Page 55 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 55
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. -X~X~XDX;X~XDX;XCx[ix;X;X~XDX;x~x[ix;XCX~XDX;X~XDX;X~X[ix;xcx[ix;x;x~XDX;X~X[XXXD~ix;xcx[ix;x;X~xDx~Xf'-=~~Y.:'~V.~DlSClTSSIO:X" held The 'r. W. ~ famous dtscusetoue another the cue evening its. of Westminster's Cut Rate Store or To the De :"Ilore Channing:', topic was "How on The third, The gtr-Is coustdered the nroutcm 59 W. Main St. Klee Apartments I from the standpoint girl of who the "does the following, nuesuoue: Is the thing at ine rlghl lime" doing The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. her effect: owu 0)' nature is. there which something: prompt;; to do it? Call outside. be llla'Stereil culture GET OUR PRICES from the 01' Is it one's Face Powders Creams Talcum Powder Toilet Articles anrttuonat question of juSt what Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets culture, that charm of the consists girls seem such to .. lost of !IS maunej-a at home aull III personal appearance, exurea- Sodas Cigars sessions, of tastes and cnotce a through of personal spitituak P08- W01'llS and of thought, grace I quality, Cigarettes l3e pk. or 2 for 25e. urtet exchange time of perrnllted on only these- a Tlle short ideas phases of charm, ,bur in future meet- CALL IN. ings charm will of dress further 'be discussed. up be the}' The taken will i :~t:O:i~;Ci:.\\~, ;:~~ : t::):a~~lr t:! XXXXX X X XXX XX XX X X X XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.xnxxx~~~~FfiX1ll~~~.';;: sulije~t You in girls the who true want to or the ()c[juir~ chm-m wru'd sense S AM COHEN I' "1\011', den," IWG N'F.WS the colored I The Y, W. :XO'I'It:~ is rost er+nc a come YOU)' ideas tuecusstous other at Y. \Y, to ureae girls C. A, to the Ghe shouted PH'O"t: 21-,1, TAILO]l evangelist, "am dey n nyibu ddy else Inj' training class ill leader-s of Girl find they will glve you theirs. The "Pres~ingest" .Man 311 Town ~~~a::~lg~;,~~,tion what wtabes ~ be !~~U~S~ev~~'ai!So~olth: ~~~,~ st~:~'ten~,:l~~ tIiAlnES1\O~' COX'rE~T Suits pressed 30c '''Yassuil,'' a temale voice. done here last. year under the effi- Saturtlay evanmg was the scene of Suits Cleaned & Pressed $1:00 , "Ah wishes pr-ay fo' mah hU8-1 ~i~l1t leader shtp of Lelia Htte. The , ' " I I I much hila!'ily 'and jollty ill the .. Y" C. R. \VILSON~Coliege Agent ~~:~:~::,',He'S alwa ys gtvtn his motley :ll::):)'~:t~(~ ~l~al::leal~i.rf ~;Ol~ l~O':'~~ room, in .\lcDauiel Hall basement. -{}- ~O- ~O~ ~O~ ~o- "Deed all wfll. sist .. h," ~xdaimeo] ment to \)e ahle to mg-ani7.e and lpall WI;Sleru "Iarylllnd's Star dancer'; "J 0 H N" the exhorter "All'll ]1I'ar fo' a wholc I a !rOO]! whereYel' they are, ='<0 were there in all llr(lmineucp, for congre~atioll jes' like 'i'm!" knowhHlg;e of the mOl'em,em is npces- Philomathean 1.itel'al'~· Society was E vel" ready --- ~I'~l;;~rl~ninin~~:~~~n~l~ ~g~l'leSa;~:~~tp~:~~l;l(~;:g "~~h~;~:~l:,leS!~I~n~onht~'~~e Ol~~~ Vel'Y courteoLls .lnsl to SllOW the hUlllorOHs side of I sire to follow the requirements (;f ' . Ellorless attentlOn ~~rtoOS~~ll:: l:eN:~~ ~;::elll:::~/~O~I~k the Girl ~kouts o\'~aniza[ion, and a ~:~I:le~uI:t~lll\~;~;e ~:~::~~:~:~ '1~1~111:1~:: RIght style I 1111 ChaPel" the ll!OlllIlW; b;rOle exams 1~~:~~~esOf (r~l-:))~;:~~Ol:s lI~I)e~::d - I~O appealetl on the scene Finally the Hall cuttmg ~olltest sU\11ed Among those IMI :\lso --- begin ShOltl\ aftel F'e\)l\1alY hlh ticipltlng wl're the follOWing ex - Doolev seems lo have the ItghL F'OI lllrOlm~tloll couc('llllng the class pells in the TelpSl{holean all Rll1 CHAS. KROOP'arr SOC'i('ty 1\'''1'(, ~(ille!l r'll·,.alnt ;-~~~o-;y~O-;;;;o~l ~~~ ;~lll!(ll~~~r?~/-Y h,· T •• MATHER . eon?" "Why no YO~I ask!" lint uurol'lunately there Is no (>1('\"0- - Westminster's Leading Store IIII?' \\'estmlnstPl"s C'hlrojll'acilc Php;il'lan the ladder
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