Page 76 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 76
Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Smith & Reifsnider Does Your Fountain Pen Write'! "I have nob words to. express my feeling," l the thrilltng wordS of-c-ask Irma! I Soph "male supporters" treat, second real' COAL Is Your Pencil In Good Order? If Not Bring It To :chamlIS. LUMBER We are all rDI' Irene. who. pluyatl the Westminster Jewelry ~~~~~and played it well. in spite of a broken BUILDING SUPPLIES Shop I Anita. Snedden entertained a number of 1 ~Z~\ha on her bu-thdn y. Age-? cocrt time- ~~\~"~:S~'n~"'~'~ST~E~.II~,~)1~"~'''~''~.''~'~'''~~ We will repair it at a reasonable: lla~~~~~nrllaS~~~:/l~m:I~~l1~~t~:'~I(~/~I~;\ ~~~~ F. A. Sharrer & Son price, 10% reduction made on mer-' Virginia's Wl"IS~ was broken durtng uie I Sonhomore-Sentor game, and she loS cal"!"}'-I I chandise for students, and faculty. ~~~t i~Oal:'o~~~~,tl\~a~h\~I;Yn~ll;;~:i~!eaf~:!;~ J. FRANCIS REESE. '13, Prop. COURT LUNCH 'ner. she's too goou e '1'''''' on week-end I , ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE A general exodus o.f gantora Mteeee visits, Beatson, :'.1ntlhews, Anauu. WM. E. ECSHENBACH, Prop Wheeler. we-nero. Stolle. 'ruomos. :\lehl'lng'l B1WNSWICK RECORDS (,u,'FEl"I'IOXlm¥, ~()I),\. & ('WAilS and Huley. 187 E. Main St. "Jlnnie" Pittman aped away (0 gutttmore The Latest Dance Music. ~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~l'~~l~ \~j!~~st~n~~~:~~nt(~lel~;;e;'h~~:rtl:~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~ WESTMINSTER 5c & lOc STORE week-end. SEE YOURSELF 67 E. Main St. Westminster Carey Knauff had as her guest nvur Lhe next door to ween-eon. at hel' home In S~'ke~l"ille, 001'0- AS Westminster Meat Market I thy Baughman. Same Goods at. Lower Prices. Rel'eroud Schllnke. of OnmIJerl[lnd, spent W[LSON ~~~~~~~~~~.,...~ ~a~~'Orv\sl~~::~gor:li~hed~I\;~h~~~~da~ll~~cl~~~t~~ SEES YOU D S GEHR ! Suhltnke, of the Freshmtln class. Pr-ldny I • • amertatned lust Kntbr yn H,,,,, evenlng in honor o~ Wss Vesta ,,"Wls, who Wilson Studio Wholesale and Retail ~\~~~~~tjt~l:\t:(~;;e~ld~~;:jt;:~r~,\ll;~~eg~~~:~ HARDWARE ~~\~lrl~ Ilj1 ~a~ne~~t~~\~ed"I~~s:··~~~~~T~"~K~·~"~V~O~tl~"~S~II~"~E~~ hi-eke rather "early." 'I' It I) II n I, 1-: IS '1'0 WEHLER & KING URUGGISTS The. Rexall Store WESTMINSTER. MP
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