Page 71 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 71
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page 3. BELT &BELT The presence of two YO\lllgmen on Senter Y. W, ))I$('USSION GnO[lp nan Sunday anemocn created quna a sen- Baughman "not': ON Jo'IUE~))SIIIl' 9-11-13 E. MAIN STREET (ConlJlllled tmm pnge one.) .eauo», but alas! that one or uie young men in- the girls termed ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ~~'~~l!i~~~lfh~l':~)\~~t~.t~~le~I,t~~i:!\l~~/rt:~b~ t:~~:ll; ~~1~;~I~~-I;~-~~\~~!l~U~\1:h:nt~irlr~ne criticized. Friendship begins with mmunl Have you seen? likill$, but it. must grow. in order to stanrl IHTG XJo:WS the tosts of true and worthy Irlendahtp. Prof,_Why was Char-lea v's reign un- One of the hest known examples of a uoule easy and lasting friendship i$ the one fouud in Sturle-c-well. (ltl)',hmly's life would be un- The New WALK-OVER OXFORDS the Bible, that of David and Jonathan. To en sy. tr he llvejl undar a diet of worms. he able to say "[ cannot think (}f my friend wttnont atuvaucn." IS to possess something 1Jrr:l-Wllat a that handsome or great value, on which man nor time can men :II'e alwaya for !\Cenand Women, a New Wide Toe nen-tve one. Rob-/l:ot atwn ys. 'rile Are~ nuve 11 tat. Porter-Yon Slife nave one bi~ RIlle eyes mean you'I'e true; moutu. J. Thomas Anders Grey hlack eyes merely graclcue ; you're blue holp 2nd Porter-Say of YOII!' race: alnt no key- meau you're man, that mean tn the front But In several otber ntaces I Imagine the goof who fooled hlmselftllto he wna 0 det eet.lve beca use he r-un lhlnkin,!{ CONEY ISLAND Geo. R. Grumbine I down the heels on hl~ shoes. HOT WEINERS I ~l::l;;el~(!'t ~~li~h~?ornlng Ilfte-r-How til!! YOU W. Main Street Fresh Meats, Groceries, F'rosh-c-Fvne. until the floor ~li]l!led out from under mv hI'li There and I ,thirteen were' lW{,;l'e "Free-traders" a,ll(1 tIle J.I.MYERS ~J<]r'otlomics "Pro[ect"ionists" ill lied the ,)[1ll101' VO[(!, dass. PI'Or Hant'l. I General Merchandise I[when he WenL Democrnllr..:_ WATCH MAKER I Th!! man gol llil on the scnles to wei!!;h, I Pennsylvania avenue & Main Street, ~;:f\'I;~li\~.rl Ihat he hnt! falien off, :-{e gO!
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