Page 72 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 72
The Gold Bug, Western l\hryland College. Westminster. Md. 'J'orH~ FOil ,.,'n'ut::o'S We do all kinds of shoe Telephone 55-R REV. SHROYER SPEAKS IN repairing. Satisfaction ])t'''llil~C~~:~:III~~IP.~~'I::~~:1lx;~~~)1111l.lil i_I guaranteed, CHAS. KROOP Ill1al Fl'('(.'tlulII. Y. M. C. A. Leading- Shoe Repair Shop Two nueettcue will inel"ilahly be J. D. KATZ 25 E. Main St. W. Main Street Westminster, Maryland -0--0--0--0--0- Send your shoes to Charlea othei-s whidl rio'! Kroop by Parcel Post, they will "I"~ I"t'!ll"~senwii\"(' «r rue IOIll"S, Bnt OR. A. J. MORRELL be repaired the same day at a utero mal' be dWIIg(lS (ll1l"ill~' ill a II waH ill most vases t he one who very low cost, montue ns tuoee ill ~IHnrd an)'lllj'lg new and kent Give us a trial. Iliill!!;H g:olng", wuan somet hiua new Licentiate of State of Marvlend. the campus we Onll lime worn Cleaners, Dyers, Pressers Jobbers and Retail Dealers vnnco. nud plannetl willi tmntttcus and ideals, some 61 W. xtatu SI, Phone 22~ ,\'-\ II mattcr \If [~N, rhe luult at.iuu is some 1IOt. WIWl we most a Auto Deliverv in General Hardware uut H111 lilaII (lu:rC(OIe 11l1~nl! We have nothing "Abe" to 3('\1 Tozzi, repre- MAlT HEWS & MYERS UOIetlouglllike ~el'\'il'<.', Albert Tile i~"\1 ,"t:lndHl'(ls or slil'lter ~Il(l obligation senting 11':lI'l'] L'OIlll"Ol't. I\'itlu)lll (1l'iving ma- - U. \V. MILLER, l"rhll tllillC:s ill as 11 oj' sejlal'- Al1nlie-"~ly deal', (II!any or YOIII' Cleuuer anrl O,'CI'. The man who ha~ Wall Paper and \Vindow Shades nlioll 1t~1\I'f'('n tile ~uHI· hoarding" s('h()O)I(;IIUIllS lell qu('stion- tlOl\~ satisfactory deaniu~ ~l1rl "lIt~ anti tlll'ir mOl'e Eurol'- ;\,I,le stOI'I('s?" fol' College men (\nli womell Decorators for the CoUege. r'l!i ho~t~, It Is a UIHI( flU,j 0';1\1'-"011, 110, l1l and Olher Unil'el'silirH allli ('01- 2072, 2047, 211:~, 2148, 2258. of silk and wool in the pretty l'I'ir:II" h~lllII'("lllhl "l'\' something 11"~(!1i he l\ild \,"us or Ule new check.-; and plaids, Extra Value ilt 50e. ill 1';llw)Jt': 11(11al'\lo~t IlHI~t r:OIll'leOIl~ (.'O('jl~l'alil'" he 2226. 2308, 2119, 2.:~21,2423 alJaf1llll11 \\ill hi' )lOHHi- 1):1l11'el'l'il'l'dillllll\'COUIIII'), llull he _~_o __ o__ o__ o_ L\])]EP,' HOSE $1.00 (Ill!' W1\ntH it, had I'l~itc!l, I h' \I''1 Form Fashioned :;i1k ho!;e in ~I"'HI~ \l'ill III ;\('I'\ll',liIl2 tn thO' 1':11\"('1)(> (lild 1('11 th~J\l I>f thi~, awl tm'~tull', of the COII1I11',' lIJHI il ~hol11d "sl;: lhclIl ttt (10 cH'ntillu!1." !lO~SI1Jl" ~:::~I~I,)('I~~l1~~\\\:~:I~'):~(\LOto('~~\~'I~(lJ::\\;~ ~~~tthfitl~i~~.lald~l~~~~ ~efge~t h" 1101\ d Ihal onl,. ill (Inl'S to clllel'lniu lh~ fOUl' hunlil'('11 Stll- lIl'e- ~,~~\~~1e$~",gb~his a wonderful hr(,:,k- Ilr'lll~ wllo a]"t' \0 II'>lI'el In 1~\ll'Ol)(' dll"\1 rell'ase IWO iutel'\"iews. f:l." ~n lknnl"r:' II is ~": Ilt'xt )"~"1' 1I1HI,r Ihe "OPI'II Hotlll""; 1l\ill~ Ihl' II!'!) nllli ['Oil 01' ;t :.\il"'l! III'1::'~:~'~;'('(l~lllf!'r':n~ll:,\l,~]"(;l:;\""for 1'1 ~1l1~i::I"',~.e\\'id'Ox,of Pl'ilwetOlI. Pl'('~!- (~~,,,~\lll~'I::'th]~:~:~t :1:'t\l)u\(;;:ll~ T, W. MATHER & SONS tl'I1I1,,-,\tlll1:1,' "I' "sill~l will :..t'll 1'- (I'llt. Th~' ~'lli"ll"l !-\(IHlrnt!;' I" ,(1- pn ~~111 illt'rt'~1 hnlh 10 tll' JI1'~ \\'estmjnstel"~ Leading Store ~(~~:~\;ll~l,l:ll'~I\~n:,'~\~I~('I':I~\l;'I~,~,S\\::;:~~~:~.~:~'::;:I(~,:ll~!e \~:I~Il"t;~~iI~;1Ih~~tn(:::~ni~~: ;til;:.. 1~:,t~I,111 :;'li~hat 1::,I;h~'~h;~:;1It i:l:lLl -0- --0- -0- -0----- --0- \'I,I~~~~: ("!I\' l(1n~I'I' (li~tUII','\'~ ~('n '1'- lil')1 111,\1 w,,~ ((11"1111'\1 >II Pl'ln~llOl1 (;1'0]"\;:1' n, 1'1"1111 !;lH,kt' of Uw Olljhlr- \\'HEN !lEy ~(,('olHl cla~~: nlm"~l ~!! ni2:n~ Ihi~ I"all lit the {"11l~e of Wor!!1 ('01111"1 I(Inity tltat 111' "O:J\'ll nll'l 1\(1 DOW'l "I~ l( sUp ld Mf 1'1" i1\ c. of a 11rl\' Ii' 1 >,yst {>~Il ,I r t QU 1'~ jnlJI'II'Y" willI", llln<1e 111 H1N'ppI'S 10 j~I1l'It]\[', tlial i~ sp\lu~(lr,"l hy the ('1'" HI' ('olllinurd,1 II'f\rds II llnllel'~l'a(IIl'II" F'('Ilt-mtioll, Th.' loul'lst!' will h(, \"lIll- TOWN uplllinll the tonnt!")', tu relotiong willi I"('INI tn ~~Ilrolw on The :\()l'lh r1f'1'- STOP AT 'll,l11 Lloyd 1.ilH's fir II"hi'1I Ih Ht('nmshil) "yqr("j;_" l~ on Ill,\t will "POp" Shipley's liP1IS('d. l'el{'~se of nl.'w~ ltem~ 1'(lIl{'~I'Jljnc: TIl( C;old nu.: wi!! Illlhlbh in hI! ,]' Th"~f (olk~ will! thInk th~ (,h\1r;'11 Ih~ Ht'lh'illr's (If lilt,> l~I'(I\'I'::Jtioll it- i~~l1('s a (\('~('rijlti'lIl of "Ollll of III ~I' Lig'hlLunches and Sofl Drinks !'~lr, 1'01' the (li~3~millj(U0l1 of illl(>I'- IOIll"~ ofi('l'l'd to Ih' AIlI~,.kal1 Slll,l- is [) (nillll't'. muy 11:11'<' be!!!l AT THE FORKS lo liin' 11 F,'''''' miuistT lOl' I'it'ws With th", J\lllil1lwl U(llhul'itle~ ~l1tS
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