Page 54 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 54
Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG PEP I Quality Cleaning, Dyeing, Official newspaper or weetem :\laryland ccncze. published on Tuesday The interval from Christmas to Pressing, Repairing-fine !~;'~~!j~:leer~~;~~m~n~:I~:~ b~Vs~~:{)~~d~I~~: ::at~Vres:~rtt;le~~:~:~~~st;~I~!~e~:~~in!o:tc:I~~:~:I~~u~b~:t~l~I:1 l~:lg~~~f Tailoring-it" you are look- Office. -scnoot year, and it is during this \ ing for a snappy suit made Subscription price, ~2.00 per year. ~ime that we need the most Pep. Pep "- to your individual form EDITORIAL STAFF ~sal~'i::I~,~~lea;o~::t i~t n~~~/i:le~ig~; I WESTMINSTER TAILORS MANAGING EDITOR WIlham S, Veasey '!W place H helps both von and you I I CLEANERS & DYERS ~~\~~~b~T~~IEGeo S. Baker '27, and ~~~~gP:~e ~,~~~~~ :~~ ~~I~~Olpla~~,a~1;~e;l:ls~tescu:~:~n::l~~: 61 W Main St. wor-st! Phonl"~225 Asccc ate Editors But some students comjnatu that I L. K Woodward College Agent Dorothy Robinson '26 Albert Steele Farver '26 nothing on the Hill to get pepped up I - ' • '26 they do not feel peppy, that there is' - Ruth Jones '26 Gerald Richter 0 -0- -0- -0- -0- Reportorial Staff , ::~I~t.a t~;~S a~;Y\ll~':U:~l1~~Il~~t~o~~ Westminster Hardware Co. Blanche Ford '27 E M Hannold 28 peu !e a most necesaarv and aaanttat Dorothy Gilligan '28 'Villard E Hawkins '26 quallty Dlag voursett out of thal'l J bb Rosalie Smith '27 Ira M Dtnkle '26 dull ttsttess apathy Become In- 0 ers and Retail Dealers Gladys Beane '27 Arthur B Cecil '28 terested III thlnga If neceaearv terce 111General Hardware Anna Swann '28 Hubelt Johnson '28 your mterest rt 1\111soon beCOme] Katherine Johnson '28 p,~~~aHb~~~l~~ :~~ ~~~~~a:~~ll~I:U~~ :~lle~~~tl:n:n~h::;~ Heating & Plumbing Systems. Margaret Mart.igoni '29 gomg 011at, the college aftel all Installed Athletic Reporters '''here old time is the James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 Spll'lt at basket oatt games? fighting (Estimates Furnished) where Business Staff BUSINESS MANAGER Lewis K. Woodward '27 are all the excited cheers and still 1-0- -0- --0- -0-- -0- I.( Ippll ompany words Wh"""1 ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER ,.. Carroll Royer '28 more excited screams and howls B b I l! L' C a IIon CIRCULATION MANAGER Robert Unger '27 go",' In outer ASST, CIRCULATION 'MANAGER K. E. Brown '28 yOUT pep? Western \laryland Is ~ ~ , _ ., ,- . , . ~0~:I~y~1~t:\,:1~1l1:I:fUlsta!:iri~~r A~:I FLORSHEIM SHOES HO" BIG .AUE IOU. power of \lllIch he Is eapab!e, that you going to allow such a reputation Just after l~~ advent o~ that tlm~-I is the ,stu?ent who is m~k~ng his to lbeblemls11ed by your listless STETSON HATS ~::~:~n t:~~:.~:~;at:X~:~I;l~~\~~~ tl: CO~l;g; ~\~~~I'I~e:~: :o:~~I,\\:~~~~lltS: ~l~~t~~:~el::fl"~O~~~ !~:~;ll!~ ~~ld~l1;~;' Intel"Dational Made-to-l\leasur~ measure onrseh'es to see how big don't 'be arl"alrl to llse YOUI' gray yeal·S. jllst because you ar8 too un- we really are. To all of us exams n.~attel", fOl' il will grow in propol'- interested or perhaps, too lazy to Suits brought some reaction. Some found (1011as you make use {)f it. B~ild care? ]\'lake yourself interested! I Top-Notch Basket BaH Shoes' that they had grown several inches big, and put the Ibesl you're got llltO Oet some pep'. and show it! • ~~e~~l~,~~~l.s:~.~il!~i~~hell;~ef:~:~det~~!:l~~\'e-~h\ill:e1lffi!:Y1I~)~~og~::~'eth~~! ;~ on~'~,li~nlat~lke~fa:kePofiSs::~~i~I~~1J~;,:~~~ -0- -0- -0- -0-- :-0- line, with no perueptlble expall~ion lime. . . - - leUcs but ill every hrflllth of social Wehler & KIng of gray matter lhat was gil'ell them So [ sa}· !t IS we!1 to talie account actil'ity lI'h.lchgoes all, 011 ColleO"e to -develop to the best of (heir albility. ~~te::li~~~:lH-~H:I:: ~~k a~:l1·~~.I.l'eathe Hill. The L!terary Societies R~e GRADUATE PHARMACISTS With these fa::ts in view It Is high slowly dying out, 'becan·se of your The Rexall Store ~~m:a~~;~eUSt~Og:::~~~ll~otl~~t ;~~'S~:~l~: )"Hun CH,\~I;E ~~.:~yO~O~~I~:~~~-t,;)ec:~~~::t~::C~~l~,,~!~~' . Westminster, Md. ;:16:0 t~~t s~~~~!a~~eo~\'~~'~:~:.(It::~!~1'0(;:::1 ~:II~O:\'II~~h:~~~\"~O~!::,t.say- :~lSl~1~~~~Rrl~~:~~~l:~iS~I~"~IOOfl\:~~:~I F~ R;~ ~d~SuP;.i~;- who are less fortunate than we. Not ing. "Our college needs this, and our ary society can exist without the Weshnghouse Lamps, only out In life. Ibut we can help college needs that'" the Gold Bug support of its members. The II'hole Electric Vacuum Sweepers, raise the standal"d I'ight here In col- extends a real OppO!ilUllity, a chance attitude ot the present student body Cleans Hardwood floors too. it ~:;;~g;h~h:~t\I~:: \\:~~It:~~i~lil:~..~~;:: ~~l~:;~ssel~Il/~~~id:::~~;IOy~S to i~'init~ :;Stl::~::!~s ifau al~~iL\:l~:.siilleto call Frigidaire, ne\'er trUE'1'thall right hel·e. Neither two dollal' and a. llalf gold piece. Wesiern Maryland Is "On the up- (The electric refrigerator) k! a building any bigger 01' stronger The Gold Bug w!11IbesLOwihls prize ward road. She is going to be one Delco Light Products, lhan the mater!alS we put into it. to the person who \\'l"ites the hest of the illest. It not the ,best smnll and everything electrical. How thE'n, can we hope to _build a al·tir-Ie of approximately t.hree hun- college in America. She Is going to Th El . -'Sh the I ~plendid college IIle if we put noth- dred words on tile su'bject, "College llave lhe best cout'ses of study, e ectrlc Op ln~~n~oo~;: studeuts college lIfe Is ~~:~;\rs~v:~:~n~:'l"epl"~SI~nta::;d~f ~I~ :;ste::~t~~:lo:s; !;~::::;"thl~e!~I~:I~Liberty St., Westminster, Md~ just a carrying alit of thell" lllIOttO:I Gold Bug wlU aot as judges. Western _\[aryland nor any other -0- -0- -0- -0-- -0- "Eat. drink and Ihe merry for to~ The staif ad.vlses all intending to college can progl'esS if the student You can find them here now! mOI'row you may die:' Suth students I wrIte to omit any (liscussion of col- hody does not do itS part, IbOlh l.Jy RUBBER GOODS go Ihl"ough college making uo im- lege curricula, because It feels that action and Iby mental attitude. In a of all kinds pression upon It. and ap]larently vel'.'" few students have made the ex- tim~ like ihiS, .I'OUare either f~r 01' THE NE'V IDEA CLOTHI:KG toUeKe IUe makes 110 illlPl"l.!ssioll haaslive s;tudy l)\"erequisite to a a~alllSt YOllr college. There IS no I AND SHOE STORE :::~ ~:~m~lg;:I~la~~ ~::y \\:::;; ~~ ~~e~~~al!~~ti;.~e:~~::~~~n~~et~~~t~~:~ ;:~~:.I::d~:llsl;~l~~orltft~l:uS~~O~~\~\;:\~1\~~97 E. Main St. Westminster :::,',":;':',::":',:~o:ll:::";:;;:'l~:::'h':,,\~.,,:::~:tl:::ll~\,~"li>~~::l;:::;':;"~:;m::'~;;";;;:::"" " THEFrnST NA_°TioN:t:' BANK it wlll be entirely blotted Ol1t by. necessary limlta.tlons. however, are in theae crlDeal days. Ol? 'VESTMINSTER ~:~~I:' ::~~I~g l~~:e'~e:~s~~n 1i~:0 ;~~ :-:!"l:l~~~~.i;I:)~:~~b~~I~~~l~~ltgm~~~ c~~~ so~;e~Oe\~c~~:~ :\~~t\~t_~::IlaT~~~t::::r:'~ Westminster, Maryland. students such as these one feels lhe (Il'ovemeut ot til!' physical, soclnl, one about It! Write home a'bout It! I Capital . .$125,000 ~;~~~yu:~:S!. ~~~ t~ori!;!.ey Ye~~tl'~~;~~~~I~;~.~~\~;~~;ll~lal ~~~{ee~~r~~yo~: ?~r:~II::.k ~:ll ~~~~~~:,~~'(\~~a~~~~:~~l~ Surplus & Profits . . .. $138,000 they Ulay 'Eat, ddnk, audbe merry, Plubi!she(l a lot of pep for lhe achool which is Jacob J. Vleaver, Jr., tiut tomonow their name will die." At least two articles will be doing so vel'y much fOl"YOll. Pep is Chairman of Board. ea~~!6:~ye~~~I~: tt!lO::t ~~s~h:~~n~:~ ~;~~s:~! ~1~ti~a~;~r~:1~3.~~: cl:~~:~ ~1~:I:~~I~~~~he:VI;~.]l~:~'s gl~~:elt~ ~~l~ L. K. Woodward, President. mental heart or the Ibest that college sHion w!ll be aocepted after March PBP epidemic on the lim! George R. Gehr, lUe has to orrer and it Ii:! to these 00. RellleJllIber the old saying "The I Vice-President, 9ashier. stndents thnt the future opens up ~ea1"IY!bIrd geta the worm," ($2.50), A chUllge in the fundamentals of -0- -0-- -0- -0-- -0- J. I. MYERS ;;t: ;lc~:r~d; ~;~~~~~: ;:~:sel::~:~ ~~U~e~~~iC!I:.writing and ~1~~nc~~~Ch~nhgee~~~~t~~~lldeJl~Srt]ll::; wh{) Is satlM'ied with real things, not Articles must be typewritten nnd now advocates a change from WATCH MAKER dith sham, who knowing what he given to :\llss Page Turner or Mr. the original three R's of former wants, goes after It with 0.11the will i George Baker. ~ lJmes to the modern, Rah! Rail! Rah! 150 E. Main Street
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