Page 80 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 80
Page 4. The Go1d Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Smith & Reifsnider I PO"'~~"~~~,,:t~a~t~~"""d.I ~?E~~!E~~~'~~ COAL ~nt tile week-end on lhe Hill, vl'sitlng Miss CONFECTIONlm\', SOn,\,. tWA RS 11:\'0. Lynch ot the" Sophomore class. Satur- day evening Miss Lynch gave a party In 187 E. Main St. LUMBER the Mission Parter. Miss stees and Protl~===~=~~~=~~ I Ranck were chaperones and the crowd had I WESTMINSTER 5c & IOc STORE a merry time p.laylng rook. There. were BUILDING SUPPLIES twelve guests, who enjoyed themselves Im- 67 E. MainSt. Westminster I ~~~IYbY t:?:I~~~~~~anr~fl~.~:~lmentg were next door to WESTMlNS1'EU, ){,\RHAND. Westminster Meat Market ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I gi.:::I;~tuSr~~; e~~~el~~i:~da c!rd n~~rr;~;.r of Same Goods at Lower Prices. F. A. Sharrer & Son tained aU the Sophomore girts in McDaniel D. S. GEHR How's uits for class sntrtt and generosity? and 'Rosalie Smith 't'tietma Cross enter- J. FRANCIS REESE. '13, Prop, Hall at a ,big feed 'Tuesday evening. The partcra were unusually popular Wholesale and Retail Thursday and Friday evenings. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE I We are glad t~Leizear nnd Dee HARDWARE BRUNSWICK RECORDS Beachley back on the campus again, A number of men at the college are= of J. G. c.. Dean warren ,reels the spirit The Latest Dance Music. the day before tile initiation. Il
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