Page 12 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 12
Page 4_ The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. urvrxc nEVIVEiS E~'l'HLrSIASJ1 XXXX XXXXXXXXX X XXXXX X XXX X X X XXXXXXXXXXXX%XXXXXXXXl' Irviug Lltera ry Society InetfoL' the first time in two yeara (Ill :.1ondllr Westminster's Cut Rate Store octceer 12th. '1'11'<) meeting was II total success and it 1001,s as though the continuation or the same is as- sured. More o-ft·lJe real-apirit o-f 11'1'· 61 W. Main St. Klee Apartments lng 11HIl'vailed during \,hi·s meeting than- at any gathering of the eocie ty The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. In. tne last three or tour years. Milch credit should be gtveu to those Cellow~ woo were inanh-ed by the need or sucn an organization as GET OUR PRICES tnis, and who d.!dJnot Mop trying to get the soclety on its feet, until they Iliad aroused in HIQ student body the Creams uecessar-,- spirit. aud deerre for 3 Face Powders eocterv. to have ll, carry nn. The prog fOI' the evening went Talcum Powder Toilet Articles 'Over with a nioom. Pete" Rawlings waa awarded the "automatic fiy Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets swatter." by virtue of his ability to interpret "barnyard" language and tv duplicate the stru$gling efforts, put j(()rth ,lJy the -westem Maryland Exp.ress .... ,Other raaturee of the pro- Sodas Cigars gram were the speeches of Mr. RaIph .Oover . an aiumnus and ex-Irving, "Pete" Garrett, Willard Hawkins and Cigarettes 13e pk. or 2 for 25e. ChaL)in Day. Burdette all~ Warfield tentertainecl. wit1~ a aaxapuone duet and woonwarc ,ann "Weary" Walters added 10 tlw spirit of th-e OCCM~?n CALL IN. with "wise cracks" and philosophical loyallyI~~~::~~~::::~~~~~~~::~::~~~~~~~~~:::~~~ wit, le8evlng the concluding I.umber ~---~- --~-- --~_-- eang Its ALma Mater who XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXiXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXunn to the wllole audlence COLl,E(.IE (.;JtATTt:11 SENlOn CLASS OUGA~IZES "EBS1'ER \ WAKES I For guaranteed Shoe Repair- Monday afternoon. October 12. the __ ~ mg, try the Tile absent mind.ed Professor senior class met and elect-e-d orttcer s 'Ne" EnUl\l~l3Sm Elidellt.. QUALITY SHOE SHOP ~~a:r:)thii~ =:~~r:hec~:;~i~~~~u may' ~:2L' ~:as(~~p:;-Soo r:~~~ellc~~:e~reecs~~ Real Webster spmt was prevalent 96 W. Malll Street uve IlIbilHy last year. aud-ilo witb last Monday nlghl at the mee1=. PrICeS reasonable The sophomore-s !\lust B!pend most him agsill as leader. the 01 '200 ing O'f the year. At least fifty men fJ D Katz Prop (lel,already ll'I'O\'oo herself n competent nOotlower an eyelid d'uring the even~ \Wright bu1,Jkon the Hlil again, and! secretal'y wos unanilllously re- ing. Edll\'ar(~ Reamy produced truly Jobbers and Retail Dealers espeCially glal! toO see h,el' looking so eleated. '''rick'' Stone will take care celes,tlal strains with his harmonica. [ !well. of the fi'nances of the class in the "Fl'eddie" Bowers andl Henben HIl?- in General Haldware position of Lreasul'er. 'rhe- I.tistorian. ,gins pl'ov.ed themselves veterans llt It gave the .calllllU!;'a .more natursl Virginia Piltman, and the- prophets, t~le srt or .O'val expres~io:l. _:'" men~ IHeating & Plumbin Systems coLor when the "jnolinnanites" came Chapin ]);ay and Florence i\1esslck. tlon "Sml\m' ThT(}ugh' unpIles that g automatically hold the sa!\le effice. lRoland<'Wil,oon was the solOIst of the, Installed. {lout agsin. With th.ese ()fficer,s of e)(c~pt'on!ll e.1'ening. 1'I1essr,s. "ritson, High and I ability tlle class '26, !Should h~I'e the (Estimates Furnished) ~;.::~n,r~~~I~~y, h~r.m~~yRi;.itt: r ~~;~ al1~es~7ss ~;~:~i~~rk:rllr;t~:~I~edK~:le~ bes~ I~ear yet, scholastJcally all'll :n~,~ntel'e.DCe In l8altimll'!'e last week- soc.os . _ ~:::~:::~:::::::~:~':':~:'tO::::::::Bab-YIO;&Up-pYCom~pa~y WESTEU~ -MARH,\NI) 1)t:f'EATS meetmg was conducted III order to KF.l'iTUl:KY WESl,ln'AN Mildred' 'Carne-s ~lad a "pip" time ele.c~ officers. 'The followiD,g were Iii l-ast week-end. at the (Continued trom page one.) elected: Ballard ""ard, pl'e-8ident; C, FLORSHEIM SHOES game eote. TIl& line-up: , IA. Stewart, 'ViCe"iPTesi'dent: Ed'ward' W.M. K. W !Reamy, secreta.ry; John Wo(){ien. STETSON HATS !"i()ted in the soph()mor.e historY' L. E, E. Williams Cap-l H. J()hnson treasurer, and G. E. Richter. crltlc. ~~: "When HenTY died, S'Ildd-e-nly L. T. Pikulskl Winn With such a capa,ble group Of cffiCerso International iii -Normandy, II .grave situation con- L. G. Weisner Rouse and so many loyal members support- 'ranted England." C. Ivers()n Jones ing th.em, Webster Is sure to be a Suits R. G. Bona F, J()hnson Vilry much worih-while society (hls Th<0re were th08e wh() envied "Dot" R. T. Roach Ross Heavy Woo1 Sweaters I),mll!,;all aud he\' numerous W
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