Page 71 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 71
The Gold Bug, western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. Pag'e 3. COMING! Tuesday, March 16th. 1'01' them hy maktua thei'r sum of potnts with our display of SPRING APPAREL for !l:""f' :1 ~)lL'll(lLl 1.1:1, .. I ··f,li'~:\·ill'l.~ W .. \1. C Fj-oxlt. W. H. ~. lIel' ilhaH, w\;I"11 1-,';: H (..,;.1 au the college man, Bnl(ly .)OII>'S I1ltl,'\" III' '\1.', F ;!: -k, ju-ove 1 ru,u nrcy Suits, Top-coats, Shoes, Neckwear, s. c. .Ieuuscu H~::~~'~:~~~~I~~II~li~:~i:':~li~T;~~\\~~I;\~;~'!'~.I:;:,:.~l'\;~\:~:~ Hosiery, Shirts, Hats. c. BrOII"'1 kttled her ,hr01l!u·.!l uia \li_.' c. xrnes Brnwn cit td, it "t~ rs lila' tll.·j_',i.1j D. GREENEBAUM, urer, guuathutjons. II rrosh: .rctmson. Ste- for I:) ill b., an n ;11:1:n II 11" 1 ,f,,:,,]\' 11"1> wueeter "'JILIL!!l jl gt eveusc for ;-eI1~ fol' Ely. Pemr for }.Ii!es. It wu s ilt-,'itLtl ui- Ih'!,or Hanover, Penna. I w. H. S.: Stonesifer for urown. wil l hl'l'""'~·'· 11 \ • X X X X X X X X X rxxxxXXXXXXYXXU X X X X X X X k;:':11!lell1~::~~rl~a~~sn:~:~dCo-ed nee- ~l~~~l~:~~\l('~i~':~);'\\"il~"~~'I ve ':" th" 1[0 ('Xlf'lll\ theil' sincere jll'edatiau 10 the W w. Cll1h For me J:::I~c:::I.c::::I:c:::Ic::::I c:I"C:IJ::ICI'Clc:lJ::lJ::lJ:::lc::l. ,,,Ik-,I,, nciahuor 11,[,,,. Do Westminster's Cut Rate Store oe ~I;";'~':;~: fl' DO JO~'''~''':h'~~'O time, this buvg'lar-c-rTw Inexnerteuced eh? wuom did you o rab~ F'rr_ Klee Apartments D ternity \t1)11~t'.~." o 59 W. Main St. D downtown t-Iuim "" restnumnta nud "" have th )0')" otncen-c-ceu D The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. "~,',,:'::'::.,. thr-m D GET OUR PRICES 0 "';\,::""r'~:;"I"" D Face Powders Creams 0 "",I? "y~;~,tl,';B::: Tho< it all '" t.x<-h ...1« "," D Talcum Powder Toilet Articles D l!;;l\('il n III \1',\1'11':' l'. ~ ,dUll \\" j",' (I) O~ thl' PI'lls,Tablets Patented Remedt'es ~ 0 "'"'"th,·',· 1''"".... ,,:~ "? D Sodas . Cigars 0 :;:~~:::~::;;:::',~;'I""" '''mh:;I~b~;~ Gpor:;-etOll"il, ~Iarill~s, j;Iu' Rldg~ D Cigarettes Be pk. or 2 for 25e. D ~;~:;',',~~\C~~";;:~I~'."~;;,,,,,,:,"';~;~;:;, an\l(;al1alll1E't D oD CALL IN D Th{< majol'ilr of ]Jeople are- \lIt-- ""l ood I"·,,,h,,·, ... ,- D ""Ii'," to ", hut !ht~· nre all ready", t11i!l~ null', ~et oul and sf'll the stuft lhnt som ..... ..........................J::I J::Ic:::I~ ._............................... ClJ::Ic:::z:J:::II::I Lone else ]Jl'aUlICe!l.
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