Page 92 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 92
Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster. Md. ----- I' \l'H'I~Jl 1'1,0'1'8 es surv war tcgtstattcn. to prevent When ex- RUN TO AI;AI:'IST \.'It:llll',\ the making and shlpplne, o! muni- PRESIDENT TAFT :\1 ITT EN' S :O;-lIi._I.I'l"I'u!'!u,-.:e I,i I'rl)pH'!":IIHlu, I lions of war, anti wuen otnere of wanted agood for However much man who are mls- Their kintl retuseu to accept the PHOTOGRAPH Hot Bread, Rolls and Cakes. led muv fbelteve tid," I~ all in the Iu- mandate of cnuscriptlon st epjjed LO protect uicse stecxora. he sent for Westminster. Md. the J'O,'11\110\\' iJt'illg tricd OHt 011 the their polson inln every state In the STETSON IiATS ~o- -0- -0- -0- -0- sIIIIe'l'lu\; anrl pnutc-str'lckeu people Luton. and even tnto the sillallest o( Russia ~:;~l~~~:~et~~~)~O~.\l~twe~~~~:al~i~ll: International Made-to-Measure WHEN Suits DOWN mannatn a "strike or textile Top-Notch Basket Ball Shoes. TOWN the at wasu.ngtou a lobby nrnl and energy of those dlr-ecting is STOP AT hut nuimldntetl "01'1(1111:11our .or cree ter than any curer. 01' all other -0- -G- -0- -0----0- ;:~::.leS,€;~e-I~~eSI~:~ld\~~n:~:,I'O~\llll~:~i:::""I~:~~~~~::~ t~~~r ~,~~~~l:~::, j,~h:I' I~~;: Attention w, M. Students "POp" Shipley's f.;OI1S" Iu the We are to expert- mursber of schools anti colleges, for a snappy suit tailored in up- '~I:~~~'~~·;mit:s tl:~:'I~lrc:I:I:;~al~~"~~1 n6'-i:I;.g~h~UIl~I~~~~1'~~;~td~;tt!~~~~h:-:dnr~d~rt~~fctLight Lunches and Soft Drinks of tnese -tcssons ill are ~:~:~!.:t~~~lSOI~~.:lli~~:,:OI~:;~:~~~r:hllll(~;~g~o:ei~\oo~ef~~~a~~er. prices, AT THE FORKS ~I~~:~11'~~~.t~~~e~~Jfltltepl~~~;:C~!l ~~~ll::I'~~\~:~:ll~n~~~:~::~,?;~~~:~~\~,~~l~j!l~WESTl\-nN~&~:AJiILORING -0- -0- -0- -()- -0- SAM COHEN of the memlbers-c-tn see-king to Cleaners, Dyers, Pressers about a mental a ttitude on 61 W. :\lnin 51 Phone 22::; o,r the great mass of the Auto Delivery PJ(O:"E el-,J. T\lLOR that will make the final "Ies- Representative calling each day The "Pre!'lsinge;:;t" Man in Town rel'olution" OJ. maonilkellt sue-' L. K. \Voodward. College Agent. Suits pressed "~l'adllnte,s" to overUll'o'W the 001'- 0 -0- -0-- -0- -0-- -G- Suits. Clea~ed & Pressed. ~:;~Il:lel:I(~~~Il::I~.I;·~~~~dll~tates the AIIlCI'l('Il11 I'Nlllle f.;111;~·C!~li1.(,1I1111!t('1'.Telephone 55-R Speclal ~~~Cd:n'fs~College These slal,e.lllcnts were not con- Ttis impossible 10 make the AlllE'l'- CHAS. KROOP -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ('lnsloll5 drawll fro In hasty reading people grasp the flltt thal there are nOl deduUions I,as(>!\ on a great lilterllatiollu\ ~on~llil·!l.q' Leading Shoe Repair Shop Westminster Hardware Co. ;l1Id feelil1~ Till';.' 10 (le~tl'oy exislin!{ ,zo,'ernmenLS, 25 E_ l\Iain St. nsst'rlions lIat'ked ]lY a mass of Ull- l·lI·iliz~tjons. and Clll'isl!!lllitr· 1'IH' "-e~tminstel', l\Ian-land Jobhers "nrl RE'bii Dealers QlIe!-\tlull~d (\o('u!Ilental';' e\id~nce, weHlel'n mind is not eqllipped to Send your shoes t~ Charles in General Haldw;u'e nl';\il~llie 10 ill1)-r.n~ \,\](1 wlInts to 1l1l(lerstam1 the illtrt,e:ue, sel'l'eCy. (ie- Kroop by Parcel Post. they \vill hl'ke the l,n,e [Inn trouhle to make celltioll, nlHI fraud Of tIle ol'iental be repaired the same day' at a Heating & Plumbing Syo:tems a little illlestl'lI'l, I,n(\lhl' 11,,(11)\<' or the \'II!t"d 11H' I\H~ent mnl'ell'ent to !le~tl'o)' -0- -()- -0- -0- -0- SI,-[le~ hUH'.,)' till llines,hel'll loya! lhe Ann,I·. ~nl·~·. all other forl1l~ "r -0- -0- -0- -G- -0- THE NE\V IDEA CLOTHING toll(\ 1 ;]11'loli\' The ,""II of their (JI'OIt'(·llon. Intel'fere Il'itll nlll' 8y~- SUBSCRIPTIO~ BLANK AND SHOE STORE 1 ~:)I~I~'I~r~'-'II:~:~heen IIe-n1'(1 ailoH' .ill ~)~.!~\'e~; l\3tiomll 111 till' Gold (~31:1~O'~~:t~I:~lo'~fI~~:~~~ng~lIe ...e, we;~i~s:;'E~t'~L~~:yProp. Whell .w~ wert' 1'01'(·('11 illto the sehools LInd is aile form (,t I W('slmillslel'. \Id. "Brunswick Taneyto\vn I :~:UI~'~:~~~:~;'i('tl1Cl'e n1l1 e,1l'C(\n m~~~~\: "\)~I::tl~u:r or 'en')l w~ake!l, this I ti:~ll~I~S~(~l:n~\1:o~Ol' [~:m;~:~:~rl~; SYkS~'~llU:;Fi~~:t;~5JOS~~e. l!otllil'~, out of II bratll'\l of Ihe GOl'e1'1'1ll('1l1. ail,.! th"isehool nar. ,-o-MA-11 7 EW-OS~ -O-MYER-SO- ~~\~nr\\,~I:I:.:ll~:~:n{~'a~~('~:;~~:~\~l:r l~:~l~ \'~~~~"~'::\~I::~'{1:~;;110I~fl\~~'n~~~;~~:la~~~-' . lllM'I,1 ~ll\lllOri to III' GOY(!l'llment of --- \ (:\amel n II the rn\I~(\ Stn!!'.!!, Ihl'ew 11l!-'1 fillP- Rev, Charles Suhor:k 011(' of the 1}()1'1 \0 lil(! ('omnj(jIl enemy. Are. few married men of th~ -elnSH of '26 (Street) Wall Paper and Window Shades even mOl'e. they wOI·ked. m,ul)' of Is to be congl'nilllnied upon the al'- Thomas su-l them. in the open til jll'CI'eut enlist- rind. o-f a SOil ('lIlales Decorators for the College. lllelll, 10 jll'ev('tll lhe pl!ssage of ll~e- lln('k (City and State)
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