Page 73 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 3, No. 19 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Mar. 16, '26 JESTERS FASTROUNDINGINTO I FIRST TRACK MEET SLATEn CHAPIN DAY SPEAKS IN "Y" \FRESHMEN ENTERTAIN FORM FOR APRIL 17th MEETING I AT Y. W. The outlook rot the Jesters this Tu-nck at western Man'land will At the regular weekly meeting or The Freshmen girls had charge of j ear is the hen It has ever ceeu formall), oestn with the alF\1aryland {,he Y .. \1. :C. A. Chapin Day. a mem- the program at the Y. W. meeting of The schedule for the rrtn Oil the state meet to be held at Anuaoous. bel' of the Senior Class. WIlS rjra Mnrclt tenth. their topic being 'The £astel'll Shore is about cnenplet ed. April 17th. under the auparvtstou (If speaker. His snhject was, "Truth American Negro lind His Songs." The date for rtus tour has been the tjntted states NaI'R\ Academy. and Faith.' T'he anure program was rrrgantzed than'ge(l from the Spring vacaucn Aggregations from practically all the He says that ill everv age in Hls- to out the main topic and to aim is to !lnll all II ':.0 the third week aner Easter, state colleges and universities wtu -aarttnc Ai)ril 19th, The Itinerary partrctpate In this cuamotouautp truru, il\{'ludes all the large lawns on the track and field meet. F'rom amant;" suo-a: namely Sattaburv. cemnrtuse. the varied list of events. sur ncvtce ('I'isfil'ld, Federalsburg, Easton, can select the one he is best fitte'd l'eligion, But in God we have a todav. These songs are the. Pocomoke and Deuton, This is by for and develop himself for It. auparnatura l about whom we Iolk-sougs that Amer-ica has: far the uest schedule ever arranged. 01\ the Saturday following the want the We must link he), IUlI'e come down to the present Due to the race ttiar so mall}" tal- State meet. a team will he sent to him In life of manktud and hL~ generation mosuv through tue ented men responded to the can. the ramona ljniver sf t y of Pennsyl- relation must ue revealed The Chtn-ch. gome Of the songs were nesrtv all are going to ue taken on vauta Ralavs to compete With B03- Bible is God's will that hus been Ill'st Sling at negro splrltua l meat- the trip. rormtna a glee club Instead ton University, George wasutngtou handed down, The rengton of Jesus fngs : others were composed while of a double quartet. University, St. .lohu'a, Gatholle tjntv- ChMst has been ra-urscovereu lJ)" rhe slal'es were ill the fields 11'C1l'k- of other tealllS man. to the The progl'am slm.jiar will he an is ill~. lnolinatiOll similal· and chnrch The ;:::<1i~r"~~:;~':~:::~:'i;~,:i";,y'::::: "". T:'~'"g,~;:'t~,;c':',:;:l':d'~;,~:01GOi":":'"~~;i:,';~:,it~":l~:'''":i''~l;:i,,:;::',,~,l;g~~~,,:'Oi""":::'1011~'':0''~: ~Ie quartet and entire tlult, IlCCOlll- to the Olympics in ill1!IOrtall~e and ~~II~e:,~l;:I~~~~:::~I~gS~O~~l~~e~,~orSHa~! pallied hy nil exc('!lentol'chestl'a. sev- color, ,brings together track anu alH! Dunbar. Dun'bal', bein~ a n~- €ral spe-ciallies. and closin_~ With a field sta,·s from all Ol'('r the Unit('(\ we find faith 1'1l1l1ling hand gl'O himself, has writlen sereral very -nall11Y play in whi::h el~ht charrs lake 11QI't. The music of the vie for honors In Iheir special evenls III all iurli"iclual interpretation. .\Ii.~s C'nt'\!crine ~ll'Clane and :lliss ;:'I'o\!:l'am will he !If a lIluch higher The wlllleSsing or Ihis meet nlone ~:~;lr ~~aII~'nl~:ft~~·e'.,:~\Z:;e::n~\~;:ll~~ I :::I~ll~~e~:i.~~:~'l ~~~:in;::;~tas S~~~:II~~I: ..wd ..Xlr"d" fron. thl! R-ll1di>m, who l'fllnsented Western .\lnryland train ~afel,l' on its iourner" Prill'.... lla~t ye-ar all agree. See the ar~icle Is n thin'" unseen, pan of il i~ \\'il\- The .j~"ttrs an' fortunat in hal,-I in the' editolialcolumn ailOtll nat];:, ~\~~~,:I' i~U~ t;:.~lla~;:~Hk~~\\,('SI~IY~hfhi1\(l in Ill'flYf'r, Ule !!,irls sang sereral 'Il! "11'b an f'ftkir·Jlt CI;Irj)S of offi~el'~, faith. rRil II is not h1iud, iI~ rrJl·te 01' hymns ill Hni~on. :11\(1 Ihe pleasant l~ Goll. We see 1 f'~ i~~~:ll~:[ s'l :U(I~;:'::~IOI}:~~rs.\I~~~'~:= I (le':.·~I:iLn~\:I:I;:~~I;eei~u~~::~I:lenti.S!~~~ ~:::~~I'e mll~t dim ~i:1/rh~\'e "'0111(1 'II" tI~,,<,nt' an \luhmlted amo.unt h~ginnln~ to be l'e(:ognized t,hat 001- come upon the gr{'at 101'11' ftnd ll'll1h r IWH1"tfdl ~ratltllllf' for their tll'C- le2;e ~tlldents sl1o]ll(\ not he Lreat- o[ God which no one Is ilille 10 ex- SOI'1l0\lOln: l'I•.\SS 'n:.\ \I I"so< effxt~ III direl'lln!!, Iii" ml1~\C ed n~ children The greater the [l1(lill TI("I'UIlWI'S 11.1 ,lhO )Jro>,;res~ of ('il'ilizatlou lhe 1ll0re The SUti'h011l0re da~s team flef('ftt- Th()I~~Il~'~n~~:;~.II"'IOU:-; SI',\:"II\ :-IUl'lltDWllt:S xl'.,Uelll game fOl' the lind s'l'ormll'j of their 2l \ J'\ waY)-<)\I 'an onrl round of the inlel·-dass serlPS Th~ Bi(}I';1l1:1l' will ile!!il) T1IE'sdny nft(,]'llOOll.'- • I'lill,," 'II Ih,' PH'lIln~ or \1(1,\"('11 10, SO)Jhs, Senior'1. Pittman 1', Piltinro;er' Lendel'king ('. IOh1\8l011 T()dd ::'\. C. Buttel' Turner Illni(Jl's17 r. 'Warde LaWHon G. rone~ Beachley lllJl'l'! (,omplex pro>lile11l8 gl'u\\'ing olUl I'·' 8ill('11 of lhls attllininl'; to Buper-Intelllg- F', Baker Snhs. SOllh W,lI'l'l'u, Glilignn f'n~~? All C1Nll· thinking and w.;l1- (' Rp!'r] Elliott Tb"' t \1·~ Oil hHI. u s'-'l'i~H of meflnlnl'; folks had on~e a ~rel1.t r. Cel'it ~nlJUIl\" OF 'l'11t; CO-Ell II \)'i!lt;'1' 1\1'5in \\ hi'lI rhe Hl"I'I~)" Cluh :~~:~~:'a~:I':~' fsO;~('1(::;)~~:te!h~l'~l:.~.s~t~illl~~.~:Irs~:: n\J.I, :-It:,\Sfl\ II l,n ~"1l1 tal!'I;- Ihlll! ~I(\e~ Rerel't'('-Dcllille;el W .. 11. C, G2 Lntllervillt' 2 with tl'('uch('l'Y and l11Ul'- ~IJ Pen1l Hall 20 Luthenille d~r: Iller behold tlH'. peaceful I.. I'll 10 Gl'lt~'shurg , 7 \\' l.OOn 33 hulls or o/e~;~~~~ all~U\':;l~~en~:1t~" i: ~,~.l;~~~~~tln ='10\,111111 2;; }U 'lu~i"ll and iurlll 1.001) :H :'Id, Stllte 32 lime WI' awake from our fll'ellrn of 17 Brrn (;etl~'shnrp:; , :'llIwr and deal \\11h existing condi- ,/ltniors ~OO 35 "'.~"'~';;i""~~"K~:,:::;:,,;l.;:'l:;,"""'.'''''', :"i'::";"r~:~":"::"l~~:'''i::'''~;',:;,1~::I~i:;:,::~~'d,;:i,,"~'~~l':1~,:,~~;G. \;~~10 " 34 ~In"iol'ic Frn!lthur~ " -We!Hller 2~ !..awd.r \Iat' \lIlh, _\Ilrinm \\yf'rs, 11l01iO!llu..,\('J crenle II l"'edelUI De' 11':1. WillintllS lind j)pnllY YOlll\!~ :l~ BI'PI \lall'!' 29 DurothY' R,~h~rtli. lll)hena l{ow,; Ullti pal'11l1ent of E(]utatlon with II secl"c- lhl' h~lp ot Barney S;leCl· wlli pick lJ :lIRl'jol'l!' \\"eh~tel' " )Id. SUIte :;\onllal 17 He-l.n :-!lrain art' \\'t'nrin~ tile 1'('{1 tH1T in the Pl'esl(\enCs cnlJlnet'!I1l all Inrpr-('''lS~ Ill'c wlll"h will be Swiml1lln~ Club 2S ~~r~,~.i;it;le~~:l~Ull1el~~~~:~ or in-I JUd~l1;~o~:~I~~e:[Ol~~1 ~~~h~(l~:~dllcts ~~I':!ll~~;'I~hl~I:I\'YI~:;~t'l~~~II~;~I,fil'~ nf \ Totlll W "
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