Page 56 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 56
Page 4_ The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. lMonlhl~ Slall Holds Banquel i '26,I~:;~~~d:':'~:'~:;:;t::;:;tof I HAVE A LOOK AT OUR UT-A-I"LATe:·A·DAV NEUMANl 'fhe editorial staff of the Colteee I g;r~~lu:t~~n~n through the dessert COLLEGE CUT SHOES :M-on1hl)' held a ,ilanquet Tuesday I we eanen and 10.. night fall orer-I ICE CREAM ;r~)J~::~·;,;~.r~:::;h!'lI:.t ~ll~I\~\~lm~a:'~I ~~~O~h~~; o~ll;h~U~I~a~~.:sd~~'k~~e€~v:I~~ "WALK-OVERS" •... alAll"""__ 'MI,· the euuor of the Monthly, presided' Ing was introduced. The story of ; the banquut as toastmaster. I the campaign in cartoons was thrown how the I ANDERS' SHOE STORE 4"]l1'oughoUL the C""elling the taleuted I 011 the screen and showed Zite-Neuman CO. "l1e1111)e1"8of tile staff vied with one dream was visioned, planned and .anot.her- in coueumlng rood, t efliug carried to a successful completion ~1I'~ke:~h::~ddeltvertng extemporaneous 1'~~~r:~:~n!r:~~~.f$~la(~e;I[J~:::t -;;~;~:: 1-0- -0- -0- -0-- -(}- Westminster, Md. The real. jmme-cookod food whlcu Ward. GET A VALENTINE The lights flashed on, a true son l-o-- -0- -0- FOR "HER" -0- -0- D. S. GEHR 1 Wholesale and Retail Hardware, ,Building Materials, Cutlery. Ammunition, Paints, Oils, Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces. Iron and Steel Products. -0- (Established 1868) Westminster. Md. -0- -0- --0- --0- :Sharrer, Gorsuch & Slarr I The Newest and Best clothing and furnishings -0- Goods for young men. --0- -0- -0- When the late -0- PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT wanted a good PHOTOGRAPH G~;;:~::BON S"A C K' S hesenlfor. H"d'Y, g -0-- -0- Sereck S. W.lson Price, c -0- -0- -0- -0- -(}- -0- -0-- --0- PROSPERITY METHODS Preahrneu-e-R ANNOUNCING Have your clothes cleaned &"" NorrIs, r pressed the Prosperity way. B. Chamhers, r Special prices to all College Condon. c A big reduction for Students. Gent's Suits Dry WIsner, s College students only, cleaned, steamed and pressed Long, g $1.00; Gents' Suits steamed IlI·esent.. Harris, f in musical lines. Special and pressed S5c; Ladies' one- ~\!"L,"I" me bunrtuet ~11". Day pre- Dell!nge.r. r bargains; $2.50 ukela- piece Dresses chemlcallv cleaned -acnted .\ll"s. Sl.eJ1hens with u ucautt- 't'uumau. c and Pressed $1.25; ~ Ladies' -tut ,LJol\(!\letot sweet t'CUS :IS a small Ptege. c lies $1.79; Tenor ban- Spring Coats, cleaned and 'li:ok£,11of and gratitude Keene, g steamed or pressed $1.25. erom uie starr, The whole Rober-ta, g joes $6.00; m 0 u t h Our chemical, steam cleaning , ad- would ralher have 50 inl.l)resled men Not Il]ungillg team all(1 lhundel'olls "KATZ" Hall ~astt.h'~'e~tudent. '~dy at ,~\umnt COnlinE!;here willingly than 1500 cl·owd. t nesda} n1ght.. lils lec- comiug flJeellll~e the" 'hnve to ~nd .'101' throngs of grll.dllales, 1I0r all nre, "Conservatlon o[ the Colonial was gaHe1"ll Shore" Homes of th~ .t;;Uinl; nj)'Oll~'ll tbe' ~en"icclj mad." The tl'umphels of pllbllc!ty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. --0- ~~u:I\:a~~~a:~~hpa~!l~:~O~t~~~~:::7t~- 'l'I:lIS Rev. RfJ), 13. ChlllHhe.rlall1.1 Whal Illakes a University 1-0- -0-- -0- -0-- ~vrillll!!: last week in the Boston A Ihlllg of flesh and lIOt of stonc! TRY A lot Ihe ~~aSl{'l"nShore in hislorlcal :~~il:::~{~~~~.1l1~~{ltI~~~cl~e~I~V~:1 l:'I~~I{lnr~i ~:~O~I::,llll;~~'~ ~~~:s:n~I1~;11~:r~here- HOT CHEESE SANDWICH ~:~~:; :~a~l~~t.i:l~::~·y~~;:s~~t~~e~:~= -gru(hll-ltes of C011lillllSloil t.o attelld Is wOl'·k they love. whose lives lJave I ern SI1()l'e would Ihe 1I11bject 10 a sel'\"iees tn the cha)1el of DartmOllth grown -AT- boom like Florlna Is noll' experienc- ~Ilcge. {If which the Re", :\fr A. light tOI all the 1li00Id to see In~. It..wa~ nn iuforming lecture and (:lll1 mlbe r\nln Ie (ill'ectOl" The "a,farer 1 "MOTHER" ROYER'S well received. .
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