Page 105 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 105
THE GOLD BUG Vol. 3, No. 27 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. May 25, 26, f'ISA.L E.xA.1n~Al'lOiiiS CO)l)IEHElIE:>iT Wr,t;K Monday, )by 31~t., to t'rida,l'. June ~'OllrtlJ._to .'r1t1nr. anne 'l'n~dnr. Julie [Ighth Schedule For Commencement gwn rtz aud Grosnlckle. 6-2. !I-S. Charles Rensch uue to [he added events of pte-ear- i:." contest. sack 1',':'1'. jocker race. n.;I.'1',\ SWJIA 1(..\1'1',\ J)I~~En wosteru vlarylaud. 3; Getrysburg, 3. "Betty" Tarfatlille "Jerrv" Pritchard a: d tbree-Iuacerl race. Ever-y ruem- Sjllg'le~. Penelope :\10011. "romnw'' )lassey :'1': ot .the corns ts required 10 enter urar Call1ies Iuu was the scene of Kirchner, C1., heat Condon, 4-6, 6-4. Emmeltne Ltnt.rou ... Blanche Ford S'; evem. and only one field 11.11<1cue II reeuve utnuer 'rueedav avantng. 10-8. Rose.. "elma Richmond H .uk event as >l muxtmuu, In order The ueuo Sigma rcunna undergrauu- Ho~'el', W. M., Ileal Secrist, 6-1, 6-2. t!!. 1 no ~iU"'!l' man tan take every area eutertnlned the graduating mem- WOO(1wIP'U, W. :II., IlEat Cott eu, 6-4, 'I'H.: socn;'I'Y CO~'J'ESl' ennt 'fh(- officials tor the meet are Iwrs of the clul, at runner. Tile tallies 6-1. l.:nusual iuteresr is being maul- L -ut. Waters. rereree: "Barney" were tas.~erullyal"l"anged with non- tcoeu. G., beat Brynnt, 6-;{, 7-5. tested uus SIH"ingin the anuuat Inter- : t~~:~'11:\~'~'~::lle~~ll:or staff offiCErs :~~l:~sll~;C.JII~:~)l:~he;~;~I~I~·an;~:~\V~~:Kh-chner ill](ln~:~~~:~, C., beat COil- :;e~~~Yso("~;:;:~ri\~~\"ii('O\:ll::~tede~~!~ :O;fli('(lul(' 01' E1Cliis. banlied with deep red tullllS, and the don and flryant, 7-5. 7-5. enrollments as a result of vigorous \:1., fli,,;h jump. 11IoI-.l mil .. nlll. I Hlraln. ~o-aS(miSll"I!~"" and Junior rf'll- Woodward. W.. 11.. I)(Hll Streamer, 6-2, the fOUl' socletles followS: -:. (I Rloolny J"ace~. rl!Sentalll'l!: :l1!1I~ J011111l(Oll nnd .\.fi8~ 6-0. Il"vinl;" tollte~tants-,J. Edwanl Mc- 3:':; $_H-k r3('es Howe. of lht' SOI)1l01ll0re and !i'l"~h- Bryont, W. :I!.. heal Vought, 6-0, 6-1. Kln-s1ry and CUl'l"oli Alvin Hoyer . .;:1" Thn'('-ie~gf'd rae'!!, lll!!U da)<8.e .. , n"!:Illeclively. ":'.lotlle1"" Ooui)I{>!I. -"Yeollster C"o1lte'!>tant&----J. Pa u I fi;Fi Wheel barrow race!>, Wills, Ihe gUC-SIor lionor, In a short Woodward, I~. [lnd Br.raut, W. ~1., Lamhl:'rtson and Hubert K. Jollnson. ~'-,!'l Jo~key race. ~Jlef'l!h presenlNl the club with a beat Stl'oomer and Duhol'ecky, 6-1, Browning contestants-"\Iir!am J. ~ _2.i Equipment race. Sill'!!I' loving CUll, E'ngruved with the 6-2. RO~'er Rnd E{lIlh Case. 5:3.' P1E'-eating (.'Olltellt. \I'm·d!!. "Oella Sigma Kapp!!., from Broll and Woodwu\"(1 W., W. l\1., be-at Phi\Oillathean cOlltE'stnllts-Har.el M. Award!ll!! of medals. \lllthf'r \V\Il!'. 1!l26.'· Vorlage and Vou!;"ht. 6-\. 6-0. Bl"ntt, and G. Virgln!a Wright.
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