Page 14 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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Page ~. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. the Westminster Hardware Co. omctei newspaper of "~~~n ~\?u;~an~U:llege, published, on ITVi~:'Zi~~a~~C:c~yN~:~:.~ed druring the academic year by the stud'ents oIf Western Mar-yland' College, new year with high hones and mnch ~~~~mlnster, ~ld Entered as second class matter at the wearmtn ster Post ~~~~~::~~lre;:/t:h b;~~g:~d e~r Jobbers and Retail Dealers Subscrtptton once. $200 per year I ~~:~~e::ln~easW:~:~ ;;:;el~~d prevalent m General Hardware EDITORIAL STAFF At me second meenng of the Ir vtnga MANAGING EDITOR . . William S. Veasey '26 III the eoclety hall october 19, there Heating & Plumbing Systems EDITOR-IN~ClllEF George M. Benner '27 I was a lange percentage of the old NEWS EDITORS-Geo. S. Baker '27, and Mary Page 'I'urner '26 ::::::ss PI::~'nt.many of the new Installed. Asscclate Editors I The. program couststed cr an en- (Estimates Furnished) Dorothy Robinson '26 Albert Steele Farver '26 ter-tatntng variety of musical -numroa r-a, C l' Day Preshlent Ruth Jones '26 Gerald Richter '26 called, the society to order with a few B b I -0--- -0- -0--- -0- ta1ks,. and readings. -0--- Blanche Ford '27 Reportoral Staff E. M. Hannold '28 I :e:t~h ~~~IrnegfO:~~:.~~u~~r:n ;::~:I~~~~ a ~on & IPPY ompang Dorothy Gilligan '28 Willard E. Hawkins '26 talk !by Dr. Ward. Dr. 'Ward 'became Rosalie Smith '28 Ira M. Dinkle '26 reminiscent and carrie-d his aucreuce. FLORSHEIM SHOES Gladys Beane '27 Arthur B. Cecil '28 of 01<1and new men oacx to the days Anna Swann '28 Hubert Johnson '28 when he WIlS'president of the society STETSON HATS Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 His takk enlightened everyone as 10 Margaret Martigoni '29 Wade H. Insley '28 the eccomnueomeots and traditions of International Made-to-Measure Athletic Reporters ~~:i~:~us!h.~; ~~:~n a~~W~;~rg:wtOh~: James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 he-arers into loud ibnruts of laughter Suits Business Staff with hiij "Barn Yard Speclaldles." Heavy Wool Sweaters BUSINESS MANAGER Lewis K. Woodward '27 The. music of t'he evening was ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER. . .. '" Carroll Royer '28 fur nlehed. by Th01'n, Day, Burdette nne --0- -0--- -0- -0--- --0-- CIRCULATION MANAGER Robert Unger '27 Warfield. SEE YOURSELF AS ASST. Clf{lCULATION MANAGER. . K. E. Brown '28 ==~============="",:~=== dent At the close of the program preai- to WILSON Day extended an tnvttauon GOSSIP the new me-n to join the ranks M SEES YOU. "A haM-trlUhl is worse than no !~:~d c~~:c:o~:il~e, (}~es~O;s~ple~:ll~ !~Vi~!~I'O;lh~;~:;~~a~~~1 I~~'~p~~c;:~:~ Wilson Studio ,truth at all," said a wiseacre or so-me might harm some one else. Gatncr , Thomas Reed, 'Elwood Hawk- former day. and the quotation Is sWI Students or Western 'Maryland. the ins, William 'Bay, Jceepn vratutas, E, Main Street. rn ruse. and still holds good today. Gotd Bug calls upon 'You to appoint RoIby Day and' 'Edward Warfield. -0- -0--- -0-- -0- -0- 7r:si~: ~: 1~:~::~~;SI: ~:~eesn~~e~~~ ~~~;.se~o g:::~o~~-i;~~:d' ~~'!~~llS~:~ t:'o~f~I~'~~: ~~:::~~i~au~~r~~e a~:j!~~ DISTINGUISHED LETTERS as to have the appearance and the to gossip. Discourage It at all time~. the piano and' sa'Dg a ,few college ' The difference per letter be- effect of truth. Gossip. like a half- Ie you do Ihis the gossipers on Oollege songs a,her wh'ich. the socie-ty was tween good stationary and bad truth. is wo-rse than .Do.. tr.ut.b.. at. ",ll. Hill will soon ,be elfecluallyaileillced. d.l:amis:sed,by Chaplain Din'kle. is less than the cost of postage. for It is' almost impossible to refutl'!, and eveJYone !be jud,ged. not 'by a 'The difference in appearance is whereas a'n untruth can Ibe denien of all old Philo'S to In a small col lese there is' opper- -0- -0--- ---{)-- -0-- -0- was '()ri.ginated many long years ag{), make t'heir eociety g.a over the top In tunity .ot contact ,be-tween profeasor but gossiping still goes on. Eve-n to- everY' way this, year .. '11M program and student, in seminaries dlscussioll MILITARY SHOES :~:y,~n g~~~p:n~g~:p~!. a~~:~e:t~~;~~;;st;~'n~~m:h:~~utl::u~;;;~I~e'Cir~ ~~~:~~~I~~ Is:s~el~I'~:~O~~:!: ~hr~:u~~ We carry Herman's Munsan world, are Ibusy spreading half-truths cular Stairway." a dance. and eats. lion. Last army shoes. The only shoe 8lhout theIr neigh!bors. Many ne~' members were welcomed. The Amherst Stude-lit is COllcernl'd authorized for Western Mary- er~n ~~a~;ll!~~~lo~~I~:~:I~usCnhp;~;V::~~ Fr~~:y, s~~~~erm9~e'ti:g t~~~:~e °o~ ~~~n~i:!~~~d dl~:: t~:~;~i~.~~l~~pe~~ land College R. O. T. C. Also such gossIp wouLdi be unknown. that the president. the vice-president. eonal association in the adventure of Herman's officers' shoes. to the "small col- the students being of a Bupposedly Vlr,glnia Pitman pre-sided'. On account learnin,g, pecullar the shy spirit o·f t,he T W MATHER & SONS high calibre- ot mind ami intellect of the illness of ae-veral or Philo's lege." "Already would not stoop to Ihase slander. or star actresses. the- 'play which was to Amherst trembles at the tre-ad or too" . gOllsip 'by which anyone's reputati(}n have been ,given wa.!J postponed. An many feet where the Infection of WESTMINSTER, MD. mlg'ht 'be hurt. He, wh(} ,lJY maliciOUS Impromptu entertainmenot of music GlgantiGm has begun to spread hi Its ,gossip steals away a good name- has and readings sa,ved, t,he day once- quiet haunts. Unless we act -0--- -0- -0- -0----- -0- done h.imseff n(} -good, and has done Instead or ha.villg an indoor meet- quickly, it will be goue forever." LET THE "RATS" RUN TO flODle{)ther a great evil. '1'lle gossiper ing all Octdh-er Hi, Philo gave R Consequently the Siude-nt has taken a may not realize the harm he is callS- "Doggie Roast" ,tor al! .new gIrls. At census on the su!biect; ·135 of the lng, lOut the innocent person thus this informa! meeting several ex- voters were in fa;'or of the idea o,r ~ "Pop" Shipley's !al1;ely slandered has ample tIme to presso(t their uesire to Ibecome mem- small colle'ge, 13 were opposed. The reallze it. when he Is no longer ac- ,bel'S and will Ibe "initiated" at. the consensuS of opinion rested some- ~:::~~lInV::a~h~~:::::~ ~;~::S~iO~:~~~ ne~~/:!~~~;. ;:~~:j;~~ooen out? New :0~::::::e::al~ht~:Of~I~~:I ..700 mark. FOR YOU EVERY EVENING tging tongue g~ves others false im- girls, bal'e you visIted Philo? n 110t Student intere,st in the question was press\ons concerning "such and such come to the- next meeting, see a good chosen !by the fact that IH!arly 400 a person," that person may 'he ,harmed play. and help Philo "gtO over ,for a voters garve some reason for their FOR EATS AND LUNCHES irrepUratbly" perh'apg his whole Bfa touchdown!" choice. The Stud,ent comments. "The wurse may be changed. And all feeling that Amhe\'st must remain through an Idle and mIschIevous TlJIe CoDegf,atas WaU. small In order -to preMl'Ve the per- AT THE FORKS tongue. Can"t .stll.dy in the Fall sonal contact Ibe-tween Instructors and -0- -0- -0-- -0--- -o- We are judged by our reputalton. Gotta Iplay tootfuall students through the medius of clas,se~ MITTEN'S BAKERY If It be good, we are accepted wl,thout Can't stukly In Ihe Wlnte.r limited In number was undou'btedl,y E. MainSY question, but !r it 'be even slight!:.' Gotta play ,basket ·ball. the mOllt popular reaoilon propounded FRESH BUNS, CAKES, PIES, &OIled, things w!ll go bard' with us. Can't study In the- Sp.ring by the winning majority." and FINGER ROLLS Ho-w careful then, ought we to 'be of Gotta play !base ball, SPElQIALS FOR PARTIES (lourown reputathlll and of that of {)nr Oan·t study In the Summer, Elizalheth Spelcer visIted In Balti- lIelg;hbor? H9W wJl1in'S'ly should we Gatta girl! more over the week-end. Phone No. 249-R.
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