Page 15 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page 3. Wehler & Kingl EAT'A-PLATE A'OAY GRADUATE PHARMACISTS The Rexall Store HEUMaNl -0- -0- -0---0- ICE CREAM Westminster, Md. -0-- "JOHN" E vel' ready Very courteous Errorless attention Right style Hair cutting Also Razors honed -0--0--0--0--0- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WESTMINSTER clssus, and Chinese lillies. Westminster - Maryland Opposite Bonsack's crentt and rickety o-f CamlJUSautomo- UN. STEI)HF.~S F.NTER'l'All\"S Y•• '1. -0- --0- -0- --0- --0- enea. f. A. l'ABI:\,t;T CAPITAL $125,000 Telephone 55-R Nothing' in education is so astonish- th~ny.1'~l~r~~a:_ ::~~~:~' 11~:to~:I~g!:~ SURPLUS & PROFITS $150,000 CHAS. KROOP Jacob J. Weaver, Jr., President, ~~~U:~II;~:S a~1)~~~ ~:r~~n1l~~nc~ne:~ ~~~I;~h:~~~~t:~~~(:o~to;l~ib~i~~\e1-~:t!'rr; Lewis K. Woodward, Vice-Pres, Leading Shoe Repair Shop 'facts.-Henry Adams, :::SiO~it~~:t'~:~tiU~r::~'1s ~~n~~Si~::; George R. Gehr, Cashier. 25 E. Main Street rtiP! to ')lrs, Steubena, who had prepared -0- --0- -0- -0- -0- Westminster, Maryland. vrsor. \'itaHt~·. vim and puuch retresumerue Very interesting toasts Send your shoes to Charles That's pep! were gil'e~ Iby Dr, and :"rrs. St,ep'heDS. SAM COHEN Kroop by Parcel Post. Repair The cO;I::~:t~e~c!ton a sudden hunch ~:~~o~::e~::\: t~:d~~o~~ll~e:~:~~alw~:l~ Tailor them the same day at a very The nerve to tackle tue hardest thing a spirit of ,good fellow~hip. The "Pressingest" Man in Town low price. With feet mat cltrrsband hands that Special Prices to College GrVE US A TRIAL cling IXTIWDr.CI~G ~rllE "OIX'I' S\'STEU Students. --0- --0-1 And a head that never roreeta to sing Behim\ the multiplicity 0.[ college C. R. WILSON-College Agent -0- -0- --0- 'runt's -pep! activities stand two or three generals, -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- W. M. C. Sand and grit in a concrete base IISSUlllg orders pulhng StringS !\t the D. S. GEHR PENNANTS 50c F!len~~';~t~~ll~e~~ an honest taee ;l~~~:::~no~ll~l~:~OSfl~II~::~th:~et~\e~:~~; Wholesale and Re.tail Hardware, CUSHION TOPS $L{5 I The S;l~~tt~h~~po~eIPSwhenanother ~ ~~!:.:~~~~a~l\~PI::I:So~o~vfn~:1~:C:U~~: down IShOUldelS tunt IS the quesucn ever v- Building Materials, Cutlery, ARM BANDS 20c 1hat knows ho" to scatter the black I\'ilel e Ammunition, Paints, Oils, 'I CAPS 20c I est II own \-tan} colleges nave the pvlnt Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces. Westm'lnsterfI'ndy K't h I That loves its nelgh\l)OI and tcves Ih system :\l~ny others all" thlnklng Iron and ~teel Products. I C en i:~ t ~e~:lts act;Pt:~:!~~(!UI~}t~1\~~\\I~a~:I~ (Established ]868) lIu a s pep each student office at so 1IH1f(1po nts To say "I will" for you know you can nnrt limH",d the naptrrulons o~ each Westminster, Md. 21 E. Main Street. That's pep! I student to 3-0 points, At ttio unr- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- --0- -0- -0- To loo~h~'1°t~st~):~~est in every ;:~S:it~g~e;~~i~l~l~:~t~h~ll\'~~~(~~.~;;;: 'rrer, Gorsuch R 'St'rr Beat Navy di,;d,d I,to !h,I, ,,,,,,,. ""d"" Sh U II U To me" ,,,h chuo""'''g k""k·m" '" will be !lmlterl to n certain n\\tr..'Jer of blow, And come back with a laugh !)eCallSe oftlces ill each class. At 81nn!>'rd the The Newest and Best clothing you know, I women's council proposes a point and furnishings Team You'll get the ,best of Ihe whole damn system ()t Similar natlll·e. The 'Cae !l. propagandize~ f
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