Page 70 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 70
Page 2. The Gold Bug," Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG I nEV. nrm: GIVES ILI,llSTUA'I'. D. S. GEHR EJl LEC'fI'JlE . OtnciaJ newspaper or western )'Illryland College, during the a .aderutc year hy rue students 0If western Wholesale and Retail Hardware, wesuu.nsie r. ),:d, Entered a s eecon.t c.ass mailer 1\' the wesnntnsr er Office. on ..;~: ~1~1~1\IS~;~:me:'l1i'\~~lllil~;I Building ,~raterials. Cutlerv, suuscrtnueu price, $~,(I" per veer. through xir. Plude's lecture was Ammunition. Paints. Oils, EDITORIAL STAFF Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, "just customs although aurl l\L\NAGIKG EDITOR William S, Veasey '2t.> manuel's folks" ruay vary, )'lora1 vatues Iron and Steel Products, EDITOR-IX-CHIEF George M, Benner ''1.7 are about the same, ~lld we a1\ peas- (Established 1868) KEWS EDITORS-Geo. S. Baker '27, and Mary Page TULler ''1.15 esa stmllur asaenuat cnaracierteucs. Dorcthv Robinson '26 Ruth Jones '26 children inherit ;JW1 of theil' nru'- 'he When the late ems' cna-a ctevteucs. 25% of their ,\ )U{:lC 11,\'1' :'Il&ny beautiful Monguttnn cos PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT grandnareuts. anrt so forth. There- H_aH~you ltenl'll the tale of the teach- tumes were displayed hy Rev. Elude wanted a good tore. what \\,1' are today wae deter- ere chapeau Two YOlln~ men and lWO younz wo- PHOTOGRAPH men were asked to g'o upon the he sent for :~~:d lI~~~'~::;'h~ulVll;l~r~~1'(;~~:~~l:~~':;tll'~~~I~'(~l:tlgi~\~~ \~;~~I:'IlI~latca~~~~e)'~! stage and put all the costumes that what our eh+ldr-eu are to 1)e, We would go. the audience mtgut the better acnre- Sereck S. Wilson must learn to be ramp eru te in all Anrt u-eute some eX;:iling hours clare them, These costumes were thtnes, 10 be chaste In mtntl and An alarm was then issued - very bcauttfut and very vivid and -0- -0- -0- -0- ---{}- bodr. to educate ourselves bour men- A search was begun. colorful. After the lecture, Rev, tallr and physil'ul1r to the fu1\est eX- He hurried thl~ \\"a~' and ~hnt,- }~ltlde shOWed lhe students many tent In order that we !lIay make He inquirer) of the dean Oriental novelties which he had ue- EAT A PLATE' A' DAY good an:'eslors for some one else If hj- ~hAllce he haa seen In Jap,lll all(1 Siheria an{l When we have Sel Ilhottt to ac- The lenclle.r's Derby hat. 1lack With him. HEUMI-1Nl compli,,11 thIs. then It is time to tum The de:1n then replied, -o~ -0- -0- -0---.-0- 0111' "yes to social salnHioll. lL is (l)tll I feal' thai he lied), When down town ICE CREAM OUl' tlllty. as thl' futul'e l(!ad~r!l of "'1'II-a9 here ju!lt this minute the world. to make tllis world a good son," Stop at- place to tiv" in 1'0 tlo this, we But when we looked there mu'>! navt' all wal'S cease, promote Ili~ (]psk wall quite \Jare "Mother" Royer's frio;ndly rE'lI1.1inllships hetween na- Anti the pOOl'little tea~hel' hatl nou('. 1'01' a light lunch ~:~:~'t~:i~ll~'~te ~~tar:~I~;;~~I~Of~I~:l~\~':~g:::: 11:;l~!~t~~~\~~\;ehl~~e!~::(! -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Zile-Neunlan CO. and "trh-e to equalize all clnsses "nd But on we ran round anti round. c'JIIditlons or nH'n, ThIs Is no ('as), We w~re rendj' to drop, SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Gold (~\!\1/\~:~8Ct:I~~O.~::~'::;~I:ln~l~l1ege,Westminster, Md. ~~~k l:s i:a,~!g~e s~~~~ ~u:~~;:~S~~~ ~~~i\w~:~(\h~~\:~Ol~:u found, Are "101- big elloue:h to undertake XOII' 0111'way we ll'ace 'Vestmillater, '1(1, sueh a t[l~k? The reasou ~·ou are In TO lhe selfsame place Enclosed tint! $1.00 ror sthhscrill- collf'ge Loday is to make you realize Aud feel distlnclly flat, tlon to Gold Rug [ai' remainder of -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- your capaeities to their fullest ex- When on the desk or lhe dean, achool year. ~:~t:::t ~~I~e~;~U~r~:k bi~o~I~:::~ Calm ~:cs~::~e lay the teach or's I Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr jog you, It Is your business to make Katherlue Doyle, '29. I (Name) the Ulost of the education you are The Newest and Best clothing recehlng all College Hill that yOIl (Street) Ulay be fitted to meet your responsl- ne~h~ro~~ YO~o~~ISh~~nk ov~~, t~e 1 I and furnishings bi~~:S )':~~:r::Y~odarIs the hope ofI ain't hashful. e I (Clt~' and Sta.te) Goods for young men,
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