ~~~t -t;'l)e 2, Do thEY aC(Jult themsellO€s with Hananl students now gall1. 1'!ce)-\\,haL, in the lla~t )'eal's news ~]'1I Cllttlllg War? I credit in the public senice? The COlllIC!!fHl'ther declared itself was the Karoly! affal)" The Gobi R SO h 1 3, Ha\'e they the power of cu- in faYOl' of limitation of fl'es.hmen D~'serL EXjledillol\'; Til'" Riff l' nz~l'i" Ollef joying litel'alure:mlls\C and art? laild keeping down the numlbel' of These (Jueslions and others will 'LIe omcs 4, Can ther a,pph' the lessons of "ullassimila.ble" .students to ten per asked in the Nell' YOl'k 'Times CUI'- The Only Barber and Bobber at history 10 the problems of Ollr da.y? cellt of the emil'e student hody, It rent Events contest. to ,be conducted I the Forks 5. Are tbey always eager to en- also urges that the college Iny more in easterll co'lieges Prizes of $250 large their knowledge? stre~s on the cultunll de,velopment ant! ,a Gold ~tedal will be gi\'en in -0- -0- -(}- -0- -0- 6. Do ther become C'Jnservatlre of lhe IJIHlergl'atlllutes I'athel' than each colle;;e. :>EW SPRING STYLES memb{-rs of society, seeking fOI' 011 "mere wisdom," News events of the past year will progrel>s h}- steadr improvements The student counei! adopted this be covered in the contest, How- Fol' Ladies in ratber Ihall br the powers of de- plan fOl' the changing of the entli'e ever. IbecallB~ of lhe short no-tice COATS ;.:~:~ ~~I'e~~em~II;:ts~~i~~~~tt~ito~'l~'s(~e~i st~~ct_~Orl::~:y t!~:~~l;l, tourteous, co- :d~~,:tl~::\hs~:s~~~;d:to~\I~:':r~a~:t~l~ DRESSES :~e~~:I;'e {itizens ill a!! the l'elalions ~l~:sC~,::i~~~:e:f w\~~ fau:~~~;g~~;~:~ ~;~~lt:ll~c~:~I~inl~ ~;~~~E'enDctoher 1,1 MILLI)!ERY ~~l~h:~ ~.~~: lle~~I,lec~~~I~l:~~S;'I:::'ell~:it~~l~h:t U~l~:::I SHOES th!' s~:o\~~ t~~a~~~~~~~h;a!~.~U~~ht~S~~~~s ;;hderst~!~:~:sb~~1 J:~i\~:~d,Sla~~:' T W. MATHER ~ SONS ::S7du:~~i'iO~~ceh'e their ron~tRnt pr::li~I~~ltre:~~:t~:~:~IOa:stlll~;'~~le;t;st ~~~il~\,;f C~~:~I~~te 9, As the roil of the alumni in- been presented officially W the Unl- University of ),llchigal1. the United • creases, does it ap.pear that a large versity tl'ustees it may 'be a !nonth or States Naval AcadeillY, Pennsyl- Westminster, Md, proportion are men and women of two berol'e an} decision is reached vania, Princeton, Virginia and Yale, -0- ----0-- -0- -0--- ---0--- -- ~onorable, faithful, learned and pub- I th --. ""[TG['I"I'YSKrH" Sharrer Gorsuch R Starr 11,."I,,,.d ohm"'" " ,m. W. ".'EN[.' 10, 'Do they win repute among . (Continued from page 1) , U those who have added to the sum of 'fhe College students are invited I'fhe' doulb1es were played in tWO human kno\\-ledge? down to one of tile churohell' of the matches, the fll'st by Bryand and _"!tho these Questions pertaiu to town lor evening service every Condon, and the second by Hawkins The Newest and Best clothing (:ollege IUe we can by the change of year, ThM year they were the guests' and Pan', 'These matches were alao • pronoun, ask tbese Questions of of the :.vIethodlat Protestant churcb. well played and demonstrated some and furnishings ouraeh'es, not only now, during the The Seniors for the first time wore fast (J.Mving alld fillS placing. The remaining days here, but durtng the academic cap and gown, down fil'St doubles were called because of Goods for young .f:!en, each succeeding year, that we may to the church, dal-knesoB,ilie sr.ore beIng 3-6, 6-4.
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