Page 13 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 3, No.4 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Oct. 27, '25 Soccerites Trim F. ~ M. lOr.FilieldSpeaksInAssembl~Terrors Win From I Frosh Conquered B~ MI. '·"~::~~I~~:::~t.:'~;~:~:,~~~~hi~t.:'''IH~:'.'rx: "z:'~,"~~:;~,~",S;;::l~i Lo~ola 19·0 SI. Josephs ~rc~~~e~::sa:p~i~~~e J~~7.~:!:~~~~~::I Sentuliolllll nUII~. Strong ~~~~~~!j Il:.~.~Ullrsl1811 Long )rllkes Irvlngton 'l'e.1l1i Outllla)'S Terror The strong soccer team, reureseut- m~n'~ section, there ar-e others on tne I Western Mar-yland splashed her wa Ye,lrUngs ntnl wfns 13·{I. 1ng Western :\1arrland College HIli that hail, trout . the "&how-me" through a sea ot mud' and, water to ~ Tile Western Maryland Pr eanuie journeyed to. Lancaster Saturday, State. Dr. }<'j.fleld"sIdeas are ~trOIl,g' 19-[0-0 victory oyer the Loyola Col- ,Saturday morning at Irvingt n I ~ me-t and detested the ~a~t and heavy tor col.lege II would 'be en.! lege eleven at the natumore Stadium to :Vrt.St. Josephs school 13-o° , oa aggregatio-n repreaentmg Frnnkl!n couragmg more peopl: considered Saturday attemcon. 'roe heavy rain At no time during the eucountar anu :>'farshall. A wet and slippery college student.s, the enoree people rof I caused numerous: fuurbles and great did, the Frosh threaten the 1" .t lIeld and a continual downpour Gt the age: a~d It would 'he more en- discomfort to eom teams Dulv a rgoal. the thirty-yard nne b:·vlllgt~n rain prevented fast offensive work. couraetnz .lr .th: CO.ll.ege stcdenta Ihandful of spectators hud'dled In' and furthest ,they advanced I the . 'ba~~gd'o:: but by continually plugging at F. & w_auld r~,alJ):e cnts. and. to, Quote Dr, around the press 'box and the vast the field. M's. wall of defense, the W. ".r. boot- :~flr~~d:, be of great aarvrce to the ncrsesnoe of seat-s was entirely un-I The Josephites p'ut the pressure 011 ers wel""eable to shoot two goals thaI . occupied. In the \'ery first Qu~rter WiNl the were hardly seen Iby the OPP'JoS'ng As a m~gic:a') dra"'s the ra'!:i1bit The kicking and Ihro-ken field l'Ull- line tearing gaping hele-s in the West- g.o~~p~~.ep~~~,hOI~wen t~e toss and ;t;~n\',;~thaetx~~ri~~~e~):el~ut:~.~~:f;'\~~~I ~~~:di~fg'~~/~t~· 1~~;!~t~:~S ~;!\:rlR~~~~ '~:~k~:il~'):~I~~lt~l~.I~:~;~df~:R~Ill'haS~=n:~~ elected to kIck lD the wlllII and dr!I'- leC'L 1 he Elements of all Ideal LIfe." be I victory. gains, .S"l.Joe soo.n had the- IhaJJ with- ing rain, During the entire first These .element.s; he" said mi.7 ht 'Vcstern ':\Iaryland opened the ,game in striking distance, B~t something !::!', ~l~t~ 7:: ~~~~:~o~e:~erlh~f l~~~ ~~~i:~ 10 \\Iellit s' hisA;:';eel,~:~ameTa~~ ~.~ t~oe~oa~til:,~r~ ~~a~iun.l by kicking ~e~\~:~~I~~\~,I~S~\,:V~l~~I:)teas~~~::~da: O few minutes 011' play when Stoffer, qualnted the thre-e elements and . ,i v 5 }al(i hne. On the the In-ington teRm was forcedr ,to Westeru :\llIryland's elusive .outsl!le ~ortrared them If~r ~s' when he ~ad :;:t :\~~~~la~~'~~:0~~I;:~~~I:en~'e7re:I:~ llUnt. Western Maryland also re- !:rdw::~'[e~:~k: ,~:~:eti~:~n;h~~~lt~::~~ ~:~~~~~ ;~l:hirSe~~I::~:~.;ie~:~: ~~~~~ mad~ their Ilrst down Iby :ine bucks, ,:~:~e~e~~i'~:: ::l:k~~gl;ea;~~SI~aldac~1 :':'I~::n~i"~;'~~1'!;"j::~:,':;~y~Ii;: F':~"~::'i~.;.~"~,~:":;:~::;,,,dd,- ,,,:;~:, ';":;':l;~:::,'::l;~:l:;:":~:::~;'''df''ty y"d, ,,: ;' r::~~ the second half, .Weste.rn 1-Iaryland'S' velopeod it his- read;y 'Wit.~eld Hie an.di- ~~;;J)::d~I:~~b:l~sd \\~;:: ;:r~u~I;1 ~~: St. 'Joe scored its other touc'h down ~~i~:~!et1J:neWl~:e;;:~~~ t!:~ka~~ ~~hC;:e:oe g.~~~dwO:s:e:~Sln~u'~O\\":s~~l:~ right tackle for the first touchdown .of ~~oo~l::g \~;~o~:ss ~:I~or~;nn~:l~ngt~n Stotrer, Roberts and Beauchamp, S'bo[ .gent all through' the ore. It was the game. Lon.g ,~ade the extra pomt I yards to the freshm~n'S line wen y 1.1''-0goals within a period of fi\'e t'here to be worked ,for and brought ~by a placement kill.k.. 11 tl tll did t . minutes. This asaault rather wo-k the out. 'fhen yery all'tl-y Ila applied that Western :\larylalHl agaIn kicked I Ie I r. per.o he f:C~I: t:h:~; freshmen ~::"G~::"of ,;~' ~:~"',::,:;:"h:: :~d;~: h~:::~~.~:~d WWh~:~h.:~;,l'l~:~~~;:~'r~~,~l~.L::j~~:"~~-~:::,:j,,c';;'::~~;~"',~,d~:ll ';;"~:, rather an easv tillle after that. Dell- worked to get resnlts. Man was made I' Weatel'n IMlarylalld's 'Hi-yard mark.' t'nlrty-yard lme. But tbat was all 1ng and Cap't. X[chols figured tor work. and work Is the process .or Western ;'I!aryland netted Sil( yards the flll:ther Ihey coul(1 advance, ror pro::inentlY In the defense while UIll- finding gold in the ore. Work is- seir th.rough LOj"ela's right guard, but I S1. Joe s youngsters che.C'ke;(\t'heir at- barger scooped the fe-\\' shots ant of expl'ession in Ufe. then came a five_yard penally and the tRek SU.drec.ol'ered th'e !ball on downs. the g.oal with such ease tillat Couch In defining ,friendship Dr. Fifield Terrers kicked to. Loyola's 2~-yard They "I'i~re una'ble to score, however. Garrett Ilas decidBd that he will be luada ,no limits. That word might be line. La-yola' agai,n fumlbled and The lme-llp' a permanent fixture in that position Interpreted by each individual to suit Western Maryland alice ~lOre re- W. :0.'1. Frosh !\It. St. Joe 10r the remsind-er o-f the season. In his .own ideas. He defined as two co-o·ered. CLango.n an end run. falled. L. E., Mc.Gee Donnelly fact. the whoLe team played brainy or more working together. The tug- and a i5-yard penalty fm' holding L. T.. Reusch Drew soccer and used excellent leam-wel"k of-waf, an incident ell baard shIp dur- gave Western 1I1al"yiandan addi,tional L. G.. rSpels'Chel" Baumgartner to achl-e\'e a Well-earned v[ct.ory. ing his delayed bo-neymoon, illustrated seuback. Then came a punt t.o Lo},ola, C. Dooley Auth Tbe team will take a tw()-d'lY trip ver}' clearly hIs meaning, The .rope, J~oyola completed a ,forward pass for R. G, Utz Mulli,gan this coming we-ek-end. meetin~ 'Vest- a commo-n Ibo-ndIbetwe-en ail classes a nine-yard ,gain, Tanton to Mc- rR. T.. iHcKinstry Moore ern port high school Frida}' at"Ves!- .ot people, united them and a common Nichols ! R. E. Cecil Wolfington ernport. and j(J.urneylng to li'rostlburg pur~()se resuJte,d in friendship. But Loyol.a C(Iouldn't advance t'he' Q. D., Shockley Brady Saturday to meet Frostburg State World-wide frlennshlp seems a weud- ball, so 'Santon kicked thirty-five L. rH.. Ol'betz Baldaccl Normal. e!'1tuI thIng as spoken of 'Oy Dr. Fi- yards to Western Marylands' twenty- R. H., Chambers O'Connell The- line-up: field. It has llJ.eensaid t1mt the. way five-},ard l.ine. RegainIng the oall, F. 8., Portz Adams O. L., Stol'l'er R. H.• Inslf)Y to Ibe richly rewarded' is, to get an Tanton gained seven yards through Touchdowns~Baldaccl, Wolfingt.on. I. Loo Parr C, H., NicllOls c. In1erest In life and hold it. right tackle. Loyola then was ,thrown Peints arter touchdown - Adams Coo Beauchamp L. H.. Payne 'ffhe -third element, ReverenCe, was for a seven-yard less and forced' t.o (drop-kick). Floyd (missed drop_ 1. R., Roherts R. B., St_art nearest te the heart o-f the speaker. kick. kic-k). Referee-Po.rte.r (St. J(Iohn's). O. R., Dell!nger L. n., ,Reed H~s manner changed rfrom that of an Long. 'beginning a right-end run. Umpire- Schmidt-(eity College), G, Um'barger Interesting spea'ker to that o-f an in- reversedl t.h'e field and race.d! sixty-fin Time of Quarters-l0 and 12 minutes Snbs>titutl.ons: SnlJi.van for Dell- teresUng preacher, and be spo-ke of yards thron;gh the entire Loyola team in.ger: Dellinger for Reed. the grf)a.tness back or the whole nnl- lor the second touchd.own, W. W. ENTERTAINS FACUI,TY Goals: Ro-berts, Beauchamp. Re- verse with feeling that waS' impressed Lo-ng failed t.o add ihe extra poln,t feree: DalHne (Swarthmore), Time upon his hearerS. T-o him, even the on a placement kick. Last Wednesday the W. W's. enter- of halves: 30 m!ll'lIt-ea. often ridIculed dandelion speaks or The opening of the second Quarter tained the lacult}- ilt a delightfully the greatness ()f God. Just as other saw a ki.cking dueL Buck Cllamlbera, informal tea. which also sef'ved as a DR. BOXS"ET'fE IS DO~OR qualitles are cultivated aond enlarged, former :\1arine, waS' Injured and forced bo-use-warming f.or the new club-ro(lom, APproximately h'undred and so It may be wltlh reverence. WIth an to leave the ,field. Western Maryland Pn.tted pla·nts, fragrant red carna- fifty volumes of Spanisb and French appropriate ver·se Q!' scripture Dr. Fi- kicked ,t.o Loyola',g tweuty-&\ght-yard tlons, 'fund gayly upholstered .grey literature were recently donated to field's talk was ended. line. w\o.ker, mest effectively carried out the college library ~ Dr. Ferdi,uand Shorty Long received a pnnt from the c.olor scbeme, composed of the Bonuotie. the highly este-emed head of FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Tanton and· made a spectacular open- ciJUJbcolors, scarlet and silver. The 'the department of modern languages, NOYflmrber7, U. S. Naval Acadl'lmy, flel-d rnn ,for .sixty yards and a tOllch- spirit "Of hoopita.lity seemed to radiate of this institution, 'l1he lbooks are away, down ,through the. entire Loyola !from the s'Oftly sha.doo lamp, the ,glow ~n~:~DJ~;~S~1easn~nt~:~ :::~:g ;11;~: :;;;~ :r;:::~o r~~t!~~ wa:o d e~~l; H~me C~mlng Day. ~~~~e~as g~'~:nd:O;I~:~~: :~;.c;ees~~ tbese languages to spend many pleas- Nonmlber 14, Washi'Tlgton College, ern 'Maryland kicked off and teward cream~tlnted! walls. Kitty Coonan uratle h.onrs pernsing their pages, home. the cloo~ or the haIr 'Coach Shroyer pouroo. tea with an air of true Irish Dr. Bonnotte merUs our Sincerest FatJler's Day_ sent in several s-ubstitutl"ls. The haH cordiality, and the coldness or thil day tha.nks, which we hea.rtily exte-nd to Novemib(!.r 21, Manhattan Unlver-elty, ended with the Iball In midfield in was ,forgo-tten in the geniality or the home, (-Continued on page rour.) social atmosphere,
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