Page 38 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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I'age ::.. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster. Md. THE GOLD BUG IWestminster Hardware Co, Official newspaper or western :\laryland ocueae. Im'RES:'~V;A~~~I~::;:,~:~EnVICE during the academic year by the students olf waataru Westminster, Y..d, Entered aeeecond- c'uss matter at the Westminster Post The annual Christmas service, Jobbers and Retail Dealers Office, under the supervision of the College I Subscription price, $2,00 per year, Sunday school was held on Sunday in General Hal dware evening, December 13, in Baker EDITORIAL STAFF Chapel. The Chapel was tastefully Heating & Plumbing Systems EDITOR-IN-CHIEF George M Benner "2.7 decorated tor the occasion III ground I MANAGING EDITOR Wilham S Veasey '~G cedar and uonv and the white candles Installed NEWS EDITORS-Geo S Baker '27, and Mary Page fur ner '2b fttekerlngin hanks of the green to Associate EdItors I ~~~:lll :;t~h~h~OI7:~~e ~:~teS~~ lO:d!:~ (Estimates FUlrushed) Dorothy Robinson '26 Albert Steele Farver '26 a oeauurui Sight The Chapel wasI-c-o-c- ~O- -0- -0- -0- Ruth Jones '26 Gerald Richter '21) filled with peonre for many of the • Reportorial Staff ;,o.oT,'.~I',:,O,I:.~':rn~~;n~e:~i:e'he~~~e al~~IBabylon ~ llppy Company Blanche Ford '27 E. M, Hannold '28 wu '" ~~~ri~Y S;;:n~~~7'28 Wiliarfr~i\rD~~~?: :~~ The service was an Impressive one. FLORSHEIM SHOES Gladys Beane '27 Arthur B. Cecil '28 ~~s~h~a~~~~et~l~c~I:~elll~:g~~~stC~:~:~ STETSON HATS, s:rhga~~Ft:Jl~~b'~~9 ~r~;i.~f~~~~:~i::;:':i~::'"~::;,b':h~~r":,~'''i~~;:: International Made-to-Measure-, Chapel cnotr sang the anthem "Jesus Athletic Reporters Christ Is Born," by IMarzo, with a Suits James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 violin couceto by Miss Dor-othy Business Staff nnuea». The tnvccatiou was offered Heavy Wool Sweaters BUSINESS MANAGER.",.... Lewis K. Woodward '27 ~~e('~~~:~~fU~y:II~ p:=:~~t',,::d ~li:~ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ~~JiJEX¥i~~S~~lh~~E~.:.',,. ,.,'., ~~~~~~l ~~~~~ :~~ ~I~~dne~:s~~ennsi~!O:':~~i:~;s :~;;l:w~~ Wehler & King.' ASST. CIRCULATION MANAGER ", .. , K. E. Brown '28 thia and after the reading an anthem __ by Neidlinger, "Tile 'Birthday of A GRADUATE PHARMACISTS :: I~~~::"~1,'p~;f~:"~~;~~~::Ii::;::;~i::::,:t~;;~:,':~:;::~:~~',:~,~"'w:,;~: ~::t~:~::~~t;; th~":'::;'O;~:::~~~;~~~~'P::::~~ the Christ-child, Christmas. This Is festive and "Christmassy" itself ThIS part of the aei VIce concluded -0- -0- -0- -0- ~o- the season in whtrh the whole world I wishes all of its readers a very merrv several readings and songs were WESTMINSTER TAILORING grows happy and youthful again. The Christmas and a still more nrosuer- gtven Iby dlffer.ent members of the. I CLEANING & DYEING cold weemer. me snowy ground, tbe ous New Year. Sunday school. :>Otis!>.tuy Rr-Inmuth 65 W. Main Street. holly branc-hes. and tbe mistletoe all read, "Keeping Christmas," by Henr;. Phone 225 ~:~~ChC:\I~'i~~~ll::d:\,g~~::es:;~~ Cl~\~iIS~~IIIVI:\O wns }'Ol'U'j'H , :~~~, :\'1155 paU!lnevo~!\all)l~~t~~I QUA~ITY TA!LORlNG, mas Is the greal"';t tete ill lh .. whole CO'cular sense the SlllI'it of present arguments concisely and the benediction, Thus ended the Court, whIch was held ill chnpel last Christmas is even Inore festive, if effectively. The members or the lrv- Bakel' Chapel Christmas service, PI'O- Wednesday morning, Western \lary- such a thing Is possible. Homes are Ing team were GUmore Lippy, L. E, nounced by man}, as "the prettie!SL land was [o~nd to fa\'ol' the United decorated with the Chl'lslma!:l holly, Hawkins, Ca.rroll Royer, and Virgil and hest service of the whole Year, States entel'lllg the World Court gorge{lusly trimmed ChristUla~ trees, Toms, alternate, The work of Messrs. under the Harding-Hughes-Coolidge :~;g~;~iV~aO:taor~~:::~sSP:;~ld~~~;1 a~'~I ;~~~~I~;~ :~:t~~ l:ft1:n::beU:~:~j:;~S SENIORS WILT, CAROL ~!a~I~.e:~I~: following are the results the streets and over all there Is :l. The seniors, according to tho,; Hal'dmg·HugheS-Coolldge Plan 15::1 spirit of .hustle and lJust~e, or galet~' l\'e~:l:)r::~::le:n~e~,:tl~:Sde~\~:rt:d ;lll~; custom esta'blished a few years ago, ~::: ;Hal·mOIl:. Plan" 9!1 ~nld merriment, which Is not seen nor by a narmw margin, as was indl- will be Ollt at dawn Friday rnornine; AgaillS~r~lh t~lll\~t ~~ o~ ~h:or::;.er~:lis:; ;h~~ s:~~c;u ~~:: :ted byLtllelbd:CIS10n o{ ;he judge~ to slug Ohristmas carols, They in- The POJ;ewa~u;\eld under the dire'c- our hearts are opolned and that we essl'S, am. er son, H ars man, an tend to continue pl·acticing eyery I tion of The Xel\' Student Inter-Col- give generously t{l all Ollr friends ,Johnsoll presented well lhe case of evening fl·om 6:30 to 7:00 between legiate News Service, ot New York ~~~s~~;g::~:~rev::Iv:~IO~~\"I~t gt~I~: ~~es :~;~l:~;·eior ~~:~~~on Barnes now and then, Seniors, show your ~:)~~;IOI~t:/~;:~~u::I:t!O o~e~~:e C~l~ time of the year we have great dln- The atmosphere of friendly rivalry, spirit! leges of the United StaLes {In a World ners and family reunions, The iong- which Is always present when these Court plan, and to put before Con- l{lst son or daughter, the prodigal, two S
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