Page 89 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 3, No. 23 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Apr. 27, 26 WESTERN MO. NETMEN BATTALION SPONSORS I WEDNESDAY ASSEMBLY IBASEBALL TEAM MEET GETTYSBURG PRESENTED 'rue ""d'''~ bnck a 'L c. LOSES TO LOYOLA to welcome wan-known 4.;ondOIl 111111,~ ...r"hl~~l'.• 1'la~"11 Spec· On \\'etl!le!)~ ei. at 5.00 o. U. S.;.;, \\.~~n~~~a~~d~:r:I~'~\ "Western :\Jaryland's Baseball team d .j.~~.III;~rSln;lle~"l del I m. the, WeSlern, :\lary\and Athletic and futroduved the scee cer of the wa a declatvely defeated at Baltimore rc;o;t~l;t~;ene:l:trllG~t:;'~b:l~gC~l~I::~lll::~:n~(~I:ys~\el~\:1\oft~e\'el~~IO~11:0n:~,~10~~~\1l:P~~~::~~:~nO:I\~~lll::Ol~~~lir~i~~p~~;:;~~s2~~~i;e~1~'~1~~O~?~:~~~~~ Ieee WI' the first nome ma_t(;lI. were formally prus ented to the l)at'l p~tt.:r aenvereo a .sPlendi~ talk on evervtntug their war f\'om the first ~h~~:~~~.;:e ~I:tr~~a:::s !~'~I;I!~~~edDt~ I :l:l~~~~.~~I~le~~:~~~O\.:eSI~:~~iI':S~otl~\:~"~l;~, 'I'ruiuing of a GOI'el'nment om- ~~~~n~;le~\~~~~r:\II~:ri·~al~:I,'I\::/~~ :£~~/l~a.l~I~~I:lat~:uworked to become 10 the field In' tjietr officers aud 'Ic ~Je spoke 111gh!, or the xavv alldl the first but Lovota registered tea .. I , stood wblle the uat.taltou passed ru Navv Department (1eclarlll" that It times before her halfl\aSOlel After w:o~\::'a\I~~ PI;,o:ddO~:e Sl~~;:; RO:I~~ ~I:\~el:\hlie the~o~~~;:~ ~ea~~l\:~- was not on» a fighting m:c\1lUe as :I:I~ fi~st inntug a respeerabte game In a dti!!e game bea~ Koch ~ u a-s 6-2 SI)OIlSOI of the uaf talion "RS escort- j ~~len:~:n~e~~)I:e:b\ell~:I:odl ~~~I~l ;~: \ D~I: to (old weather and the mnt- r'ou ou and \els uer- paled the ed aCloss the- field \n Captain Wooh Imell )lot tho s!IlPS fiO'hl-"l1l~h make tall inspection the leCln1tS wero tle,ill'! II l'~nt"'l'llj~ce o-r red tulips. 1I111\1:'( ~ga\llst the hl.llsid.e, lh,e., most glorlousl;. liindillg' oath that 1 oj, "d lalullf:S aud miniaWI'e red paper sponsors, \Iuh theil' C!WOI·tS III Ulll- wuld be taken by man. ~:~~\~~i,.l:;~ .. ~ 3 ~ 0 ~ .paru~ols as jJla("e (;anis. The menu rorm. lIlade a I'err charllll11!!;pictul'l" 01 • r.~h'ted of neill'll c[ p€'a soup, snr- .\liss Beachler, .hallalion sponsor I Des'olll!, Jr, ... 3 1 o ,'r!"" Cl'Oquettls. cili(:"keu salad. hot was attired lu (1[11'1,blue tailo\'ed II A ~~I'l;IJF.KT I'IWBl,~:)t Schall. p. 4 0 0 o lis. pkkleb. 1:.oLat,)chips. lee cream tOgS with 11101\(lesli11pers and scarf. HoII' long will it be before ~:~~'~~~I~.'~~'.. :: ~ ~ ~ "il~h\\\);·~;i("U~~,~e~~.(\n;;']~~~~c;~:~:~nB;';:~:'sH~~~:'~:;I/P~_::OI~I:! ~:ll~del~;~:€';fu~~'6:~e:~e fad that Col- leonll'a), 1 0 1 0 n s and <"(lift'''"' wel\, we Illay attirEd In dark hille, while are it';uorant of pI'olJlellls, Totals 31 IG 11 24 6 1 ~ II"c"11~a~' it a,:!;uil1'"'..\ pleasaut DOl'Ot\lr Ro\)il1s011, 6'IIQI1S01'of flueSlions, ~ll)(J eren erents W, :'I!d. Colll:'~e A')_R. II O. ~\ 8. w;\" ha(1 LyalL." Del·n. 211. ,4- I} 0 1 2 1 _ _ __ nn orchid (IT!'!SSand whiie YOlmg. 3\). 0 I} I} B\LI.UT ...11.... '.:)) " Benson. Ib I) 1 !) I} "l'IWll Qru:,,' t:Lt:C1'W:<" Bona, rf. .. - 0 (/ 0 0 B\uornine.te Queens \n 1I11- Su'al'l, c d.:1 1 1 d..mlHlatlt: tOunl1H~ Ihh; ~0121~lgl1 \, W, i\HI'JIN:O elen mOIIllI1'.!. alltl [~e,l1l \l .. ,0 II 0 .! ~~~~ ~;(:~,~''rll~I:~I~H:~~:I~~tl~~leS !:l;tJ~~!l~:SIII1IShah~~(~U~I~1~~I:ek!~e~]l\: of soul 1\ll~::l!I~O:~ll\~g1~1~1~1I~~~\~{elslsl::l~ ~~~~~~~~t.. ;:. hale hl'en matle to ddeal the \\111{It lIn the' loom stJlIlll11", tbe ]ll\1CI 'folals Z5 (I 22110 7 (hi" people III tor nllt plaetl~eR III Illenl' filSt and 'HI~ uude) the (ll III ~Nll~h or tllf' la\est ~\lm\ lIellS LOlola College. 6302122: x-IG VO~;~hl' tnht'lslt' or Indlnna the ~~~~W\ll:o~:an~\):~en:;ll~:':lh ltl~hl~~~~, O\~lf\~lI:~I\'O~::~~: or 01 lack of III I Westelll :'Id. U lJ (I 0 0 0 0 0----() ,HI IllUSI iHio,Sa property fluahfl. n~lel \\h\(11 ~lI~S ':'lInI I ~~th('rlne tel est III, ~1I11ellt IlohlCIlI>I IS 1111-}'1l~,SIl.'iE," EX'I't:lnlIX,\'I'E alit \I; they must hold a pawu titket. \\al'l1eld led III prays)'. :\llsS Ruth (loubi(>dly the stllli!'llts' fllillt-,I"el Ill'I,~:S Wh"n the r"u.'IIL eie-<:lloll W>lRheld JOIlPS ~al'e [I I'r1'Y flue vocal solo- something should be (lone. The F'l'i(la)' ll\aht Smith Hall was the it ,,-a~ (ii!!cQn-red tlHll there were :\Iiss Rithmouc! talked to the gi)'ls fl'e~h\l1en Hre re(plil'ed to SlIhStl'lbe S(,OH~of umth 'hol~IPI'OUSand nmlls- mult- I'ote~ CRSI that pawn tickets 011 "r.t'll!'-tilening the Rope~ and 10 "The 5Jlrill~tleltl Republlc,ln." Ing fUll. presel11ed \0 the student ::!~;.d~:~:lr~~tl~~e~:' :~:\\~I;Innl~~~(~~ ·:li;:.II:I~n!~~~se$thetheSta:I:~;"i~:'hetnelll~I ~\:\:\1a~;~e ~1:~II;~~~9r:O\)~~~~':~s~eq~~l:~l~~I ~~;~~. b~['h\:e !ll~~;~e~rLht~leel~dl"e:~lll:~: :"uh~Ii'{IUentlythe Junior dass decid- len2,Lhen tlli'll' ropes and tlghlenill"hlCh lire taking 1)la~e In the worl(\. Presltmnn servilude totheirhaughty ..d It \\as It'S!; tro1)blesome to nbHle Ulel1' stokes. Rnd tile !; thing Do nil colleges whi('\l form a small superior ('lass the Sophomores. A ::"~'~:':~~~",:: \~::'.?;:~;;~=,':,:;'O~::~:"h:h~:;'~:' ::,,',~:~'''~,,::~~,,:~:~'~":';"""~;;i'::";,',:h:::,~,';~,,,;':,~~~~:;;,;;::,,;n~,',:';:::i":,;~':"::,~,j::i::":; a H't.."(1UnL. p) of West~rll /llul'I"land? W[IUt can be S{lngs. Instrumental lIelectLons, Jokes 111che(;kinl!: up the election at :'Iliss Richmond Hl~]llled h-er Ideas to done LOprolllote' interest 111.anll 11Is- find a rehearsal or n few fllllusing ButlH college similar tllscrelHl.uties the l'lse of wOlllall'~ work. educatl{lD, cllssl{lns of cutTent jll'ohlems'? It ()I'ellts thot took place among the '.rnj)pt'd up. The \lo-l1,hooks reyeal- soda I life, and relIgious life. If seems to me ihnt tills is II seriouS Rats dlll"ing lhe r",ar. Tile whole "d tile 1:'>~ Junior!! hall somehow the rOI)eS are 10(lselled In anyone ot enouglt problem for 11$ all to think program was UII1ler tJle dlrect\O-li at I.:""t 133 I"o-les. As yet tllere is uo these fieldS, the stakes SllOUld be a.bout and try to rellledy! the Sophomore class. with "Denny" Illnber informatIon on Ihe a![all·. lightened In the others. Can't YOll Sng....est a remedy1 Yonil!!;, theIr presldeut. presldtng.
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